In Japan don't exist very clear criteria and principles of TQM-deployment, Many enterprises, possessing in proper structure some number of QCC-quality control circles, are just on the way to introduce TQM-methodolgy, according own evaluation. This process is even never finished. The TQM is continuously lasting process, because it forms a tool for to achieve competitive goals, but it is not the goal itself. QCC are considered in Japanese enterprises as basic activity in area of "Employee Solving Problems", where the employees and the workers are authors of all improvements or innovations. Other people like managers, administration, technology, R&D and so on, are supporting personal only, if needed. In the USA, the teamwork of this kind was recognized just in 70. years past century. The benefits obtained from QCC-activities are practically linked to all employees and to company in whole, therefore they should be disseminated by all possibilities. This stimulation is here presented.