In the paper we investigate the existence of graphs isomorphism and the search for invariants of connected graphs. A new graph invariant is formulated. It can be used to detect isomorphism of connected graphs. The vector space of all simple cycles of the graph and their edge-disjoint unions (cycle space) and the vector space of all cutting sets of the graph and their edge-disjoint unions (cut space) are constructed in the article for finding a new graph invariant. The authors investigate the method of constructing these vector spaces: cycle space and cut space. A new estimate of the dimensions of these vector spaces of the graph is given. The obtained invariant is demonstrated on a concrete example. A counterexample is constructed to confirm the fact that the proposed invariant can be used as a necessary but not sufficient condition for graphs isomorphism. A heuristic algorithm is proposed for constructing a one-to-one correspondence between sets of vertices of isomorphic graphs.
W artykule badamy istnienie izomorfizmów między grafami oraz poszukujemy niezmienników grafów spójnych. Tworzony jest nowy niezmienniczy graf. Metoda może służyć do wykrywania izomorfizmów między grafami spójnymi. W pracy użyto pojęcia przestrzeni wektorowej wszystkich prostych cykli grafu i ich sum względem rozłącznych krawędzi oraz przestrzeni wektorowej wszystkich zbiorów grafów uciętych i ich rozłącznych krawędziowo sum. Zbadano metodę konstruowania takich przestrzeni wektorowych: przestrzeni cyklicznej i przestrzeni cięcia. Podano nowe oszacowanie wymiarów tych tego typu przestrzeni wektorowych grafów. Otrzymany niezmiennik jest pokazany na konkretnym przykładzie. W pracy podano kontrprzykład, aby potwierdzić fakt, że zaproponowany niezmiennik może być użyty jako warunek konieczny, ale niewystarczający dla izomorfizmu grafów.
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To improve the flexibility of the multilevel space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM), various algorithms have been developed. A theoretical comparison is made for three 2-D SVPWM algorithms: they are g-h frame, α' - β' frame and multilevel SVPWM based on two-level (α* - β* frame). The aim is to provide a guideline for the selection of the most appropriate SVPWM technique for digital implementation. Among them, the α' - β' frame offers the best flexibility with the least calculation and is well suited for digital implementation. The α* - β* frame is the most intuitionistic but has the largest calculation. New general methods of the g-h frame and α' - β' frame for any level SVPWM are also provided, which needs only the angle θ and the modulation depth m to generate and arrange the final vector sequence. All three methods are implemented in a field programmable gate array (FPGA) with very high speed integrated circuit hardware description language (VHDL) and compared in terms of implementation complexity and logic resources required. Simulation results show the absolute advantages of α' - β' frame in briefness and resources use. Finally, an experimental test result is presented with a three-level neutral-point-clamped (NPC) inverter.
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