The aim of the study is to determine motivation of runners from Poland and the Czech Republic in the context of their participation in running competitions. In this study, correlations between age, experience, training period and motives for participation in the competition by comparing the cross-country runners from both countries was researched. The study examined the place of health in the structure of motives. The study involved 847 runners from Poland and 118 from the Czech Republic. The method of a diagnostic survey was carried out using questionnaires. Competition with ourselves, overcoming our own limits, and improving physical fitness are the main motives of runners who participate in running events. Motives related to health are placed in subsequent positions. Polish runners are more sport goal-oriented; this may result from the fact that in the Czech Republic recreational sport is more grounded in culture. Running events are an important element of cross-country passion, since up to nearly 45% of runners from the Czech Republic and more than half from Poland would limit the practice, or stop it, if they did not have eligibility to participate in competitions. Organizers of sports and recreational events involving road running should rather educate runners in the direction of healthy behaviors. They should enrich the content of health education emphasizing the value of active participation and healthy lifestyle over sports rivalry.
Introduction Sleep quality and quantity are factors that affect one's cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF). Therefore, this study aims to compare the effects of different sleep quality and quantity on VO2max levels. Material and methods 64 participants were involved in this study, and they were divided into two groups based on their sleep quality and quantity. This division was determined by employing sleep pattern questionnaires. Group 1 was comprised of 32 participants with good sleep quality. Generally, they only slept for 6 hours, however, their sleep quality was very good. On the contrary, group 2 consisted of 32 participants with poor sleep quality, irrespective of the fact that their sleep durations were around 7 hours, which is longer than group 1. All participants went through a series of pretest sessions for one week to determine their average heart rate (HR) before and after sleep. Furthermore, they underwent experimental sessions which required them to participate in the cooper 2.4km test to determine their VO2max levels. Results The results show a significant difference in participants' VO2max levels, with the average in group 1 being higher than in group 2 (F = 5.853) (p = 0.018). This result was obtained from statistical tests using a one-way ANOVA. Conclusions This study indicates that having good quality sleep for 6 hours plays a crucial role in maintaining and increasing CRF.
Sports and recreational activity is an important element of an effective use of their free time by children and school youth. In contrast to competitive sports, which focus on achieving maximum sports results through intense competition, sports and recreational activity should be assessed mainly in terms of its health benefits. Sports and recreational behaviour can be analysed in the context of psychophysical development, personality development, regeneration of vital forces, contact with nature, active rest and relaxation. The literature on the subject distinguishes various motives for undertaking sports and recreational activity, the most important of which include: pleasure, relaxation, health, aesthetic values, physical fitness and social aspects. This work aims to examine what motives guide Austrian school youth when undertaking sports and recreational activity, with particular emphasis on the health motive. The analysis also includes the differences related to gender and environmental conditions. The study included 391 students of general secondary schools in Austria, aged 18. The study group consisted of 96 boys and 103 girls from a large city and 94 boys and 98 girls from a small town. The Sports Activity Motives Questionnaire was used for the analysis. The study results emphasize the significant role played by the health motive in undertaking sports and recreational activities, especially among girls. The social aspect and relaxation also turned out to be important motives for both sexes. Statistical analysis showed significant differences in motives such as physical fitness and risk, which were more important for boys, while aesthetics was much more important for girls. The study did not find any statistically significant differences in the motives for undertaking sports and recreational activities between young people from large and small towns.
Aktywność sportowo-rekreacyjna stanowi istotny element efektywnego zagospodarowania czasu wolnego przez dzieci i młodzież szkolną. W przeciwieństwie do sportu wyczynowego, który koncentruje się na osiąganiu maksymalnych wyników sportowych poprzez intensywną rywalizację, aktywność sportowo-rekreacyjną należy oceniać głównie pod kątem korzyści zdrowotnych. Zachowania sportowo-rekreacyjne można analizować w kontekście rozwoju psychofizycznego, kształtowania osobowości, regeneracji sił witalnych, kontaktu z naturą, aktywnego wypoczynku oraz relaksu. W literaturze przedmiotu wyróżnia się różne motywy podejmowania aktywności sportowo-rekreacyjnej, wśród których najważniejsze to: przyjemność, relaks, zdrowie, wartości estetyczne, sprawność fizyczna oraz aspekty społeczne. Niniejsza praca ma na celu zbadanie, jakimi motywami kieruje się austriacka młodzież szkolna, podejmując aktywność sportowo-rekreacyjną, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem motywu zdrowia. Analiza obejmuje także różnice związane z płcią i warunkami środowiskowymi. Badaniem objęto 391 uczniów liceów ogólnokształcących w Austrii, w wieku 18 lat. W grupie badanej znalazło się 96 chłopców i 103 dziewczęta z dużego miasta oraz 94 chłopców i 98 dziewcząt z małego miasta. Do analizy zastosowano Kwestionariusz Motywów Aktywności Sportowej. Wyniki badań podkreślają znaczącą rolę motywu zdrowia w podejmowaniu aktywności sportowo-rekreacyjnej, zwłaszcza wśród dziewcząt. Aspekt społeczny oraz relaksacja również okazały się istotnymi motywami dla obu płci. Analiza statystyczna wykazała istotne różnice przy motywach takich jak sprawność fizyczna oraz ryzyko, które były bardziej istotne dla chłopców, natomiast estetyka była znacznie ważniejsza dla dziewcząt. W badaniach nie stwierdzono statystycznie istotnych różnic odnośnie motywów podejmowania aktywności sportowo-rekreacyjnej między młodzieżą pochodzącą z dużych i małych miast.