In the constitutional scheme of state power in Romania we can find the Superior Council of Magistracy. This subject is absent in the classical version of the political system. The Council is situated between the highest state powers and the courts. Its personal composition is constituted by delegates of the judiciary and public prosecutor’s office, as well as persons elected by the Senat. The task of the Council is presentation of judicial and prosecutor’s candidatures for the Presidency.
The paper focuses on the effects of the present election systems on Polish cities. The first problem, which is a analysed concerns the implementation of one-way electoral districts and all the consequences brought by it. Secondly, the results of the introduction of the so-called presidential system (a strong position of a mayor and a weak position of a council) have been discussed. Such a situation applies to relations between representative authorities, when an executive body does not have the majority support in a legislative body. Finally, the advantages and disadvantages of the planned limitation of the term of office of a mayor have been analysed.
Autorki artykułu skoncentrowały się na pojawiających w polskich miastach konsekwencjach obowiązującego systemu wyborczego. Po pierwsze, zwrócono uwagę na wprowadzenie jednomandatowych okręgów wyborczych i obserwowanych w związku z tym problemów. Po drugie, omówiono skutki tzw. modelu prezydenckiego w miastach, tj. silnej pozycji burmistrza/prezydenta i w konsekwencji słabości rady, w szczególności odniesiono się do relacji między przedstawicielskimi organami władzy w przypadku braku większościowego poparcia dla burmistrza/prezydenta w organie stanowiąco-kontrolnym. Po trzecie, przeanalizowano zalety i wady planowanego ograniczenia liczby kadencji burmistrzów/prezydentów miast.
The article aims at a legal-administrative analysis of the position of the city council. The thesis describes how a city councillor has been elected and obtained a mandate, as well as the cases in which the mandate is suspended or terminated. The article deals with the duties and powers of the councillor. It discusses prohibitions and restrictions imposed on a city council in the exercise of its functions.
Artykuł ma na celu prawno-administracyjną analizę pozycji radnego. W pracy przedstawiony został sposób wyboru oraz nabycia mandatu przez radnego, a także przypadki, w których mandat ulega zawieszeniu lub wygaśnięciu. W artykule dokonana została analiza obowiązków oraz uprawnień, które posiada radny. Omówione zostały zakazy i ograniczenia dotyczące radnego w związku z wykonywaną przez niego funkcją.
The author of the presented article out a thorough interpretation of can. 127 § 1 CIC. According to the analyses, in the final stage of the decision process a superior remains autonomous in placing acts. However, making the decision becomes impossible without the consent of a college or group of persons. The author of the study proved that convoking a college or group of persons is a strict requirement. This is because in this case a disabling act applies in implicit manner. The analysed can. 127 § 1 CIC include different dispositions concerning the consent and counsel. If a superior does not procure the consent, he cannot act as he intended to. As for the counsel, he is obliged under sanction of invalidity to seek the judgement of college or group of persons. In this case, however, it is not necessary for him to follow the opinion expressed by the consultative body. According to the author, the diversity of the solutions applied from the diverse character of acts placed by an ecclesiastical superior in the canonical system.
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