The existence of every company, organization or even whole industry can be jeopardised by a crisis situation, which can arise due to a wide range of internal and external environmental factors. Quite often, crisis situations affect those industries and companies whose activities are largely affected by external factors. One example of such industries is the Latvian film industry, which to a great extent is dependent on the availability of public funding for making films and carrying other audio-visual projects. A substantial reduction in public financing of film industry in 2009 created a crisis-like conditions within the industry as a whole and in most of the related companies as well. This article analyses crisis management and communication in the Latvian film industry as a whole and in its individual companies. There are also statistical data analysed on the amount of public funding and its impact on the number of films made. Also the overall long-term crisis situation in film industry is analysed. In order to give an analysis of the situation in film industry companies six semi-structured interviews have been conducted. This allowed to determine the causes of the crisis, its impact on business activities of those companies, management and communication processes during crisis. The study showed that the cause of the crisis was almost exclusively not receiving of public funding by Latvian film studios and thus a failure to implement their film projects. In such situations the work of the studio manager and the internal communication are of the essence. The results of the interviews showed that such situations can be successfully overcome if there have been good pre-crisis relationships developed, reputation and good work results provided. The most important part of internal communication during a crisis is to provide open and complete information on previous work done by the company. If external communication is very important during crisis situations for the industry as a whole, then it is not so important for individual companies. It was also concluded that such crisis situations create a creative crisis, and taking into account the specifics of Latvian film studios, the studio director’s personal crisis communication replaces the crisis communication of the company. Finally, it was concluded that the Latvian film industry long-term crisis, which was resulted from the reduction of public funding could be considered as systematic failure of strategy within the industry.
This paper presents the initial results of a significant research project conducted under the IOC PhD Student Research Grant Program with the support of the Hungarian Olympic Committee. Macro- and meso-level analyses were conducted within the framework of this research to analyze the competitive position of the Hungarian elite sport policy system. In the following, an essential part of the research will be presented with the aim of modeling the efficiency of the Hungarian sport funding system as the increasingly international sporting competition forces governments to invest more money in elite sport development just so they can maintain their elite sport success as the supply of medals remains basically constant. Due to these diminishing returns to the scale of investment, an elite sporting system with an efficient structure will be key in future sporting success. Data collection was based on information gained through a general questionnaire and interviews with the main stakeholders of national sport federations and the Hungarian Olympic Committee, which is the main governing body of Hungarian high-performance sport. Data collection focused on the sixteen prioritized sport federations and the five team sports that benefited from a tax relief system. Secondary data were collected regarding the national public funding for sport, elite sport, and sport by sport since 2006, and Gracenote’s database was used to analyze historical performance in the different disciplines and compare Hungarian performance with that of other countries. This research will provide information to policy makers about the competitive position of Hungary in elite sport and, in this respect, explore the critical success factors that will allow Hungary to assess how best to manage its future success in an increasingly competitive international environment.
The following article deals with the idea of culture policy in Poland and the crucial role of the public financing of the culture. The author draws attention to the fact that public money often stimulates different types of pathologies in cultural institutions which results in linking culture with bureaucratic system. There is a key question which the author asks: why should we fund the culture? A major problem in Poland is the lack of universal access to the culture and therefore a priority for the state should be the program of digitization of cultural goods. Furthermore, the author considers the impact of public funding on the quality of the culture and alternative methods of financing such as subsidies for specific projects or crowdfunding.
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The author deals with the issue of political party funding which is very important for the existence of constitutional democracy (the democratic state ruled by law). The functioning of political parties is, indeed, understood by legal theorists as one of the fundaments of modern democracies. The purpose of a political party is to use democratic means in order to exert infl uence on shaping state policy or exercising public authority. This may be achieved, above all, by participation of political parties in elections. The activities aimed at achievement of this goal could not be undertaken without appropriate funding. Political fi nances are considered to have a key role in shaping democratic society, as the volume of available funds determines, to a high degree, success in the race for power. The article discusses matters related to the sources wherefrom political parties may acquire funds, as well as the principles of their acquisition. The issue is governed by the Act of 27 June 1997 on Political Parties. Under this Act, the assets of a political party is derived from membership fees, donations, bequests, legacies, income from property, and from subsidies and subventions payable out of the State Budget. The author also indicates additional ways, not specifi ed in the Act, of lawful acquisition of fi nancial means by political parties. He also examines: the forms of acquiring the funds, places of their collection, limits for donations, as well as purposes for which the funds may be used and procedures for their use. The author concludes that in Poland the funding of political parties is subject to strict legal regulation. How the relevant provisions are observed greatly depends on legal consciousness of persons establishing political parties.
Problematyka dotycząca zasad udzielania świadczeń opieki zdrowotnej finansowanych ze środków publicznych jest złożona i wielowątkowa. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie tylko pewnego fragmentu tych zagadnień, a mianowicie podstaw prawnych udzielania świadczeń opieki zdrowotnej finansowanych ze środków publicznych, na rzecz osób bezdomnych. Z przeprowadzonej analizy obowiązujących w tym zakresie rozwiązań prawnych wynika, że obowiązuje tylko jedna podstawa prawna w tym zakresie dedykowana wprost osobom bezdomnym, tj. objęcie ubezpieczeniem zdrowotnym w ramach indywidualnego programu wychodzenia z bezdomności, która w praktyce ze względu na zakres zastosowania odgrywa jednak niewielką rolę. Pozostałe rozwiązania prawne są przewidziane dla szerszej kategorii osób, do której można także zaliczyć właśnie osoby bezdomne. W wyniku przeprowadzonej analizy zostaną zgłoszone postulaty de lege ferenda, w zakresie wywołującym największe trudności stosowania w praktyce przepisów regulujących te zagadnienia.
The problem of providing healthcare services publicly funded is complex. The purpose of the article is the presentation of a certain fragment of these issues, which, in accordance with title, concerns the legal basis of providing healthcare services publicly funded for homeless people. There is only one legal basis in this regard dedicated straight for the homeless people, namely providing health insurance under individual programme of recovering from homelessness, which in view of the extent of the application plays hardly any role. Other legal solutions are provided for a wider range of categories of people for which the homeless people can be classified. As a result of analysis, the demands de lege ferenda shall be made in the area causing the major difficulties of the application in practice of the rules governing these issues.
Partnership models - an attempt at assessing the scale of the issue, determining the number of private and public institutions collecting archival, library and museum materials. Collecting various types of materials in one place and the resulting necessity to account for this diversity in fonds descriptions. Every partnership agreement should be based on a comprehensive expert assessment and should include appropriate legal conditions. Such agreements should include the obligation to handle collections with proper care, as well as grant help providers the right (and oblige them) to control the use of their help after a specified period as justification for reasonable use of public funds. Analytical methodology - respecting the existing methods of material organisation when categorising collections; developing a coherent information and description system for the entire archival, library and museum fonds. Application of international standards of description and linking descriptions with authority files.
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