The effectiveness of uniformed officers is determined by many factors, but special significance is attributed to cognitivecompetence. The requirement to develop cognitive functions is the solution to meeting the new challenges constantly posed bychanging situations. The Police Academy, Szczytno, has created the concept of a developmental project entitled The Developmentof an Interactive Psycho-stimulator Trainer for Police Officers to meet the need for the development of cognitive skills in uniformedofficers. The main objective of the project is to develop and implement an innovative diagnostic and training system forthe evaluation and stimulation of cognitive and psychomotor skills in police officers. An additional feature of the system will bea psycho-physiological module designed for training in coping with stress and an advanced system enabling quick and effectiveassessment of the performance of the mental functions of officers prior to commencing particularly difficult and dangerous duties.Self-awareness of tension and physiological changes caused by the performance of difficult tasks is a very important issue, whichis the basis for the evolution of the response in, for example, critical situations. At the commencement of work on the conceptof the module, priority was given to the functionality and mobility of the device. It was assumed that the user could connect simplesensors to the finger of the left or right hand and carry out game tasks requiring perception, attention, skills of analysis and decisionmaking.The system reads the psycho-physiological parameters of the user and at the end of the game or test reports the changesin the level of stress in the physiological sphere. After performing several tasks, the user will be able to assess the effects of theirtraining. The use of the recorder module will enable individuals to control the level of the measured variables, so that they gainknowledge about their reactions of which they are often unaware and which have a significant impact on the actions that they take.
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