The development of cities and peri-urban areas is exerting an increasingly strong impact on the natural environment and, at the same time, on the living conditions and health of people. Problems and challenges that need to be addressed include increasing air pollution in these areas, formation of a surface urban heat island (SUHI), water management disruptions (water scarcity or excess), and the destruction of natural habitats. One of the solutions that contributes to climate change mitigation is the introduction of blue-green infrastructure into the city space and urbanised areas. The research objective was to identify spatial features (geodata) that determine the optimum location of selected blue-green infrastructure (BGI) components, acquire them, and then use the Geographical Information System (GIS) to determine their optimum locations. As the first step, cartographic models were developed which indicated areas that enable the development of selected blue-green infrastructure components in the Olsztyn city area, Warmińsko-Mazurskie Province, Poland. The models were juxtaposed with other two models developed by the authors, i.e. a surface urban heat island model and a demographic model that showed the age structure of the city’s population. Consequently, maps with potential locations for the blue-green infrastructure were developed, while taking into account reference data from the National Land Surveying and Cartographic Resource and Landsat 8 images. Keywords: blue-green infrastructure, drainage system, GIS, Landsat 8 images, map, reference databases, retention, spatial analysis
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Celem niniejszej pracy było zbadanie wzajemnych relacji modeli pojęciowych dwóch baz danych przestrzennych istotnie różniących się przeznaczeniem i poziomem uogólnienia pojęciowego, pod kątem możliwości wymiany danych. Porównanie dotyczyło bazy danych reprezentującej obiekty modelujące treść mapy zasadniczej (BDOT500) oraz bazy o treści typowo topograficznej (BDOT10k). Teoretycznie model o wyższym poziomie szczegółowości może być bogatym źródłem danych przestrzennych dla rejestru o wyższym poziomie uogólnienia. Przeprowadzone badania pokazały jednak, że różnice pomiędzy analizowanymi modelami pojęciowymi są znaczące, a czasem powodują szereg problemów w kontekście ewentualnej wymiany danych. Porównanie modeli pojęciowych wykazało, że dla wielu klas obiektów wyróżnionych w BDOT10k brak odpowiedników w modelu wielkoskalowym (BDOT500). Tylko częściowo jest to uzasadnione różnicami w poziomie szczegółowości geometrycznej, pojęciowej analizowanych rejestrów (np. brak obiektów takich jak drogi, ronda). Gromadzenie ważnych danych topograficznych na dwóch zupełnie odrębnych poziomach uogólnienia bez praktycznego powiązania rejestrów implikuje problemy z oceną, które dane można uznać za referencyjne, wiarygodne, niesie za sobą znaczące koszty związane nie tylko z budową, lecz także aktualizacją rejestrów. Rozwijając tę słuszną inicjatywę, jaką jest budowa bazy BDOT500, należy wziąć pod uwagę wskazane kierunki rozwiązania zdiagnozowanych problemów. Na tak rozumianej ścieżce harmonizacji powstaje szansa na możliwie maksymalne zbliżenie pojęciowe do siebie rejestrów BDOT500 i BDOT10k, otwierające możliwości wymiany danych i drogę do budowy bazy danych referencyjnych typu MRDB.
The main goal of the project was to analyse relations between conceptual models of two reference databases: BDOT10k and BDOT500. The second one (BDOT500) is modeling objects of detailed (master) map according to geodetic accuracy, whereas the model of the first database (BDOT10k) contains typical topographic features. In theory the more semantically and geometrically detailed model (BDOT500) should be used as a data source. Our studies revealed that there is a wide spectrum of differences between these two conceptual models, causing several problems in the field of data exchange. Some of features of BDOT10k have no corresponding objects in the more detailed database (LoD 1:500); such lacks cannot always be explained by differences in conceptual and semantic generalization of the models. Topographic data acquisition provided at two separate levels of detail is leading to the general problem: which model (and data) can be approved as a reference, trustworthy, and it is still causing the increasing costs. In the field of harmonization of these two models we have considered several problems and proposed the possible solutions as well. There is a chance of approaching these two conceptual models now, developing the initiative of building the topographic MRDB (indicating the harmonized models of BDOT500 and BDOT10k at first).
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Implementation of the draft Spatial Information Infrastructure Act requires development of several administrative regulations. One of them is the regulation of the Council of Ministers on "the issue of methods and modes of gathering, updating and distribution of thematic databases - SOZO and HYDRO, development of standard cartographic works, based on those data as well as on the rules of co-operation and on competencies of entities responsible for its creation and updating within the transposition of the INSPIRE Directive to the Polish legal conditions". The group responsible for implementation of that task, nominated by the Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography (GUGiK), has also prepared technical standards for creation of hydrographical and sozological maps. Performed works included: a) Analysis of obligatory GIS-3/GIS-4 Technical Guidelines with respect to updating definitions of individual thematic objects. This stage of works mainly included elaboration of new, as well as increasing the level of details of object definitions, in connection with obligatory regulations and standards, in particular the Water Framework Directive and the Floods Directive. Definitions of individual objects were also updated, and the catalogue of elaborated objects was also enlarged. The analysis of obligatory legal acts and environmental criteria points to the necessity to update the thematic content of the hydrographical database, with special respect to: -. new monitoring system, classification of the quality and ecological conditions of water, - water protection system, water intakes and inland water reservoirs, - threats connected with extreme events (such as floods), - hazards related to inflows of pollutants into waters. b) Development of rules of updating thematic map components. The scope of works included the attempt to specify time frames when updating the components of both maps should be performed. Updating of SOZO and HYDRO databases is considered as a set of works and organisationaland- technical activities aimed at achieving consistency of the data resources with the reality. It is assumed that sozological and hydrographical data will be acquired for the entire country not later than by the year 2015. c) Development of a conceptual model of thematic data. At present, topographic data stored in the digital form in reference VMapL2 first edition databases have been used for supplying thematic map structures. A modification of assumptions of creation of thematic maps also refers to that aspect - it is proposed that reference databases of new edition become the basic source of supplying thematic maps. It is also assumed that an orthophotomap and a digital terrain model will become the basic components used in the process of creation of thematic maps of the new edition. This will allow to increase the accuracy of acquisition of particular classes of objects (DTM - location of watersheds, hydro-isobates, location of outflow-less basins etc., orthophotomap - location of hydrotechnical structures, ranges of water reservoirs etc.); both components may be also used for implementation of complex spatial analyses. However, the most important element of that idea is the achievement of coherence with the basic reference data required at the same time. Interoperability of both thematic databases requires the utilisation of works gathered by other state institutions, such as the Voivodeship Environmental Protection Inspectorate, the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management, the Polish Geological Institute, the Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation, the Regional Water Management Board, the Sanitary and Epidemiological Stations, the State Forests etc. In the course of creation of updated concept of both thematic databases, the structures of SOZO/ HYDRO databases were also reorganised; numerous substantial as well as technological modifications were introduced in both databases. Among others, selected classes of objects, which had been considered separately, were combined in order to increase the transparency and coherence of the entire model, dictionaries of data, related to selected attributes were developed, a unified system of identification of every object introduced to the database was developed, presence of an attribute, which allows for storing the source object identifiers, originating from the reference database structures (such as Topographic Databases) were assumed. This will allow for harmonisation and exchange of information between the databases in the future.
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