Child-friendly educational procedures consisting in the supporting a child in the mastering of the reading are implemented in two ways: a) an intermediate way (by “developing the readiness), and b) in an immediate way - by learning to read. Both types of actions should merge. Amongst factors determining success in the learning to read and write, P. Bryant and U. Goswami - authors of the casual theory of reading, indicate early-child-hood phonological skills, including: identification and formation of rhymes and alliterations (i.e. the capability to differentiate larger elements than a single sound, but smaller than syllables (rhymes and alliterations)). Child’s susceptibility to, among other things, alliterations results in advances in reading and writing in the subsequent education. A significant part of the reported study was devoted to models of reading education applied in the case of the six-year-olds examined. Ideas on how to “introduce children into the world of writing” are basically realized acc. to two models - a standard and a holistic one (see: Górniewicz, 1989; Arciszewska, 2002; Marzano, Paynter, 2004). In both models, children are provided conditions for developing their “readiness for reading” and “mastering the skill of reading”. The models differ in terms of organization and applied methods of the learning to read (Czerwińska, Narożnik, 1997; Doman, Doman, 1992; Majchrzak, 1995, 2007; Rocławski, 1998; Arciszewska, 2002). Both models involve the acquisition of prosodic elements of language (with various intensity). The presented fragment of a research was aimed at providing an answer to a question on the level of capabilities to identify and form alliterations displayed by the surveyed six-year-old children. In analyses, consideration was given to the number of years the children have been attending to a nursery school and the model of reading education realized therein.
“Children’s need for miracles” has been accentuated as elements appearing in the selected poems by Joanna Kulmowa, which allow the child to be amazed by the world; they are a predicator to the appearance of tutoring. The astonishment with the world, as a place full of lyricism, enables the consolidation of identity by the emergence of the child’s “I”. Not judging and classifying. Subjectivity is emphasized: the seriousness of the child’s world, understanding oneself, transforming the world, individuality, respect, acceptance, cooperation, responsibility, independence, sense of agency and dialogue. It was concluded that the main “miracle” is dialogue which: requires presence to be astonished by the world; raises the child’s responsibility for another person; cannot be deprived of love; manifests itself in the “question-cry “ for presence as a result of trust in the subject of the relationship. The objectives of the study were: to define dialogue as Bettelheim’s “miracle” in selected poems by J. Kulmowa; demonstrate that selected poems of J. Kulmowa are dialogical. The aim of the article was to: present the “miracles” in the child’s world in selected poems by Joanna Kulmowa. The method of hermeneutics was used based on the methodology of Wolfgang Klafka. It seems important that so far the selected poetry of J. Kulmowa has not been interpreted in relation to Bettelheim’s concept of “miracle” and its connection with the philosophy of dialogue, pedagogy and literary studies at the same time.
The article is devoted to bibliotherapy as a method of promoting reading and having therapeutic value. It consists of two parts. The first part is a theoretical introduction, which defines the basic concepts for the content of the article, presents a model of bibliotherapeutic procedure and the assumptions of reading classes bibliotherapy elements. The second part is an overview of bibliotherapeutic activities in various areas in the pedagogical library, it is a form of good practice examples. Considerations on the subject of bibliotherapy classes allowed for the formulation of basic research conclusions.
Artykuł poświęcono biblioterapii jako metodzie terapeutycznej promującej czytelnictwo. Tekst składa się z dwóch części. Pierwsza z nich to wprowadzenie teoretyczne, w którym zdefiniowano podstawowe dla treści artykułu pojęcia, przedstawiono model postępowania biblioterapeutycznego oraz założenia zajęć czytelniczych z elementami biblioterapii. Druga część stanowi omówienie działalności biblioterapeutycznej w różnych obszarach w bibliotece pedagogicznej jako przykładów dobrej praktyki. Rozważania na temat zajęć biblioterapeutycznych pozwoliły na sformułowanie podstawowych wniosków badawczych.
Głównym celem artykułu jest odpowiedź na pytanie, w jaki sposób czasopisma dla dzieci mogą być narzędziem edukacji medialnej, rozumianej jako wychowanie do odbioru środków przekazu, ale również jako budowanie nawyku czytelnictwa prasy i książek. Hipoteza: W literaturze przedmiotu powszechnie przyjmuje się, że prasa dla dzieci może być efektywnym narzędziem budowania nawyku czytelnictwa. Jednak ten segment rynku prasowego, podobnie jak pozostałe, musi zmagać się z tendencjami do spadku czytelnictwa prasy i książki w zderzeniu z ekspansją mediów cyfrowych. Metodologia: Autor analizuje dane zastane ( raporty z badań) oraz opracowania naukowe z zakresu wpływu mediów, pedagogiki, edukacji medialnej oraz psychologii mediów. Artykuł ma charakter teoretyczny. Jest osadzony w dyscyplinie „nauki o komunikacji społecznej i mediach”, ale ma charakter interdyscyplinarny z uwagi na odniesienia do pedagogiki, edukacji i zagadnień technologicznych.
The main aim of the article is to answer the question of how children’s magazines may be used as tools for media education understood as educating children on how to process media, and also as instilling the habit of reading periodicals and books. Hypothesis: It is generally assumed in the scholarly literature that periodicals for children may be an effective tool in encouraging a reading habit. Unfortunately, this segment of the press market, just as all other segments, faces declining readership due to the expansion of the digital media. Methodology: An analysis the existing data (e.g. study reports) and academic analyses in terms of the impact of the media, pedagogy, media education, and media psychology. The article is theoretical in nature. It stems from the discipline of the “science of social communication and the media”, yet it offers an interdisciplinary approach, due to its references to pedagogy, education, and technology.
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