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Content available remote Plastic investigations : room for life
Architecture as the human entourage tends to lose its connection to corporeal life sources in favour of determinism and false identity. This can be harmonised by the reassessment of elementary human values present in several artistic fields.
Architektura jako środowisko człowieka traci powiązanie ze źródłami realnego życia na korzyść determinizmu i błędnej tożsamości. Można tą sytuację zharmonizować poprzez ponowne sklasyfikowanie elementarnych ludzkich wartości obecnych w różnych obszarach sztuki.
"Architecture is frozen music" (J. W. von Goethe), therefore it is also an abstract form of Fine Art. [ii] Independence of Time is architecture's true nature as well as its dominant Aesthetic Function. [iii] Architectural form is the aesthetic construction of an existing built object within "spacetime". [iv] Aesthetic function is independent of its cultural setting as well as the current dominant fashions of architecture. [v] Architecture is always the continuation of aesthetical and ethical concerns within "spacetime". The idea of architecture as well as the marerials used for its purposes are never contrary to the theories of fine art. [vi] The basis and main value of the existence of architectural form lies in its Aesthetic Function. Architecture without a dominant aesthetic function is an inconsequential matter in time.
Content available remote Architektura - sztuka tajemna
Reaction for the spatial context, as a pretext and inspiration for the creation of architectural form on the universal basis of experiences of the evolution of culture and civilization, is the basic issue for building the interactions between the new creations and it's surrounding in contemporary architecture.
Content available remote Nowość wobec tożsamości : 2 x dziesięć polskich przypadków
Poszukiwanie architektury jako sztuki wymaga wyjątkowo osobistej deklaracji twórczej. Protestem wobec tracenia przez architekturę pamięci może być szukanie pogodzenia współczesnych przeciwieństw: tożsamości i nowości. Jest to szukanie wartości, a nie akceptacja szumu. Dowód możliwości integracji w jednym dziele tożsamości i nowości, przeprowadzony zostaje w oparciu o dziesięć przypadków dawnej architektury polskiej i dziesięć architektury ostatniego stulecia. Nie daje to gwarancji słuszności, a jedynie może zatrzymuje w biegu.
The paper deals with the problem area of the visual character of urban landscape. It contains the brief outline of main issues of the new scientific discipline - environmental aesthetics, which developed on the borderlines of environmental psychology and empirical aesthetics. This new discipline developed specific research tools which enable - among others - solving many important visual problems connected with introducing new buildings or structures to existing urban landscape, what is known as contextual compatibility.
Content available remote Architektura jako sztuka : między kompleksem a arogancją
Architecture finds itself caught between the complex of not being artistic enough and of being too artistic which is perceived as the form of architectural arrogance. The reason for the complex is the stereotype that architecture is utilitarian and therefore can not be treated as the pure art. The present author argues that the other arts are also utilitarian and the real reason for limiting the artistic freedom for the architects lies in the necessity of real localization. Genius loci can be used for the benefit of the architecture as well as for imposing limits. Architecture can never be arbitrary. Should that be a reason for a complex though?
Content available remote Architecture as the art of constructing space
As architects we have to accept this axiom: architecture is the art of constructing space. It is a space that pertains to architecture and the city, by means of which society expresses itself and acts. As a technical and constructive event, architecture cannot be conceived beyond a specific formal content. One of the main values we are ascribing to architecture is the ability of translating the shapes of the spirit of the times. Its meaning goes beyond the utilitarian (functional) features of inhabiting. Vitruvius reminds us that architecture is firmitas (firmness). utilitas (commodity), and venustas (delight). an appropriate spatial accommodation has to comply with an appropriate structural stability and formal attractiveness.
Jako architekci musimy zaakceptować ten oto aksjomat: architektura to sztuka kształtowania przestrzeni. To przestrzeń, w skali architektury i miasta, w której społeczeństwo wyraża się i działa. Jako techniczne i budowlane "wydarzenie", architektura nie może być pojmowana poza określonymi treściami formalnymi. Jednym z głównych walorów, które przypisujemy architekturze jest możliwość przekładu ducha czasu. Znaczenie tej wartości wychodzi poza utylitarne cechy zamieszkiwania.
Content available remote Architecture as art
tom R. 101, z. 10-A
Architektura, jako forma sztuki, ma na celu przez formalną ekspresję wpływać na emocje odbiorcy. Jest to droga komunikacji wartości; transmisja z wewnętrznego świata artysty do wewnętrznego świata odbiorcy. Ta niematerialna forma komunikacji jest dla społeczeństwa dużo ważniejsza niż technologia. Stanowi duszę kultury.
The basic determinant of a transfer of architecture beauty are not the limitations of persons with disfunction of organ of sight capability but their real perceptual potential, based on compensation role of other senses. No of senses taking part in perception of architecture act in isolation from the others- each time we deal with a process of cooperation of senses and the effect of this is a system of fulfilling information-multijunction-type "image" of reality. Spatiality of architecture is not closed in three dimension of measurements of cartesian match. The essence of architecture beauty is not closed in its visual aspect.
tom z. 48
Słońce ma wpływ na zdrowie i samopoczucie człowieka. Zadaniem architekta jest zaprojektowanie optymalnej insolacji budynku. Architektura solarna, skupiając się na aspektach energetycznych, zaniedbała zdrowotne aspekty światła słonecznego. Aspekty te stanowiły istotny temat architektury modernistycznej pierwszej połowy XX w. Przedstawione realizacje uwzględniają psychologiczne i fizjologiczne oddziaływanie światła słonecznego na człowieka.
Sunlight influences our health and our state of mind. To design an optimal insolation of the building is a duty of an architect. So far, solar architecture only focused on energy recovery and disregarded the health promoting aspects of the sunlight. These topics were matter of particular importance in the modernist architecture of the first half of the twentieth century. The buildings shown here illustrate their particular design under aspect of the psychological and physiological value of the sunlight.
Content available remote Writing over writing
Projekt jako eksperymentalny przedmiot dotyczący pojęć kreatywności, myśli i wiedzy, był stosowany jako efektywne narzędzie do rozwiązania problemu walki między tradycją a rozwojem, między pamięcią a chęcią pójścia naprzód, między staromodnym, a nowym. Oto przykład: przebudowa Patio Nowicjatu w Starożytnym Zakonie św. Augustyna (XVII w.). Jerez.
Architecture is an art because its composite language of expression has a poetic dimension. It is a phenomenon that may be comprehended intuitively in its entirety. It may produce a cathartic experience of purification and fulfilment. A work of architecture can also pose existential questions on the sense and purpose of the world and offer some answers. As Christian Norberg-Schulz was to write, architecture is a image of the world and hence an art. It may be added - for a image of the world to be a picture it must have its own architecture. That is the key to the secret of inseparability of art and architecture.
Content available remote Tekstaż przestrzenny
W artykule zamieszczono cytaty z czasopism i książek dotyczące architektury.
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Content available remote Nowe opisywanie architektury
For the last two decades, there Has been a discussion on chaos theory, complexity theory, fractal geometry and architecture in his context. The discussion participants include, on the one hand, mathematicians who have been encouraged by the new field of science to form an original vision of everything that surrounds us, including architecture. On the other hand, there are architects fascinated with new perception of the universe. However, the latter differ in their opinions. Some of them claim that the fascination is an outdated fashion of the 1980s and the 1990s while others enthusiastically welcome fractal architecture as a new and unique style and believe that this is our future. It is absolutely original and hard to perceive. That is why it might be hard to accept. And yet it must be admitted that a significant number of architects have ignored the novelties from the world of science.
Content available remote "Przestrzeń" architektury w sztuce przełomu wieków (XX/XXI)
tom R. 101, z. 10-A
There is no doubt that the comprehension of the architecture today differs from the definitions which were accepted, well-known and familiar in 60ties. The architecture as the clear-cut, unambiguous term no longer exists, and the limits of its understanding are no longer determined by physical space, but are fixed by the space of intellectual comprehension. The new sensitivity leads up to the new formula of beauty: between the ability to comprehend and the ability to represent the content of the concept occurs the compatibility, which is the source of the aesthetics experience.
Content available remote Karnawał i post w sztuce a architektura współczesna
tom R. 101, z. 10-A
"The Carnival and the Fast" is a conventional distinction, which can be found in culture whenever wealth is opposed to poverty, splendor to ascetism, sensuality to intellect, ostentation to modesty or complexity to simplicity. It can be perceived in modern architecture and art, whose values are conveyed by the motto "LESS IS MORE". Postmodernism undermined the utopian foundations of modernism, revealing their temporariness. Neominimal art and minimalism in architecture means the rebirth of "amor vacui". Perfidiously, the minimalism came to be the art of the society of abundance. Baudrillard is describing it as the paradox of the rule of distinctive value, which is the driving force of changes in culture.
Content available remote Próba ontologicznego ujęcia definiowania przestrzeni architektonicznej
Wstępna typologia procesu przedmiotowego mogłaby obejmować np. przypadki: (i) definiowanie architektury przez definitora, definitorów; (ii) definiowanie człowieka przez społeczeństwa, przez architekturę (sztukę); (iii) definiowanie definitorów architektury (sztuki).
tom R. 101, z. 10-A
Architecture is a free mistress of all things and subjected to nobody. But, at the same time, it is the servant of all matters and the slave of everything. Where it claims to be Art, it is just an artistic trade, when architecture is Art, it is so to speak a relief of space. But where it is both the servant and the mistress, or is supposed to be, where lies its freedom and need, where this freedom radiates in space - then the feeling of uselessness arrives and... it becomes Architecture. M. Luther-A. Schultes
Content available remote The natural limits between art and architecture
Zaczynając od sugestii zawartej w jednym z wykładów Alfreda Rothe'a In search of a Theory of the New Architecture, autorzy, wskazując kilka ostatnich architektonicznych produkcji lub superprodukcji, próbują w poniższym tekście spojrzeć na przestrzeń między Sztuką a Techniką, w której Architektura stara się utrzymać stan równowagi. Biorąc pod uwagę naturę przedmiotu i konieczność syntezy zakładamy, że tekst jest raczej zbiorem uwag -bez intencji budowania systemu pojęć, które mogłyby opisać przestrzeń rozdzielającą sztukę i architekturę.
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