After almost three years of the pandemic related to the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, at the beginning of the academic year 2022/2023, readiness to return to full-time education and selected psychological dispositions of 206 civilian students of the Naval Academy were examined. The relationship between students’ attitudes towards the situation of returning to full-time teaching and selected psychosocial conditions such as rumination-reflection, ego resilience, ways of coping with stress and personality dimensions were analyzed. Both groups of respondents differ in terms of their psychological resources, although differently than originally assumed. It turned out that students who want to return to face-to-face learning, and for whom this situation is not an overwhelming problem, do not have better psychosocial characteristics than students who prefer distance learning. The conclusions of this study may help us understand a certain aspect of students’ mental well-being, a different relationship with the environment than before, and the kind of education that we have not yet experienced.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań ankietowych przeprowadzonych wśród uczniów podstawowych i ponadpodstawowych szkół warszawskich w wieku 13-17 lat Określono w jakim stopniu wybrane czynniki stanowią ryzyko podejmowania palenia tytoniu przez młodzież.
The study was carried out on 13-17 years old school children from Warsaw elementary and secondary schools (vocational schools, technical schools and general education secondary schools). Statistical analysis of following parameters was estimated: 1. Respondent characteristics (sex, age, type of school, grade); 2. Characteristics of cigarette smoking (nonsmoking, age of first experience of smoking, frequency of smoking, planning the cigarette smoking in future); 3. Psychosocial factors (frequency of cigarette smoking among social environment of respondents, attitude toward smoking, estimating of psychophysical self-confidence, estimating of interpersonal relationships with other significant people and environments and estimating of social role playing in youth. The obtained results showed: 1. Cigarette smoking is one element of the global strategy that smoker uses to cope with interpersonal problems in process of socialization. 2. Smoking is a process conditioned by many factors influencing each other. Among this factors, psychosocial elements are very important. 3. The sources of this process are harmful relations with parents in early childhood, especially with mother. 4. The necessary condition of intaking regular smoking is cigarette smoking by social environments of youth. Frequency of this phenomenon is condited by sociocultural factors.
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