The review refers to the rich theoretical and empirical study on students of first year of Polish educational reform. The author presents the content of each of five chapters of the book that is focused on the image of the school in the graduates experience. She underlines pioneer character and variety of dimensions of the research. She appreciates the wide context of the research.
The new system of evaluation and advancement of teachers introduced in Poland in 1999/2000 was supposed to prepare teachers for new tasks and challenges. The amended Teacher’s Charter included the participation of external bodies from outside of school in this system. The article focuses on the analysis of assessment of the system and proposals for its changes suggested by employees of Supervisory Offices, local authorities which run schools, and experts from the Ministry of Education. Some results of research project The evaluation of effectiveness of teachers’ professional advancement system and quality of school work based on a qualitative method of collecting and processing data are used in the article. Some aspects of teachers’ advancement system functioning were assessed in a similar way by various bodies participating in this process. A commonly shared opinion was that its requirements are too low and that way it neither selects nor diagnoses candidates applying for higher professional levels. The requirements are too theoretical and do not evaluate practical skills. It is worth mentioning that in many cases the assessment of the system was relatively closely related to the role and place of assessing bodies within the system. Strongly enough, local authorities are more willing to introduce changes to the system than the experts from the Ministry of Education.
The article is based on nationwide research on the system of teachers’ professional promotion, conducted in the years 2010–2012. It presents the main advantages and disadvantages of the system, which was reformed more than ten years ago. The evaluation is made by primary and lower secondary school teachers and principals. The analysis of the gathered materials shows the necessity of important change of the system of promotion and many postulates are formulated in the article, such as: reduction of bureaucracy and formalism, change of procedures, adaptation of advancement requirements to the needs of teachers and schools, solving the problem of teachers’ motivation for systematic professional development, after they achieve the highest degree of the professional ladder.
Jednym z narzędzi reform oświatowych są zmiany dokonywane w dokumentach programowych, wynikające z ponownego (do)określania przez władze oświatowe obrazu podmiotów edukacji: dzieci/uczniów, rodziców, nauczycieli. Podjęte w artykule rozważania dotyczą formalnych oczekiwań wobec edukacji dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym, określanych w polskich aktach urzędowych w trakcie kolejnych reform oświaty. Zamierzeniem naszym jest głos w dyskusji, toczącej się obecnie w związku z wprowadzaną reformą w polskim systemie oświaty. Celem artykułu jest zwrócenie uwagi na wybrane, negatywne mechanizmy funkcjonowania edukacji w Polsce, co czynimy na przykładzie sposobu wprowadzania podstawy programowej wychowania przedszkolnego. Wybór pola problemowego podyktowany został kilkoma czynnikami. Przede wszystkim, jak wynika z przedstawionej analizy literaturowej, wychowanie przedszkolne jest najczęściej pomijanym etapem edukacji przy okazji dyskusji dotyczących kolejnych reform oświatowych w Polsce. Ponadto zauważamy, że permanentność zmian w polskim prawie oświatowym nasila koncentrację na dydaktycznej funkcji edukacji przedszkolnej, odwracając uwagę od znaczenia aktywności społecznej dziecka odnajdującego swoje miejsce w środowisku i w kulturze. Z tego względu w artykule poszukujemy odpowiedzi na pytanie o zasadność zmian wprowadzanych w programowych założeniach edukacji dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym.
One of the tools of education reform are the modifications made to the curriculum–the related documents which arise from the image of the subjects of education, viz.: kids/schoolchildren, parents, teachers [re]defined by the education authorities. The considerations taken up in this article regard formal expectations towards the education of preschool children, determined in Polish official acts in the course of successive education reforms. We undertake discussions on the education reform now being introduced to the Polish system of education. The article is aimed at shedding some light on some selected, negative operating mechanisms of education in Poland, which we accomplish by taking as an example the way of introducing new core curricula of preschool education. The selection of the task field has been dictated by a few factors. First of all, the item of preschool education is the stage of education - most avoided in discussions on successive education reforms in Poland. Moreover, we should notice that the permanent nature of changes to the Polish law on education will intensify the focus on the didactic function of pre-school education by diverting attention from the importance of the social activity of a child searching for their place in their environment and culture. Therefore, we deem it justified to seek answers to the question of the legitimacy of the changes introduced to the syllabus assumptions for the education of pre-school children.
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