Narastające globalne zapotrzebowanie energetyczne oraz wzrost świadomości ekologicznej społeczeństwa zaowocowały dużym zainteresowaniem przedsiębiorców nowymi technologiami spalania. Jedną z innowacyjnych technologii spalania wychodzącą na przeciw i spełniającą oczekiwania przemysłu jest technologia spalania HiTAC (ang. High Temperature Air Combustion). Technologia ta pozwala na optymalne egzergiczne pozyskiwanie energii w postaci ciepła, przy obniżonej emisji toksycznych gazowych produktów reakcji spalania (NOx, CO). Przedstawiona technologia została przeanalizowana i zoptymalizowana w trakcie projektów badawczych przeprowadzanych na Politechnice Gdańskiej, przy współpracy z jednostkami naukowymi z całego świata (Royal Institute of Technology, Sztokholm). W artykule przedstawiono wyniki eksperymentalnych badań wpływu temperatury i procentowej zawartości tlenu w strumieniu gazu utleniającego (spaliny o kontrolowanym stężeniu O2) na obecność ubocznych produktów spalania (NOx) wysokokalorycznego paliwa (butan) w komorze spalania HiTAC.
The growing global energy requirement and a rise in ecological awaresness of the society have resulted in big interest of entrepreneurs in new combustion technologies. One of such innovative ones, meeting new trends and fulfilling industry expectations, is the HiTAC technology. It enables the optimum exoergic energy acquisition in the form of heat with reduced emission of toxic gaseous combustion products like NOx or CO. The presented technology was analysed and optimized during research projects conducted on Politechnika Gdańska in cooperation with research units from all over the world (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm). Presented here are the results of experimental investigations of the influence of temperature and percentage of oxygen contained in an oxidizing gas stream (exhaust gases with controlled O2 concentration) on the presence of a high-calorific fuel (butane) combustion by-products (NOx) in the HiTAC combustion chamber.
Gas recovery systems at palm oil mills enable the curtailment of uncontrolled greenhouse gas emissions from open anaerobic pond, but can also reduce odour, an aspect which has not yet been substantiated. The objective of this study is to evaluate the odour emission from palm oil mill effluent and the effectiveness of covers and tank digester in reducing odour emission from the open lagoons. Odour samples were obtained from the cooling ponds in conjunction with in-field odour assessment performed on site. Results demonstrated that odour released from open ponding or covered lagoon were almost comparable, ranging from 33,150 – 162,000 OU/m3, and 68,705 – 102,000 OU/m3, respectively. In contrast, odour emission from cooling pond which used tank digester system seemed markedly lower, ranging between 13,000 – 76,000 OU/m3. In fact, the analysis of ambient air close to anaerobic tank digesters proved a reduction of odour emission to the surroundings (with 3.5 OU/m3, weak intensity) compared to open pond (with 2700 OU/m3, strong intensity) or covered lagoon (with 111 OU/m3, distinct intensity). In conclusion, gas recovery systems at palm oil mills should be promoted not only towards the management of greenhouse gaseous, but also as an odour impact management strategy.
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