The author presents ample reflections which came to his mind while reading "Guide-Lines for the Elaboration of Problems of the Protection of Cultural Values in Plans for Land Development” drawn in October 1981 by the Group of Experts of the Interbranch Commission for the Renewal of Towns and Old-Town Complexes. In the first place he points out that the dominating thought in the text of "Guide-Lines” as well as in the entire conservation and town planning is that the town is mere a set of houses, streets and communal amenities, while a socio-cultural sphere is left out totally. Monuments protection in Poland (and perhaps not only here) covers mainly a sphere of organised campaigns. All operations take place on the followig lines: a specialist — decident — investor — excutor, while the first and at the same time the last link, namely the user and consumer of culture, is forgotten. It is disquieting to think that the phrase in ’’Guide-Lines” ensuring that all districts are ”a social space” is only a courtesy, without any meaning in practice. Some reservations arise also with regard to the content of conservation programmes for urban historic complexes, and in the first place the problem of the zones of conservation practice. It seems improper to consider zone lines separately from conservation programmes. The conservation zone should be regarded as a result of conservation programme and not a main element of administrative decision. The last question to which the author brings attention is the problem of historic and town-planning studies, which should not be an urbanistic instrument but a comprehensive compendium of information on the town history, elaborated according to methods of historic investigation.
Revitalisation is nowadays one of the most frequently used notions related to the renovation and reclamation of cities as well as restoration of splendour to areas and facilities. It should be remembered, however, that revitalisation is also a process of social renewal (social projects) and revival of the economic space of a city or a region. Well-maintained, original, historic urban space also becomes an inspiration for the development of many socio-cultural initiatives, enriching the offer of the city and making it attractive for both the residents and representatives of the creative class, on whom, to a large extent, the economic growth of the city is dependent. This interdependence of caring for an attractive space and the development of other aspects of city life, including the economic one, also takes form of marketing activities that consist in promoting the cultural legacy of the city and region as a special "product" that distinguishes a particular area.
Charakter przemian społeczno-gospodarczych zachodzących we współczesnym świecie wymusza także konieczność zmiany podstawowych funkcji miast, kojarzonych do tej pory głównie z epoką industrialną. Efekty tych przemian widoczne są przede wszystkim w formach przekształcania i wykorzystania na nowo przestrzeni miejskiej. W tworzeniu strategii rozwoju poszczególnych regionów i miast coraz częściej słyszy się o koncepcji i potrzebie rozwoju inteligentnych specjalizacji. Zasada ta dotyczy konieczności określenia własnych atutów i koncentracji uwagi na priorytetowych czynnikach rozwoju danego miasta czy regionu w myśl zasady, że nie można się specjalizować we wszystkim. Pojawiają się zatem pytania czy współczesne miasto poprzemysłowe ma szansę na nowo określić ścieżkę swojego rozwoju i stać się prężnym, zdolnym do konkurencji ośrodkiem miejskim oraz jaki udział w tworzeniu nowej jakościowo przestrzeni społecznej tych miast odgrywa dziedzictwo poprzemysłowe regionu?
The nature of socio-economic changes in the modern world forces also need to change the basic function of the cities associated to date mainly from the industrial era. The effects of these changes are visible mainly in the forms of transformation and re-use of urban space. In creating the strategy of development of individual regions and cities increasingly hears about the concept and the need for the development of smart specialization. This rule applies to the need to define their own strengths and focus attention on priority development factors of a given city or region in the principle that you cannot specialize in everything. The question therefore arises whether the modern post-industrial city has the opportunity to redefine the path of its development and become a resilient, able to compete urban center and which contribute to the formation of a qualitatively new social space of the cities plays a former industrial heritage of the region?
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