In this paper I concern myself with The Superman Puzzle (the phenomenon of the substitution failure of co-referential proper names in simple sentences). I argue that the descriptive content associated with proper names, besides determining the proper name’s reference, function as truth-conditionally relevant adjuncts which can be used to express a manner, reason, goal, time or purpose of action. In that way a sentence with a proper name “NN is doing something” could be understood as “NN is doing something as NN” (which means “as-soand-so”). I argue that the substitution of names can fail on modified readings because the different descriptive content of proper names modifies the main predicate differently. Here I present a formal representation of modified predicates which allows one to model intuitively the different truth-conditions of sentences from The Puzzle.
rtykuł dotyczy funkcjonowania nieoficjalnych antroponimów w trylogii złodziejskiej Sergiusza Piaseckiego. Autorka wyekscerpowała z powieści 49 antroponimów i podzieliła je na kategorie motywacyjne i słowotwórcze. Analiza wykazała, że antroponimy nieoficjalne pełnią różne funkcje w trylogii złodziejskiej, identyfikacyjno-dyferencjacyjną, pragmatyczną, socjologiczną, werystyczną.
The article deals with the functioning of unofficial anthroponyms in Sergiusz Piasecki’s criminal trilogy. The author collected 49 anthroponyms. The analysis included assigning the anthroponyms into categories on the basis of their motivation and word formation. The present paper demonstrated that unofficial anthroponyms perform several functions in the prose of Sergiusz Piasecki, including: identification and differentiation of characters, pragmatic and social functions.
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