Music, due to its peculiar character, can be a great source of various family and holiday experiences. The article presents selected reflections of students of pedagogy on the subject of family Christmas and singing Christmas carols. In the students’ opinion, returns to family Christmas traditions are very necessary, if only because of strengthening family ties, cultivating traditions, developing interest in Christmas music, which is a companion of every human being.
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This article traces in broad strokes the evolution of the intimate relationship between mathematical logic and computer science. The emphasis is on turning points in this relationship, i.e., moments when new directions of research were opened and new connections were established between the two fields. The article is not a comprehensive account and history of the relationship, but a personal perspective of a profoundly changed, and still changing, inter-dependence between two mainstays of the mathematical disciplines.
There seems to a pressing need for a discussion about contemporary criminology and the challenges confronting it in today’s world to be undertaken among the practitioners of this discipline. The article signposts some of the many topics around which this discussion should center. One might, for instance, ask whether the findings of studies carried out to date are still applicable in analysis of contemporary crime which has become different in kind and degree and occurs in an immensely more complicated social reality. Many authors have indicated concern about the standard and range of theoretical discussion in contemporary criminology. Questions are also being asked about the utility of the accomplishments of theoretical criminology for description of contemporary crime and its underlying causes in the societies of late modernity. A feature of contemporary societies is the ubiquity of threats from crime defined as both an objective fact and a subjective element ofthe social consciousness. It is not only that victimization by crime is becoming increasingly widespread (which is an objective fact); a crime-driven sense of menace and fear is also spreading. This is exerting a self-evident influence on the organization of private and communal life and the functioning of formal social control. The ubiquity of fears of crime helps to boost support among the public for the doctrine of law and order in its various forms. In societies afflicted by high crime rates there has been a spread of attitudes of frustration, hostility and anger towards criminality, offenders and so-called “liberal” policies on crime. Acceptance of an expansion of the extent of formal social control (meaning in effect tougher sentencing of criminals) is on the rise. Tendencies toward politicization of the menace of crime can be very clearly observed. The adoption of tougher policies on crimo is leading in many countries to an extraordinary growth of the prison population, but has done nothing to reduce crime or abate fears. Some people talk of a “crisis of penology”. Given this situation (politicization of the problem), it might be asked whether criminology is still a socially useful discipline. Another question (and source of concern) has to do with criminologists’ ability to analyze crime in circumstances of social change. Misgivings on this matter are aroused by a tendency to concentrate on description of contemporary crime (e.g. in countries in the process of transition) than on investigation of its causes. There are, therefore, grounds for wondering about the utility of traditional criminological theories and the possibilities of accounting, at the theoretical level, of the factors underlying contemporary changes in crime. At a time of manipulation of the public’s fears of crime can criminologists make any effective contribution to formulation of policies in this field? What should the research priorities in an age of so-called “new threats” from crime? Is tere still a place for investigation of the issue of norms and values (especially in the context of the differences’ between criminals and non-criminals)? How is the state of criminology affected by internationalization of crime, advances in communications and globalization? It seems obvious that it is time embark on research projects of a cross-cultural nature – but is cooperation between criminologists hailing from decidedly differing cultural backgrounds feasible? Lastly, does criminology’s accomplishments to date entitle us to draw conclusions about contemporary crime?
In the last 20 years in Italy, thanks to the continued effort of qualified authors, children’s literature has radically renewed, becoming an interesting workshop where different techniques and styles are tried out, and where important issues, sometimes even awkward ones, are confronted in an adequate way. In this panorama we find the bestseller of Paola Zannoner, Voglio fare la scrittrice, which was published in 2007. Its protagonist, Mia, is an average teenager who belongs to an average Italian family. This apparent normality is the strength of this character: girls can identify with her. Amusing and interesting, the text is an observation instrument of the modern Italian family: teenagers who criticise adults, family not fitting into traditional stereotypes, and parents who remain eternal children. The text contains pros even on an educational level by means of interesting metalinguistic reflections: practical tips for writing a good narrative text provided directly by a young girl whose dream is to become a famous writer. This strategy is functional: it connects young female readers with the typical constructs and technical terms of writing workshops, intending to begin to develop in readers a focused textual competence.
In questi ultimi vent’anni, grazie all’impegno costante di autrici e autori qualificati, in Italia la letteratura per l’infanzia si è rinnovata radicalmente, divenendo un interessante laboratorio dove si sperimentano tecniche e generi diversi, e dove vengono affrontate in modo adeguato anche tematiche serie, a volte persino scomode. È in questo panorama che si colloca il fortunato libro di Paola Zannoner, Voglio fare la scrittrice, pubblicato nel 2007. Protagonista è Mia, una normalissima adolescente appartenente ad una normalissima famiglia italiana: proprio in questa apparente normalità sta la forza di questo personaggio in cui le ragazzine possono ritrovarsi senza tanta fatica. Scorrevole, umoristico e accattivante, esso finisce col costituire un perfetto strumento di osservazione della famiglia italiana moderna: adolescenti critici nei confronti del mondo degli adulti; famiglie distanti dal modello stereotipato offerto dagli schemi tradizionali; genitori aventi la pretesa di rimanere eterni ragazzini. L’opera presenta pregi anche a livello didattico, per via delle interessanti riflessioni metalinguistiche ivi contenute: consigli pratici per realizzare un buon testo narrativo, forniti direttamente da una tredicenne col desiderio di diventare una famosa scrittrice. L’espediente è funzionale: avvicina le giovani lettrici a costrutti e tecnicismi tipici dei laboratori di scrittura, iniziando a sviluppare in loro una mirata competenza testuale.
This paper presents the pre-and-post-reflections of English language instructors concerning the incorporation of a new pedagogy in English as foreign language (EFL) writing classes in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This approach is to integrate and blend wiki-mediated writing into a different course plan, with tasks that fit with the normal syllabi used for teaching writing skills. The methodology took a qualitative approach, specifically by conducting semi-structured pre-and-post-interviews. The qualitative analysis focused on the most frequent themes which occur in both cohorts. The participants, who were faculty members in the chosen institution, gave their reflections after they were shown the processes, thoughts and outcomes produced by the participants who actually applied the course and relevant tasks. It is important to identify instructors’ perspectives as this practice can be applied to enhance (novice) non-native learners of writing in English for academic purposes (EAP). Accordingly, this paper intends to shed light on three vital elements: merits, demerits and some principles for implementation.
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When Group 42 held its first postwar exhibition in 1945, the initiator of the renewal of activity was the young theorist and art critic Jiří Kotalík. The members of the group, namely František Gross, František Hudeček, Jan Kotík, Kamil Lhoták, Jan Smetana, Karel Souček, Josef Kainar, Ivan Blatný and Jiří Kolář, were at that time exhibiting their drawings, watercolours and prints and reciting their poems in the Pošova Gallery in Prague. The exhibition was given a positive reception in the reviews of art critics. Jindřich Chalupecký, who was active in the establishment of Group 42 and in its first exhibitions in 1943, did not participate in the preparations for this exhibition. He waited to see if the members of the association would be able to appear again together in public. The successfully renewed activity of the group nevertheless evoked a reaction from him and in the course of the exhibition, in September 1945, he sent an extensive letter to Jiří Kotalík and all members of the association. In it he analyses the position of the group in the Czech art scene and deals with the basic question of whether to continue. He considers Group 42 to be an elite association, the only one that is modern and stands out from the rest. He recommends maintaining the activity of the group and also its exclusivity. He formulates the programme of the association with the aid of critical questions to which he also supplies the answers. He even foresees the future of Group 42, which he felt should become a centre for further artists. In conclusion he also plans a great retrospective exhibition and the publication of an extensive monograph. In the end these great plans came to nothing. The group organised further exhibitions in Bratislava and in Brno. But this was followed by gradual disintegration and after 1948 Group 42 vanished completely.
Když v roce 1945 uspořádala Skupina 42 svou první poválečnou výstavu, stál u obnovení činnosti mladý teoretik a výtvarný kritik Jiří Kotalík. Členové skupiny, jmenovitě František Gross, František Hudeček, Jan Kotík, Kamil Lhoták, Jan Smetana, Karel Souček, Josef Kainar, Ivan Blatný a Jiří Kolář, tehdy vystavili v Pošově galerii v Praze své kresby, akvarely a grafiky a recitovali své básně. Výstava získala pozitivní odezvu v recenzích výtvarných kritiků. Jindřich Chalupecký, který stál u vzniku Skupiny 42 a u jejích prvních výstav v roce 1943, se příprav této výstavy nezúčastnil. Vyčkával, jestli spolu členové sdružení dokáží znovu veřejně vystoupit. Úspěšně obnovená aktivita skupiny přece jen vyvolala jeho reakci a ještě během trvání výstavy v září roku 1945 poslal Jiřímu Kotalíkovi a všem členům sdružení obsáhlý dopis. V něm rozebírá pozici skupiny v českém uměleckém prostředí a řeší základní otázku, zda pokračovat. Skupinu 42 považuje za elitní, jedinou moderní a vymykající se od ostatních. Doporučuje udržet činnost skupiny i její výjimečnost. Program sdružení formuluje pomocí kritických otázek, na které si však zároveň odpovídá. Předpovídá dokonce budoucnost Skupiny 42, která se má stát centrem pro další umělce. Závěrem plánuje velkou retrospektivní výstavu a vydání obsáhlé monografie. Z velkých plánů nakonec sešlo. Skupina uspořádala ještě výstavy v Bratislavě a Brně. Dále už následoval postupný rozpad a po roce 1948 Skupina 42 zanikla úplně.
W publikacji przedstawiono wymagania prawa o ruchu drogowym w zakresie wprowadzonego w sierpniu 2014 roku obowiązku noszenia akcesoriów odblaskowych przez pieszych poruszających się po drogach publicznych poza obszarem zabudowanym. Przedstawiono również zasadę działania urządzeń odblaskowych, praktyczne uwagi dla użytkowników oraz opisano pewne problemy wynikające z niedoskonałości przepisów prawa.
The publication presents the requirements of the road traffic law, introduced in August 2014, in the scope concerning the obligation of wearing retroreflective accessories for pedestrians on public roads outside built-up area. It also presents a principle of operation of retroreflective materials, practical tips for users and describes some problems caused by the imperfections of the law.
W tekście autorka podejmuje refleksje nad stanem wiedzy naukowej i społecznej świadomości na temat procesu starzenia się i starości. Szczególnie zwraca uwagę na te zagadnienia, które ukazywane są w sposób niepełny i które powinny być przedmiotem dalszych badań i analiz naukowych. Zalicza do nich fragmentaryczną wiedzę o cielesności, psychiczności i duchowości człowieka starszego, trudne tematy egzystencjalne, doświadczenie śmierci i osamotnienia, zagadnienia wymagające „weryfikacji”, np. kult młodości i zewnętrzności, potrzeby osób starszych, opieka i pomoc w starości, rola rodziny, odniesienie do rozwoju i aktywności, zmiany i pośpiechu, przewidywalność i przygotowanie do starości, a także tzw. gerontologiczne tabu: zaprzeczanie starości i duchowości, odsuwanie kwestii przemijania i transcendencji, towarzyszenie w drodze człowiekowi starszemu. Ukazuje potrzebę traktowania starości jako wartości.
In the text the authoress has reflections on the state of scientific knowledge and social awareness of the topic of ageing process and old age. She particularly pays attention to the issues which are shown in an incomplete way and which should be the subject of further scientific studies and analyses. They include fragmentary knowledge of corporeality, mentality and spirituality of an elderly person, difficult existential topics, among them the experience of death and loneliness, issues requiring “verification”, e.g. the cult of youth and outsideness, the needs of the elderly, care and help in old age, the role of a family, the attitude to development and activity, change and hurry, predictability and preparing for old age and also the so called gerontological taboo: denying old age and spirituality, pushing away the question of passing and transcendentalism, accompanying an elderly person in their journey. She shows the need of treating old age as value.
This paper presents errors that occur in blending digital visualization with digital photos. Many examples demonstrate the ignorance of geometric relations present in perspective mapping. In some cases, it seems that there are not errors but purposeful activities aiming at such presentation of the proposed object that the project will be approved for implementation.
W pracy przedstawiono błędy występujące w wykonywanych łączeniach wizualizacji otrzymanej z programu komputerowego ze zdjęciami cyfrowymi. Wiele przykładów świadczy o nieznajomości związków geometrycznych występujących w odwzorowaniu perspektywicznym. W niektórych przypadkach wydaje się, że nie są to błędy a celowe działania mające na celu takie przedstawienie projektowanego obiektu, by projekt był zaakceptowany do realizacji.
The sketch devoted to the parallel creation spaces in the works of Leopold Staff ’s and Bolesław Leśmian’s is an attempt to show the way reality – in which the poets portray – in conjunction with a mirror. In the analyzed works, the lyrics revealing similarities in borderline and epistemological situations in the lives of the heroes of Staff ’s and Leśmian’s were subjected to interpretation. The use and sexual transformation of the Narcissus myth was indicated, using the instruments offered by comparative mythology
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W opracowaniu przedstawiono metodykę wykonania pomiarów i wyniki pomiarów struktury geologicznej górotworu w otoczeniu wyrobisk górniczych. Pomiar wykonano przy zastosowaniu metody georadarowej. Użyto anten do pomiaru z powierzchni ośrodka oraz anten do pomiaru poprzez wykonane w ośrodku otwory badawcze. Dokonano interpretacji otrzymanych wyników i oceny wpływu obudowy kotwiowej na zaburzenie wyników pomiaru. Dokonano także wstępnej oceny takiej metody jako mogącej mieć zastosowanie w kopalniach KGHM do badań właściwości i struktur geologiczno-górniczych górotworu.
The article presents the methodology of measurement carrying out and measurement results of the rock mass geological structure in the surroundings of mine workings. The measurement was carried out using the georadar method. Antennas for the measurement from the medium surface and antennas for the measurement through exploratory boreholes drilled in the medium were used. The interpretation of obtained results and assessment of influence of among others roof bolting on the disturbances of measurement results were performed. Furthermore, the initial assessment of such a method that could be applied in KGHM mines for investigations of properties and rock mass geological and mining structures was carried out
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