Ważnym zagadnieniem związanym z zarządzaniem jakością jest doskonalenie. Celem artykułu jest zdiagnozowanie, czy długotrwałość funkcjonowania systemu zarządzania jakością w przedsiębiorstwie wpływa na nasilenie podejmowania działań doskonalących w wybranych obszarach. Analiza wyników badań wykazała, że największy problem dotyczy poszukiwania potencjalnych niezgodności, zaangażowania pracowników w zgłaszanie problemów oraz wykorzystania narzędzi i metod wsparcia. Wzrost doświadczenia w systemowym zarządzaniu jakością w badanej populacji nie wpływa ponadto na przyrost świadomości ważności poszczególnych kryteriów doskonalenia. Wyjątek stanowi tylko podejmowanie działań korygujących.
A significant consideration in quality management is continuous improvement. The aim of the article is to diagnose as to whether the sustainable application of a functioning quality management system in an organization influences the intensification of undertaking continuous improvement activities in selected areas. Analysis of the research results showed that the most prominent problem is related to identifying potential nonconformities, engaging employees in reporting problems as well as using supporting tools and methods. The increase in experience in quality management system in the studied population does not affect the increase in awareness of the importance of any particular improvement criteria. The only exception is taking the corrective actions.
The paper presents the dynamics in number of top management system certificates (ISO 9001, ISO 14001) focusing on the situation in Slovenia in the last two years when a significant increase of cancelled certificates was noticeable. We studied this phenomenon in order to find out its reasons and effects on the performance of the organizations. Some recognized relations between quality management systems and company performance from literature review were used for setting hypotheses which were analytically proved. We assumed that quitting management system certificates was related to decrease in business performance. Empirical part of our research was based on the data of Slovenian certification bodies and on published annual financial reports of Slovenian organizations. In the survey some characteristics and performance of the organizations which gave up certification were analysed. We came to interesting findings that cancelling certificates was related to decrease in business performance and often even to closing of organizations. The downsizing of the business was increasing through the time. So, 2 years after cancelling certificates only 8% of the organizations still present growth in their income and revenue, besides almost 40% of them quit or would have to quit their business. It was also found out that the business performance after cancellation of the certificates was related to the business performance before it and to the reason for cancellation as well. Two years after cancellation there was a 3-times higher proportion of failed organizations (= 45% of previously non-profitable organizations) among the organizations that had operated at a loss before the cancellation of their certificates, compared to those previously having a profit. Among the claimed reasons for certificate cancellation organizational changes (in 35% of all the organizations losing certificates) and cancellation of certificates by certification bodies (in 41% of these organizations) were the most common ones related to the failure of these organizations.
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Purpose of this paper: The presentation of the results of empirical research in the leading automotive companies in Poland. The study concerned the quality management system in those organizations. In this study, there were presented chosen research results in terms of used tools, methods and thinking for quality management system (QMS) in those companies. Design/methodology/approach: The studies involved 68 decision makers representing the leading automotive companies in Poland. The basic research tool was the questionnaire survey and non - structured interview. There was used a method of non-random sampling- purposive sampling. Findings: The automotive industry is one of the leading sectors in Poland. This trade includes vehicle or spare parts makers. Poland is called European basin of spare parts [21]. Analysing the quality management system in the companies, the following was established. Companies of automotive industry have the numerous and diverse QMS implemented. The most of companies have implemented quality system, which is compatible with ISO 9001, 14000 and ISO/TS 16949 standards. Companies of automotive industry are not restricted only to ISO standards. Decision makers showed the implementation of issues typical for TQM or Kaizen. In order to demonstrate the developed structure of QMS, the decision makers indicated the tools and methods used to measure and monitor the effectiveness and efficiency of those systems. The details are contained in this study. Research limitations/implications: The study population is limited. The research was conducted on the group of decision makers. According to the author, the research needs to be expanded on the other groups of employees in the future. Especially those, who use QMS tools and methods every day. Practical implications: Presentation of the research results could be concerned as a comparative analysis for the other companies within and outside the sector. Systematized research results can be also an overview for employees of the organization. They can also encourage the employees to think over the meaning of used QMS tools and methods . Originality/value: The author of this article presented selected results of the original empiric research, conducted among employers in automotive industry in Poland.
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Dyrektywa o wyrobach budowlanych nakłada na producentów obowiązek oceny zgodności wyrobów z wymaganiami specyfikacji technicznych - zharmonizowanych norm, europejskich aprobat technicznych lub uznanych we Wspólnocie norm krajowych. Wybór systemu oceny zgodności zależy przede wszystkim od roli, jaką wyrób odgrywa w odniesieniu do wymagań podstawowych. W każdym jednak przypadku wymagane jest wdrożenie przez zakład systemu zakładowej kontroli produkcji (ZKP). W artykule zaprezentowano ocenę zgodności dla elementów murowych ceramicznych produkowanych w LEIER - TARNÓW SA na tle funkcjonującego w zakładzie systemu ZKP, który stanowi integralną część systemu zarządzania jakością (SZJ).
Construction Products Directive obliges the producers to carry out attestation of conformity of their products according to the requirements listed in technical specifications such as harmonized standards, European technical approvals or national standards recognized in the EU. The choice of attestation system depends primarily on the role of the product with respect to basic requirements. In each case, however, it is necessary to implement a factory production control system (FPC). The article provides insight into attestation of conformity of lay masonry units produced at LEIER - TARNÓW Inc. in the light of the existing internal FPC which constitutes an integral part of quality management system (QMS).
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