Przedstawiono wyniki badań makrokinetyki destrukcyjnego spalania octanu n-butylu w reaktorze koronowym. Wykazano, że szybkość tej reakcji można opisać równaniem I rzędu względem stężenia octanu. Szybkość procesu w warunkach izotermicznych zależy od mocy przyłożonej do reaktora. Zależność tę opisuje równanie określające pozorną stałą szybkości reakcji Z = Aexp(B/P). Wyznaczono parametry tego równania.
Experimental results of the investigations of the destructive oxidation of n-butyl acetate macrokinetics in the corona discharge reactor were described. It has been shown that the rate of the reaction can be described by a first order equation in relation to n-butyl acetate. In the isothermal conditions, the rate of the process depends on the power supply the reactor. The dependence of the rate of the process on the power supply is well described with the equation Z = Aexp(B/P). For the reaction investigated, the parameters of this equation were determined.
The results of investigation of ethanol destructive oxidation (model aliphatic alcohol) in a corona discharge reactor are presented. The process was performed at the temperature of 303 K in the corona discharge generator - the reactor system manufactured in our laboratory. The process temperature was kept constant by cooling down the reactor with a stream of air. The measurements were carried out using the following process parameters: the inlet ethanol concentration in the stream of gases in the range of 0.0028 to 0.132 mol/m3 (0.128 ÷ 6.086 g/m3), the gas flow velocity in the range of 0.15-0.33 m3/h (space velocity in the range of 1220 ÷ 2680 m3/(m3R źh)) and the power supply to the reactor ranged from 1.6 to 86.4 W. The active volume of the reactor was 1.23ź10-4 m3. The phenomenological method was applied for the description of the process. It was based on the assumptions that the reaction rate can be described by the first order equation in relation to the ethanol concentration and the design equation of flow tubular reactor can be applied for the description of corona reactor. The usefulness of this model was estimated using statistical methods for the analysis of the experimental results. The Statistica 6.0 software was used for this application. The first stage of this analysis showed the dependencies between the considered variables, whereas the second stage was to find the equations describing the influence of the selected process parameters on the rate of ethanol destruction. The parameters of A and B of apparent constant rate equation given in the form of Z = Aźexp(-B/P) were also determined. The results of the investigations indicated that the applied corona discharge generator - reactor system assures a high efficiency of purification of the air and industrial waste gases contaminated by ethanol. The ethanol destruction degree of αi = 0.9 was obtained at the power supply to the reactor amounting to 650 kW/m3R per unit of its active volume. The final products of the reaction were only the harmless carbon dioxide and water vapour. It has been stated that the rate of the destructive oxidation of ethanol reaction is well described by the first order equation in relation to the ethanol concentration. Under isothermal conditions, the reaction rate also depends on the power supply to the reactor. This dependence is well described by the empirical equation Z = 3,233źexp(-82,598/P). The obtained results also indicated that the method of destructive oxidation of ethanol in the corona discharge reactor can be useful for the removal of ethanol and probably other aliphatic alcohols from different gases. The described method of calculation of the real rate of the process can be successfully used in the design of corona discharge reactors applied for such processes.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki wstępnych badań procesu destrukcyjnego utleniania wybranych lotnych związków złowonnych, siarkoorganicznych i azotoorganicznych w układzie generator - reaktor koronowy, zbudowanym w naszym laboratorium. Jako modelowe domieszki powietrza stosowano izobutyloaminę, pirydynę i 2,5-dimetylotiofen. Badania przeprowadzono w szerokim zakresie zmian stężenia tych związków w powietrzu oraz mocy zasilania reaktora. Uzyskano wysokie stopnie destrukcji dwóch badanych związków, pirydyny sięgający do 93% i 2,5 dimetylotiofenu do 100% w przypadku 2,5-dimetylotiofenu. Jedynie w przypadku izobutyloaminy efektywność procesu była niższa i wynosiła do 42%. Stopień destrukcji zanieczyszczenia zależał od mocy zasilania reaktora i stężenia domieszki w gazach. Ustalono, że destrukcyjne utlenianie tego typu połączeń w reaktorze koronowym może prowadzić do tworzenia się małych ilości produktów ich niepełnego spalania lub produktów wtórnych. Uzyskane wynik badań wskazują wstępnie na możliwość zastosowania tej metody do oczyszczania (dezodoryzacji) powietrza i gazów odlotowych od tego typu zanieczyszczeń.
The results of the preliminary investigations on the destructive oxidation of chosen volatile ill-smelling organosulphur and organonitrogen compounds in the generator-corona discharge reactor system, manufactured in the our laboratory, are presented in the paper The isobutyloamine, pyridine and 2,5-dimethylthiophene were used as the model organonitrogen and organosulphur compounds. The measurements were carried in a wide range of parameters of the process such as initial concentration of pollutant in air and power supply to the corona reactor. The high efficiency of removal of two investigated pollutants from the air was obtained. The highest destruction degree of pyridine was of 93 % and 2,5-dimethylthiophene was of 100%. Only in the case of isobutyloamine the destruction degree was lower, about of 42%. The destruction degree depended on initial concentration of the pollutant and on power supply to the corona reactor. It has been stated that destructive oxidation of used compounds in the corona reactor can leads to formation of small amounts of partially oxidaized and different secondary products. The results of the investigations initially indicated that this method can be applied for the purification (deodorisation) of air and waste gases, which are contaminated with organosulphur and organonitrogen compounds.
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