Zinc and lead metal ores are minerals intended for strategically producing raw materials for the Polish economy, as indicated in the key Polish document: State Raw Materials Policy (PSP2050). It was specified among others that an important factor that will influence the development of Polish economy will be the access to key mineral raw materials from domestic resources. Currently Polish Zn-Pb ores mining no longer exists as the last operating mine Olkusz-Pomorzany that belonged to the Mining and Metallurgic Plant “Bolesław” Joint Stock Company due to the depletion of resources finished extraction in 2020. Despite this fact there still are areas of great potential in the scope of these minerals in Poland. It is the Zawiercie region, where there has been no extraction of these ores so far and is believed to have the best perspectives for future development. One should connect with this region the nearest future of functioning of the domestic Zn-Pb ores’ mining. It is in this region that the “Zawiercie 3” ore is situated. The ore was documented in 2014 by a private investor within the framework of the permit to search for and identify Zn-Pb ore deposits and it is currently the largest as to resources Zn-Pb ores’ deposit in Poland. Its resources are currently over 35 million tonnes, which constitutes app. 39% of all the documented balance sheet resources of Zn-Pb ores in Poland. The presented geological works performed by the private investor on the area of the “Zawiercie 3” ore and the results that were achieved thanks to them clearly indicate that well-designed and thoroughly performed exploratory and evaluative works that combine international standards and Polish guidelines can significantly influence the degree of documentation and the increase of resources in undeveloped Zn-Pb ores’ deposits.
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Autorzy przedstawiają propozycje odpowiednich zapisów prawnych, mających na celu ściślejsze powiązanie planowania zagospodarowania przestrzennego terenów złożowo-surowcowych ze strategią rozwoju gospodarczego na szczeblu krajowym, regionalnym i lokalnym. Konstruktywnym rozwiązaniem w tym zakresie wydaje się wprowadzenie obowiązku opracowania planów gospodarki złożami i terenami ich perspektywicznego wykorzystania, uwzględniających również możliwe kierunki zagospodarowania terenów poeksploatacyjnych. Samo zaś umieszczanie granic obszarów złożowych w dokumentach planistycznych powinno być powiązane ze wskazanym zakresem ich ochrony, na podstawie wcześniej wykonanej hierarchizacji złóż.
The authors present proposals of appropriate legal regulations aiming at closer connection of land development planning of deposit-raw materials areas with the economic development strategy at the national, regional and local level. A constructive solution in this field seems to be the introduction of the obligation to work out plans of economy of deposits and areas of their perspective use, taking also into account the directions of post-extraction area management. The location of deposit area boundaries in planning documents should be connected with the indicated scope of their protection, on the basis of previously carried out hierarchization of deposits.
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