The article examines the peculiarities in reformation of the future technology teachers preparation in the Nordic countries in the end of XX century which defined their success and international recognition in the international educational space. Based on Nordic authentic scientific literature, it was revealed the particularities of educational reforms in each of the Nordic countries.
W pracy omówiono mierniki stosowane do oceny zużycia rur katalitycznych pracujących w piecach chemicznych do parowego reformingu metanu. Przedstawiono najczęściej stosowane nieniszczące metody badań zużycia oparte na pomiarze pełzaniowego zwiększenia wymiarów rur, głębokości pęknięć pełzaniowych i ubytku czynnej grubości ścian rur. Słowa kluczowe: rury katalityczne, zużycie pełzaniowe, metody nieniszczące, reformer metanu
The methods of creep damage evaluation of catalytic tubes used in chemical furnaces for steam reforming of methane have been discussed in the paper. The most widely used, non-destructive methods of creep damage evaluation based on measurements of the diametrical growth of the tubes, the reveal of creep cracks and the assessment of the remaining wall thickness have been considered.
Glycerine as waste from production accounts for about 10% of the obtained amount of biodiesel. It is a very attractive substance for the industry, however, currently the industry is not able to absorb such a large amount of glycerine produced during the production of fuel. Therefore, one should look for other ways of disposing of glycerol with simultaneous benefit in the form of energy yield or useful products / semi-finished products. The development of glycerine is necessary due to the continuous development of the biofuel market. In the near future, surplus glycerine may pose serious problems in the growth of biodiesel production. The publication presents the results of scientific research on the use of liquid technical glycerine and its processing products in the gasification process, as engine fuel.
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