Skonstruowano dwa dwuwymiarowe modele wybranych pułapek gazonośnych w utworach miocenu zapadliska przedkarpackiego. Obecność gazu ziemnego obniża prędkości fal sejsmicznych. Modelowano obraz sejsmiczny zmieniając wielkość obniżenia prędkości spowodowanego występowaniem gazu, a także liczbę warstw zawierających gaz. Modelowano sekcje sejsmiczne zerooffsetowe, jak i zapisy polowe, które następnie przetworzono na sekcje sejsmiczne. Pokazano, jak wskaźniki występowania gazu ziemnego przejawiają się w zapisie sejsmicznym, w warunkach charakterystycznych dla pułapek mioceńskich zapadliska przedkarpackiego.
Two 2-D models of selected gas traps in Miocene strata of the Carpathian Foredeep were constructed. The occurrence of natural gas lowers the velocity of seismic waves. Seismic images were modelled for varioces by variouses magnitudes of the lowering of seismic wave velocity. The number of gas-bearing layers was also different. Zero-offset seismic sections as well as field records were modelled. Field records were subsequently processed to seismic sections. It was shown how gas indicators manifest themselves on seismic images in conditions characteristic of Miocene trap structures of the Carpathian Foredeep.
Permo-Mesozoic Mid-Polish Trough formed eastern segment of the Southern Permian Basin, within which thick series of the Upper Permian (Zechstein) evaporites, including rock salt, have been deposited. During subsidence phase the presence of thick salt series led to regional decoupling between sub-salt basement and supra salt Mesozoic sedimentary cover, and to development of various salt structures. Evolution of salt pillows and diapirs was genetically related to activity of the basement fault zones. The Goleniów, Dzwonowo-Człopa, Damasławek, Mogilno, Kłodawa and Lubień salt diapirs have been analyzed using conventional seismic reflection data acquired during petroleum exploration, and - in case of Damasławek and Lubień diapirs - shallow high-resolution seismic data. Interpretation of available seismic data gave new insight into geometry of these salt structures, finally shaped during Late Cretaceous-Palaeogene inversion of the Mid-Polish Trough and partly modified during younger (Neogene- Quaternary) phases of their tectonic activity.
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