The water resources are the main component of technological processes occurring in industry; therefore, increasing the level of environmental safety, in particular, wastewater treatment without adverse impact on the environment and human health is relevant. The preliminary environmental analysis of the motor transport enterprise (MTE) activity has been carried out. It has been established that about twenty environmental aspects identified in the departments of technical inspection and repair and service have an adverse impact on the state of the environment. A substantial impact on the environment occurs when the sewage containing petroleum products, washing liquids, waste lubricants and contaminated by the products of tissue origin enters the soil and water objects and their resources. On the basis of the preliminary analysis, the authors have identified the environmental aspects of the company’s activity and proposed an environmental policy as an essential element for the implementation of the environmental management system. The studies conducted with the aim of determining the motor transport enterprise sewage composition revealed an excessive content of polluting chemical substances, namely: suspended substances, phosphates, iron, fats, oil products and synthetic detergents. The expediency of using carbonaceous sorbents of vegetable origin, which were obtained from the waste wood industry for wastewater treatment of the enterprise, was investigated. It was revealed that the process of sorption purification improved the quality of wastewater of the motor transport enterprise to the standard values. The proposed recommendations for the implementation of the environmental management system will gradually reduce the impact of the company on the main components of the biosphere. Effective implementation of the environmental management system will help to increase the competitiveness of the enterprise and lead to an economic effect by saving raw materials, materials, energy resources, reducing the environmental fees and penalties.
This study investigated those factors which influenced the adoption of Moringa olefera as water purifier by the farmers in Kaduna state. Data were collected with the aid of structured questionnaire from 30 respondents. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and logit regression model. The results showed that the respondents had one form of education or the other. About 90 percent were married average household size of 10 persons per household. About 73 percent adopted Moringa oleifera water purification. Socio-economic factors influencing adoption of Moringa oleifera water purification were age, education, extension contact and membership of cooperative. The study therefore recommends that farmers should form themselves into association because such association will aid in collective soliciting for government assistance, NGOs and other funding agencies. Also, more awareness should be created by the extension agents on the importance of Moringa oleifera seed powder in rural development.
Właściwości gliceryny pozwalają na jej zastosowanie jako składnika kosmetyków, leków i produktów żywnościowych. Wykorzystywana jest także jako surowiec wyjściowy w wielu syntezach chemicznych. Jednakże zastosowania te wymagają bardzo dużej czystości użytej gliceryny. Przemysł biodiesla dostarcza około 11 % wagowych surowej gliceryny. Jego szybki rozwój, a więc dostępność coraz większej ilości surowej gliceryny, determinuje poszukiwania efektywnych i ekonomicznych metod oczyszczania. W pracy przedstawiono przegląd metod oczyszczania gliceryny.
The biodiesel manufacture yields 10 wt % of glycerol. It contains 50 wt % glycerol leaving the separator contains methanol, catalyst and soap. Although glycerol has more than 1000 uses, including many application as an ingredient or processing aid in cosmetics, explosives, toiletries, personal care, drugs and food products, it has become a low-value byproduct or a waste with an attached disposal cost. The above application require a highly purified product while crude glycerol is only suitable for mixing with feed for animals. Methods such as ion exchange, adsorption and membrane technologies, have been applied for the elimination of sodium chloride from aqueous media. The comparison of applying methods identified that membrane process is the most effective one since it allowed to achieve 99,7% purified glycerol.
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Badano skuteczność utleniania formaldehydu za pomocą procesów chemicznego utleniania: Fentona, ozonowania w środowisku alkalicznym i ozonowania dodatkiem nadtlenku wodoru. Zbadano wpływ parametrów, takich jak stężenia reagentów O3, H2O2, Fe2+ i czasu reakcji. Badania prowadzono na roztworze wodnym FA, ktorego stężenie wynosiło 500 mg/l, i na ściekach przemysłowych, których ChZT i stężenie FA wynosiły odpowiednio 1372 mg/l O2 i 192 mg/l. Proces Fentona był prowadzony przy pH 3. Otrzymane wyniki wskazywały, że proces ten jest najskuteczniejszy w rozkładzie formaldehydu zarówno w przypadku roztworu wodnego, jak i ścieków przemysłowych. Optymalne dawki H2O2/Fe2+ wynosiły: 2000/1000 mg/l dla roztworu wodnego i 1000/250 mg/l dla ścieków ChZT i stężenie FA zmniejszyły się odpowiednio o 59,6 i 79,5% w przypadku roztworu wodnego oraz o 30,5 i 89,6% w przypadku ścieków przemysłowych. W zwiąku z tym proces Fentona ma duże szanse znaleźć zastosowanie w podczyszczaniu ścieków formaldehydowych.
Chemical oxidation processes: Fenton process, ozonation at high pH and oxidation with hydrogen peroxide were investigated for effectiveness of formaldehyde (FA) oxidation. The influence of operational variables – O3, H2O2 and Fe2+ concentrations, pH and reaction time were investigated. Researches were carried out on aqueous solution of FA, which concentration was 500 mg/l, and on industrial wastewater, which COD and FA concentration were 1372 mg/l O2 and 192 mg/l, respectively. Fenton process was investigated at pH 3. Results revealed that Fenton process was the most effective in FA degradation in case of water solution and industrial wastewater as well. The optimal H2O2/Fe2+ dosages were: 2000/1000 mg/l for aqueous solution and 1000/250 mg/l for wastewater. COD and FA concentrations were reduced by 59,6% and 79,5% for aqueous solution and 30,5% and 89,6% for industrial wastewater. Therefore, Fenton process can be promising technology for FA wastewater pretreatment.