Unmanned Aerial Vehicles’ (UAVs) operations so far have been mainly connected with military operations and due to security reasons they have been limited to selected space or the space over a real battlefield (the Balkans, Iraq, Afghanistan). Armed forces’ constantly growing requirements concerning the use of UAVs, as well as the increased interest of their application for civil tasks cause that there is a need to ensure UAVs access to controlled and not controlled space (of all International Civil Aviation Organization’s - ICAO classes) and integrate their operations with air traffic control management systems. The problems relating to the development of UAV systems are complex - the works focus on regulations when they are fit for service (certificates), ATM procedures, various technical issues (e.g. propulsion, airframe, miniaturization of radionavigation equipment, remote control and flight control equipment) and defining requirements in relation to the UAV pilot - operator’s qualifications. Multi-sided research is conducted by numerous research and scientific institutions and international aviation organizations (e.g. ICAO, EASA, EUROCONTROL, NATO). Through legislature, it is attempted to reach an appropriate security and safety level - ensuring the UAV flights in ATS space will not create a bigger threat to people and property in the air and on the ground than manned aircraft of the same class and category. Another safety requirement is to develop transparent rules to use the same airspace by unmanned and manned aerial vehicles and complying with air traffic norms, rules and procedures by UAV users, particularly concerning separation and collision avoidance. It is assumed that the way of using UAVs in ATS space must be the same as the one currently used in relation to manned aerial vehicles, i.e. based on rules and regulations set by ICAO. It is forecasted that UAVs will become an important and rightful user of European airspace.
In the next article on synthesis of regulations, the authors presented the general legal requirements for rotorcraft, which is limited to US regulations, because the vast majority of world regulations are based on them. The Institute of Aviation in Warsaw has developed requirements concerning the construction and operation of rotorcraft in Poland. These requirements constitute an important contribution to the regulations of the civil a viation authority which are in force in the air space of the Republic of Poland. This paper presents the legal situation of rotorcraft and compares the requirements for helicopters and gyroplane. The conclusions highlighted the differences that arise from regulations between helicopters and rotorcraft. The authors have suggested the necessity to separate provisions for the group of windmills, which is implemented in the regulations of the civil a viation authority . The presented work is the second of a planned series of publications in which authors intend to bring some of the issues to the reader about the design aspects of aircraft in selected global aviation regulations.
W artykule autorzy przedstawili ogólne wymagania prawne stawiane wiropłatom, przy czym ograniczono się do przepisów obowiązujących w USA, ponieważ zdecydowana większość światowych przepisów opiera się właśnie na nich. W Instytucie Lotnictwa w Warszawie opracowano wymagania, które dotyczą budowy i eksploatacji wiatrakowców w Polsce. Wymagania te stanowią istotny wkład do opracowanych przez Urząd Lotnictwa Cywilnego przepisów obowiązujących w przestrzeni powietrznej RP. W niniejszej pracy zaprezentowano sytuację prawną wiatrakowców oraz porównano wymagania stawiane śmigłowcom oraz wiatrakowcom. We wnioskach uwypuklono różnice, jakie wynikają z przepisów pomiędzy śmigłowcami i wiatrakowcami. Autorzy zasugerowali konieczność wydzielenia przepisów dotyczących grupy wiatrakowców, co jest realizowane w przepisach Urzędu Lotnictwa Cywilnego. Zaprezentowana praca jest drugą z zaplanowanego cyklu publikacji, w której autorzy zamierzają przybliżyć czytelnikom pewne zagadnienia dotyczące aspektów projektowania statków powietrznych w wybranych światowych przepisach lotniczych.
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