The article discusses the history of the formation and activity of the Polish orthodox chaplaincy in the three western occupation zones of Germany after World War II. At that time, there were hundreds of thousands of refugees from Poland in the area. In terms of religion they constituted a mosaic. The followers of the Orthodox Church were the second largest group after the Catholics. The authorities of the Republic of Poland in exile felt obliged to provide these people with religious care. Led by Archbishop Sawa (Sowietov), priests carried out the ministry in Germany. The author has analyzed the political and social conditions in which the structures of the Polish Orthodox Church in refugee camps in West Germany were organized and functioned. The author has also presented the influence of the ethnic factor on the activity of the Polish Orthodox clergy.
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The article deals the topic of the education of migrants, specifically to a pupil who, along with his family, received asylum in the Czech Republic. The first part of the study is devoted to introducing the issue of the education of pupils with refugee backgrounds. We deal with the question of who is a refugee student and we also try to briefly describe the educational theories, from which the topic may be inspired. The largest part of the text is devoted to the analysis of a case study in which we try to see the issue through the eyes of the three stakeholders: the mother of the pupil, the teacher of the pupil and the pupil himself. The study analyses qualitative processed semi-structured interviews. As a research design we chose a case study because we are convicted it is the right way to get deeper into the issue, which is of interest to our country and the world.
The phenomenon of migration exists not only in the realm of speculation at the turn of the century or demagogy with a certain dose of decadency or pessimism but also it is grasped by the prophetic mission of the Church, which observes and analyses signs of our times simultaneously demanding the answers adequate to the human conditions and situations which constantly change. Diagnosing human mass movements, the roots and consequences of mobility of thousands of nomads, the defining of human journey to the oasis – the place of meeting, hospitality, opportunity for personality development with possibility of remaining different among numerous races, cultures and religions is a reason to make brave decisions. The contemporary exodus has reached catastrophic proportions and hence it has become a huge problem for those in power and the entire societies including the Church within the global dimension.John Paul’s thought immortalised in the papal documents, based on his own historical experience and careful analysis of the current affairs, is still an inspiration to many discussions that lead to concrete decisive steps toward defining social identity. A migrant’s problem will be solved, notes the Pope, when people become brothers and sisters, and when love will become the strength to change. For us, the contemporary “watchmen for daybreak”, creators of open societies based on solidarity achieving this goal is a duty.
Container settlements (CS) have been widely used as emergency and temporary dwellings in Europe due to the advantages of rapid deployment, cost-efficiency and relatively good living standards. Nevertheless, many authors emphasize the risks of disturbing the spatial order and stigmatization of residents that can lead to deepening the feeling of unrooting and generate substantial social problems. The purpose of the article is to demonstrate the main architectural characteristics of CS built in Ukraine to address internal migration caused by war. Multiple comparative case study includes 18 settlements built for internally displaced persons (IDPs) in three distinctive phases. The research focuses on the features critical to human comfort and life quality: settlement size, program, building typology, spatial arrangement, circulation, unit layout, degree of privacy. Results show that developments from 2015 and 2022 have similarities including basic program, size of dwelling units and density, but there are important differences related to the time allocated to designing and construction as well as expected period of operation. Basic recommendations for improving existing and planned developments are increasing the privacy by creating collective-private space outside and inside, developing a rich program, use existing greenery and new landscaping, providing good transit to the urban centres, using all-year weatherproof typologies and technical solutions suitable for long-term use. This fact must be considered in the process of designing new CS for IDPs and refugees, that are being planned and constructed in Ukraine and Europe.
Osiedla kontenerowe były szeroko stosowane jako schronienie ratunkowe i tymczasowe mieszkania w Europie ze względu na zalety szybkiego rozmieszczenia, opłacalności i stosunkowo dobrego standardu życia. Mimo to wielu autorów podkreśla zagrożenia związane z naruszeniem ładu przestrzennego i stygmatyzacją mieszkanców, co może prowadzić do pogłębienia poczucia wykorzenienia i generowania istotnych problemów społecznych. Celem artykułu jest pokazanie głównych cech architektonicznych osiedli kontenerowych budowanych na Ukrainie w celu przeciwdziałania migracji wewnętrznej spowodowanej wojną. Wielokrotne porównawcze studium przypadku obejmuje 18 osiedli zbudowanych dla osób wewnętrznie przesiedlonych w trzech fazach: siedem osad w 2015 r. w obwodach dnieprowskim, charkowskim i zaporoskim, cztery osady w pierwszej połowie 2022 r. w obwodzie lwowskim i siedem w drugiej połowie 2022 r. w obwodzie kijowskim i lwowskim. Badania skupiają się na cechach decydujących o komforcie i jakości życia: wielkości osiedla, programie, typologii zabudowy, układzie przestrzennym, komunikacji, układzie jednostek, stopniu prywatności. Wyniki pokazują, że przypadki z lat 2015 i 2022 wykazują podobieństwa w zakresie podstawowego programu, wielkości jednostek mieszkalnych i intensywności, ale różnią się czasem przeznaczonym na projektowanie i budowę oraz przewidywanym okresem eksploatacji i typologią. We wszystkich przypadkach mieszkańcy woleli pojedyncze jednostki prywatne niż większe budynki o wspólnym programie. Podstawowe zalecenia dotyczące istniejących i planowanych zespołów to zwiększenie prywatności poprzez tworzenie przestrzeni kolektywno-prywatnej na zewnątrz i wewnątrz, opracowanie bogatego programu, wykorzystanie istniejącej zieleni i nowej małej architektury, zapewnienie dobrego dojazdu do ośrodków miejskich, stosowanie typów zabudowy odpornych na warunki atmosferyczne i technicznych rozwiązań odpowiednich do długotrwałego użytkowania. Ważnym wnioskiem jest to, że mieszkania w kontenerach są użytkowane dłużej niż planowano. Fakt ten musi być brany pod uwagę w procesie projektowania nowych osiedli kontenerowych dla przesiedleńców i uchodźców, które są planowane i budowane na Ukrainie i w Europie.
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