This article presents an analysis of the complex relation between the spatial and narrative aspects of human identity as seen in Italo Calvino's novel Invisible Cities. The cities described in the novel exemplify the crisis of the tamed and objectified narrative space which serves as the basis of human existence. This process comprises: the contestation of history (the relation between space and the linear time), the contestation of narrative (the human ability to imbue space with meaning) and, lastly, the contestation of the identity (the ability to build an identity based on domesticated space).
Przedmiotem analizy jest struktura narracyjna powieści „Każdy czwarty” białoruskiego prozaika Uładzimira Damaszewicza Oprócz tradycyjnej narracji w trzeciej osobie liczby pojedynczej autor wykorzystuje w utworze inne formy narracyjne. Jedną z nich jest monolog wewnętrzny drugorzędnych postaci powieści. W artykule omówiono kontekstowe znaczenia tych form.
The object of the study is the narration structure of the story “Every fourth” written by a Belarusian writer Uladzimir Damashevich In addition to the traditional third-person narration the author uses other narration forms. One of these forms is the inner monologue of the minor characters of the story. In the article the contextual meaning of those episodes is analysed.
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