The article introduces the results of an empirical examination of journalistic role performance in Hungary. In reference to the “Journalistic Role Performance Around the Globe” research project (led by Prof. Claudia Mellado from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, in Chile and Lea Hellmueller, from Texas States University,, we attempt to discuss the main patterns of role performance in contemporary journalism in Hungary. The presence of six models in news production (watchdog, disseminator interventionist, civic, loyalfacilitator, service journalism, and infotainment) is investigated by conducting a quantitative content analysis of 1,087 news items published by the national desk of four Hungarian broadsheets in 2012–2013.
This paper analyses the long-term coverage (1990–2014) of German reunification by six German newspapers. Our quantitative content analysis shows how often the press covers the event, what the content of the coverage is, and how journalists evaluate the reunification process. As we have analysed newspapers of different locations, ranges, types, and editorial lines, we can see whether newspapers cover German reunification differently. Our analysis shows that the amount of coverage of reunification quickly decreases, and only a few articles are published prominently. The press reports on more differences between East and West Germany than similarities; about one third of the articles mentions problems and conflicts, although they become less important over time. All in all, positive evaluations of German reunification outweigh negative judgments and increase over time. We see evidence that the placement, content, and tone of coverage highly depends on the type, editorial line, range, and location of newspapers.
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The article presents the most important opinions in Poland on the interdependence of the linguistic worldview and the text worldview. It tries to answer the title question on the basis of empirical examples. Establishing a text worldview is also a kind of discourse research. The paper proposes to refer to the lexicographic tradition (creating thematic dictionaries) and to the quantitative lexical analysis of the content. The empirical material used in the study consists of three text corpora of 250,000 words each. They contain texts taken from youth magazines from the 1990s. The views presented in the article oppose the findings of the Lublin school of ethnolinguistics.
Th e analysis of election campaigns is a long-standing tradition in communication sci- ence. Since the classic Erie County study (1944) there have been multiple studies on how the mass media cover parliamentary and presidential elections. But the studies primarily focused on elections at the national level and a growing number also at an international level. Th e role of the mass media in regional elections has been analysed considerably less oft en. One fi eld which has been neglected so far is to compare press coverage on the aforementioned three levels of the political system, namely the regional, the national, and the supranational level. Our quantitative content analyses of German newspapers (2009–2011) show if and how much election campaign coverage on these three levels diff ers. Because of these diff erences we propose to distinguish between fi rst-rate coverage (of national elections), second-rate coverage (of regional elections), and third-rate coverage (of European elec- tions). Th e gap between these levels may result in diff erent perceptions of the campaigns by the public.
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In this article the authors interconnect the framing and agenda-setting theories of mass-communication effects. They postulate that the framing process creates conditions for the agenda-setting process and argue that differently framed news have different effects in the agenda-setting process. They hypothesise that issue-specific frames, episodic frames, and value frames have a stronger agenda-setting effect than generic frames, thematic frames, and strategy frames and suggest explaining the role of frames in the agenda-setting process through the theory of cognitive dissonance. The hypotheses are tested using matched panel survey data on respondents’ personal agendas and using a content analysis of the media in relation to one particular issue. The selected issue – the restitution of property to the Catholic Church – was chosen because it contains a rich combination of frames. Moreover, this is an issue on which it is possible to study the effect of a ‘focusing event’, which may have an additional and distinct effect in addition to the ‘regular’ frames. The authors show that differently framed news do indeed have distinctive effects on personal agenda-setting. Some frames have a strong positive effect, while others have no effect. They even identify one frame that appears to have a slightly negative net effect on personal agenda-setting. This is a somewhat revolutionary finding, since it demonstrates that, unlike the predictions made by the agenda-setting theory, people may (under certain conditions) react to the heightened media exposure of an issue by denying its importance.
Analiza treści jest jedną z najczęściej stosowanych metod w badaniu różnych form dyskursu, w tym dyskursu politycznego. Jako technika badawcza rozwinęła się w badaniach nad komunikacją i obecnie jest często wykorzystywana w językoznawstwie, w analizie tekstu, systematycznych badaniach tekstu pisanego czy transkrypcji mowy, a także w badaniach nad treścią przekazu nietekstowego. Niniejszy artykuł porusza kwestię zastosowania analizy treści w badaniach nad dyskursem politycznym oraz omawia podstawowe pojęcia związane z tą metodą badawczą. Przedstawiono w nim pojęcia treści jawnej i ukrytej tekstów politycznych oraz omówiono dwa szczególnie przydatne w ocenie analizy treści terminy, tj. „rzetelność” i „ważność”. Dodatkowo omówiono dwa szerokie podejścia do analizy treści. Pierwsza to jakościowa analiza treści, druga to ilościowa analiza treści.
Content analysis is one of the most frequently applied methods for the research of various forms of discourse, including political discourse. As a research technique, it was developed in studies on communication and is now frequently used in linguistics, for example, in text analysis, systematic studies of written text or transcribed speech, as well as in research on nontextual message content. The following article deals with the application of content analysis in research into political discourse and discusses the crucial concepts of the research method. Specifically, it describes the manifest and latent content of political texts and presents two notions particularly useful in the evaluation of content analysis, i.e., ‘reliability’ and ‘validity.’ Additionally, two broad approaches to content analysis are discussed. The first is qualitative content analysis, and the second is quantitative content analysis.
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