Qualitative research has achieved a distinct position in the scientific conduct. Even though it might seem that there is still a dividing line between those focused on qualitative perspective and those preferring quantitative methods, in practice both approaches are often combined. In international literature this trend is reflected in the formulation of so-called third paradigm named mixed-methods. However tensions still remain and the international debate continues. This theoretical study departures from the qualitative research position and shares a reflection on some issues that might come up when trying to combine both qualitative and quantitative methods. In the first part of the following text principles for interpretative qualitative research tradition will be reviewed, theoretically embedded primarily in critical psychology. This philosophical standpoint dwelling in broader critical perspectives invites researchers to focus on complex data that are openly sensitive towards particular context, and analyze even extraordinary details. Qualitative researchers are interested in ambiguous moments, tensions, but also silences and omitted positions. They uncover dichotomies and false differentiation. Some inspiration for conducting qualitative research in interpretative tradition is offered, as well as example of research using both qualitative and quantitative methods with contradictory results is provided. So this parts concludes with stating importance of knowing ones position towards research and its possibilities. It also suggests that the basis for mixing methods is not smooth, even if the respective parties are interested in mutual collaboration and do not leave the option of mixing aside as such. In the next part of the text, overview on current debates on mixing methods resulting in establishing so-called third research paradigm is provided. While qualitative approach to research is typically embedded in interpretative paradigm, quantitative approaches tends to be embedded in positivism and related streams of thought. In order to reconcile possible contradictions some authors prefer to adopt a position called epistemological pragmatism. This enables to leave the discussion on inherent tensions between qualitative and quantitative approach based on epistemological differences and utilize respective methods to be able to fully engage their benefits and overcome disadvantages of each of them. On the other hand other authors acknowledge the possible epistemological conflicts and tensions and suggest to work with and through them, in the tradition described as dialectic pluralism. In this sense it seems difficult to use any method as just method, without the epistemological position that it might evoke. Overall the aim of the study is to introduce international debates evolving around theoretical background of research conduct with focus on interpretative qualitative paradigm and mixed methods. Thus the text can be inspiration and supplement for current debates in the Czech context.
The paper reports research employing a quantitative approach to investigating the competences of university students about educating for sustainable development (ESD). Participants were 467 bachelor students of the following five areas: social sciences, educational sciences, applied sciences, engineering and health sciences. The Student Survey of Education for Sustainable Development Competencies was employed. Internal consistency and factor structure of this questionnaire were investigated by assessing Cronbach’s alphas and by performing exploratory factor analysis. Data were subjected to ANOVA for comparing the students of the five faculties. The relevance of factors and the differences between students of different areas were discussed considering also how to infuse ESD principles in university curricula. The aim is reorienting university study programmes in various faculties to prepare students about sustainable development issues.
This study presents a quantitative approach to mapping benthophagous fish feeding grounds. This approach combines the spatial biomass distribution of benthic prey items and their importance for the diets of predators. A point based biomass data of macrozoobenthos together with a set of environmental factors was used to develop Random Forests models that produce continuous biomass distribution layers for individual prey species. Depending on the diet composition and the importance of prey for fish feeding, these layers are overlaid and an integrated GIS map of the seabed showing the quality of feeding grounds is generated. These maps provide a useful basis for conservation and marine spatial planning. In addition, this method could be applied to the mapping of resources used by other benthophagous organisms. The method is presented using the example of three common Baltic fish species: cod, flounder and viviparous eelpout.
This article reviews some selected psychological studies, the source of which are written texts, including personal documents. The test procedures and its results were described in two ways: the quantitative and the qualitative one. The results of the quantitative research were selected depending on their use for the text interpretation, with the focus on the narrator (the relationship between the form of expression and a mental state or permanent mental disposition). The research on fixing meanings of personal identity (narrative or dialogue), or the meaning of life, is set as the qualitative approach. The starting point is a classic biographical study of Ch. Buehler, then a psychological study based on diaries from the ghetto, then some selected results of over 20-years’ study on the narrative identity of D. McAdams and finally the study using H. Hermans’s Dialogical Self Theory in clinical psychology.
W artykule dokonano przeglądu wybranych badań psychologicznych, w których jako źródło danych wykorzystano teksty pisane, w tym dokumenty osobiste. Scharakteryzowane zostały procedury badawcze i rezultaty w ramach dwóch podejść: ilościowego i jakościowego. Rezultaty badań ilościowych zostały wybrane pod kątem ich przydatności dla interpretacji tekstu (zależności między formą wypowiedzi a stanem psychicznym lub trwałą dyspozycją psychiczną) ukierunkowanej na osobę narratora. W ramach podejścia jakościowego przedstawione zostały badania dotyczące ustalania znaczeń (sensów) podmiotowych konstytuujących tożsamość osobistą (narracyjną lub dialogową) lub sens życia. Punktem wyjścia są klasyczne badania biograficzne Ch. Buehler, następnie omówione są psychologiczne badania dzienników z getta, wybrane strategie i ustalenia w ramach ponad 20-letnich badań nad tożsamością narracyjną w ujęciu D. McAdamsa oraz badanie wykorzystujące teorię dialogowego Ja H. Hermansa w klinicznej psychologii stosowanej.
In the research carried out to date by the authors of the article, the assessment of the quality of mirror data in the exchange of goods between European Union (EU) countries was based on the value of goods. A similar approach is applied by many researchers. The aim of the research discussed in the article is to assess the quality of data relating to intra-EU trade based on not only the value, but also on the quantity of goods. The analysis of discrepancies in data relating to trade between EU countries, with a particular emphasis on Poland, was based on selected research methods known from literature. Both the value-based and the quantitative approach constitute the authors' contribution to the development of research methodology. Data quality indicators were proposed and data pertaining to the weight of goods were used. Information on trade in goods between EU countries in 2017 obtained from Eurostat's Comext database was analysed. The research relating to the dynamics also covered the years 2005, 2008, 2011, and 2014. The results of the analysis demonstrated that the total share of export of goods from Poland to a given country within the EU is different for data expressed in value (value of goods) and in quantity (weight of goods). Therefore, both approaches should be applied in the study of the quality of mirror data.
W badaniach prowadzonych dotychczas przez autorów artykułu ocena jakości danych lustrzanych w wymianie towarowej między krajami Unii Europejskiej (UE) opierała się na wartości towarów. Analogiczne podejście stosuje wielu badaczy. Celem badania omawianego w artykule jest ocena jakości danych dotyczących obrotu wewnątrzunijnego na podstawie nie tylko wartości, lecz także ilości towarów. W analizie rozbieżności danych w handlu między krajami UE, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem Polski, wzorowano się na wybranych metodach badania znanych z literatury przedmiotu. Podejście zarówno wartościowe, jak i ilościowe stanowi wkład własny autorów w metodykę badawczą. Zaproponowano wskaźniki jakości danych oraz wykorzystano dane dotyczące masy towarów. Analizie poddano informacje na temat obrotu towarowego między krajami unijnymi w 2017 r. pochodzące z bazy Eurostatu Comext. Badanie dynamiki obejmowało również lata: 2005, 2008, 2011 i 2014. Wyniki analizy pokazały, że ogółem udział wywozu z Polski towarów do danego kraju na obszarze UE jest różny dla danych wyrażonych wartościowo (wartość towarów) i ilościowo (masa towarów). W badaniu jakości danych lustrzanych należy zatem stosować oba podejścia.
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