This study concerns the premiere of the symphonic poem Zrání (Ripening) by Josef Suk, Zdeněk Nejedlý’s opinions about Suk, and the so-called “Suk affair”, stirred up when Nejedlý accused Suk of having accepted an Austrian medal. The first chapter tells of the premiere of Zrání and the reactions to it including Nejedlý’s negative reviews. A separate chapter deals with Nejedlý’s opinions about Suk’s music and about the historical background of those opinions. There is also discussion of the personal relationship between Nejedlý and Suk. Special attention is devoted to how the so-called “Suk affair” has been viewed by scholars since Suk’s death up until the present.
The article discusses the history of research into reception in the field of musicology and the role in instigating this research played by Karol Berger, Michał Bristiger and Jan Stęszewski. According to Jim Samson, the beginning of research into reception in the field of musicology can be traced to the conference organized by Hermann Danuser and Friedhelm Krummacher in 1988, whereas in fact this event had been preceded by a conference organized by Bristiger at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna in 1986. The author presents the results of research into the previously unpublished archival materials related to this conference.
Artykuł traktuje o historii badań nad recepcją w dziedzinie muzykologii oraz roli, jaką w ich zapoczątkowaniu odegrali Karol Berger, Michał Bristiger i Jan Stęszewski. Wedle Jima Samsona początek badań nad recepcją w dziedzinie muzykologii wiązać należy z konferencją zorganizowaną przez Hermanna Danusera i Friedhelma Krummachera w 1988 roku, tymczasem wydarzenie to poprzedziła konferencja zorganizowana przez Bristigera w Instytucie Nauk o Człowieku w Wiedniu w 1986 roku. Autor prezentuje wyniki badań nad nieopublikowanymi materiałami archiwalnymi dotyczącymi tej konferencji.
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This study deals with the performances and reception of two compositions by Leoš Janáček in the character of suites for string orchestra, the Suite (1877) and Idyll (1878), and it focuses on analysis and interpretation of programmatic readings of the two works written by Janáček’s friend Berthold Žalud. These programmatic interpretations represent a serious problem for the usual understanding of these compositions as pieces of absolute music.
Studie Miloše Zapletala je věnována dvěma dílům pro smyčcový orchestr "Suita" a "Idylla" od hudebního skladatele Leoše Janáčka. Autor se ve svém textu zabývá jednak recepcí těchto kompozic, druhak se zaměřuje na programní náplň, která byla reflektována i v dobovém tisku.
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