The author of the opinion claims that heads of provincial sanitary inspections cannot be considered as employees “serving” provincial governor within the meaning of Article 268a of the Code of Administrative Procedure. That interpretation is supported by the wording of Article 19 of the Law on Provincial Governors. According to the author, since the legislature pointed out in a separate provision, in what situations and whom the provincial governor may authorize to exercise his powers, it must be assumed that in other situations such authorization is not permitted. That interpretation is also consistent with the principle of constitutional legality which is the fundamental principle of administrative law. The author gives a conclusion that the province governor cannot authorize provincial health inspectors to conduct, on his behalf, administrative enforcement of non-cash obligations related to preventive vaccination.
Powstanie samorządu terytorialnego jest wynikiem procesów decentralizacyjnych państwa, które rozpoczęły się w 1990 roku. Wtedy to reaktywowano samorząd terytorialny na poziomie gmin. Struktury wojewódzkie pozostały elementami administracji rządowej, zachowując swój dotychczasowy charakter. W rezultacie pojawił się dwustopniowy sposób sprawowania władzy państwowej. Dalszą decentralizację zadań i kompetencji na rzecz samorządu terytorialnego wprowadziła reforma administracyjna z 1998 roku. W jej wyniku powstały powiaty i województwa. Ukształtował się nowy system administracji publicznej w terenie, którego podstawą był samorząd terytorialny funkcjonujący na każdym szczeblu podziału terytorialnego. Samorząd terytorialny, złożony z gmin, powiatów i województw, stanowi strukturę poziomą, w której kolejne szczeble realizują zadania na coraz większym obszarze i nie pozostają względem siebie w układzie hierarchicznej podległości. Natomiast administrację rządową ograniczono tylko do szczebla wojewódzkiego. Relacje między administracją rządową i samorządową reguluje konstytucyjna zasada pomocniczości, odrzucająca zależność hierarchiczną. Wynika to z faktu, że w obecnej strukturze państwa nie ma jednostki „niższej”, która byłaby podporządkowana jednostce „wyższej”. Takie podejście ma fundamentalne znaczenie, ponieważ nawet w obecnej chwili zdarzają się sytuacje, kiedy starosta uważa się za zwierzchnika wójta, a minister – ich obu. Podobna relacja występuje między wojewodą a jednostkami samorządowymi, wojewoda wyposażony jest jednak w uprawnienia nadrzędne i nadzorcze wobec szczebla podstawowego. Jednak nie tylko zlecone zadania i polecenia wojewody są dodatkowymi uprawnieniami, które dają mu możliwość władczej ingerencji w sprawy jednostek samorządowych. W niniejszym artykule przytoczono praktyczne przykłady, jak te uprawnienia wojewody w istotny sposób mogą ograniczać niezależność samorządu.
The creation of local government is the result of the state decentralization process that started in 1990. Then local government at the municipal level was reactivated. The provincial structures remained the elements of the state government, while maintaining their existing character. The result was as a two–step exercise of state power. Further decentralization of tasks and responsibilities for local government was introduced by the administrative reform in 1998. As a result, poviats and provinces emerged. A new government system on the basis of the system of local government functioning at every level of the territorial division was formed. Local government consisting of municipalities, poviats and provinces is a horizontal structure in which each successive level carries out tasks in a wider area, without being subordinate to one another in a hierarchical system. The central administration was limited to the provincial level. The relationship between central and local governments is regulated by the constitutional principle of subsidiarity. The subsidiarity principle rejects the hierarchical relationship. This is due to the fact that the current structure of the state is not “lower”, which would be subordinate to the “higher” unit. This approach is fundamental, because even at present time there are situations in which a district governor is considered superior to a mayor, and a minister to the two of them. A similar relationship exists between a governor and local government units. However, a province governor is equipped with overriding and supervisory powers to the local government. These powers give him the right to intervene in the affairs of local government. The essence of the issue discussed in this article is to show how these powers of a province governor significantly restrict the autonomy of local governments.
Objectives: The subject of the analysis carried out in the paper is the characteristics of supervisory authorities. What is extremely important is that both constitutional authorities and quasi-authorities have the power to conduct supervisory activities, but only in terms of legality. The object of supervision is not only normative acts adopted by commune-level local government bodies, but also other activities carried out by entities that operate at this level of government. Material and methods: The article was prepared on the basis of applicable legal acts of the doctrine views. Results: Because of its brief size, the present paper is not an attempt at a comprehensive presentation of the problem identified in the title. The discussion is limited to a few elements. The paper contains an analysis of selected issues related to the problem of supervision over the activities of commune-level local government. The problem was described by comparing the most important constitutional and non-constitutional authorities appointed for this purpose. Conclusions: The purpose of this paper is to briefly describe the supervision over commune-level local government by both supervisory authorities in the strict meaning of this term and institutions that are considered quasi-supervisory authorities. On the one hand, these are constitutional bodies that operate, among others, in the political sphere (this remark refers to the prime minister and province governors) and, on the other hand, these are supervisory authorities bodies (which in our case supervise the activities of local government units) that exercise their powers by following the criterion of legality (this group also includes regional chambers of accounts).
In the Second Polish Republic there were new administrative structures. As a result of the unification process, central and territorial administrations were created. Territorial administration was divided into government and self-government administration. Government administration was created by general and special administration. A particular organ in the administration of the Second Polish Republic was the voivod who performed two functions. On the one hand, he was the representative of the Government in the area of the voivodship, on the other hand he was the head of the general administration. The character of the authority of the provincial governor and his office, which assisted him in performing his tasks, was presented on the example of the Provincial Office in Krakow of the 1932.
W artykule podjęto próbę scharakteryzowania ustroju Urzędu Wojewódzkiego Krakowskiego w świetle Statutu organizacyjnego i szczegółowego podziału czynności wprowadzonego zarządzeniem Wojewody Krakowskiego z 21 grudnia 1931 r. Na potrzeby artykułu dokonano również skrótowego przedstawienia struktury aparatu administracji publicznej w II Rzeczypospolitej, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem funkcji wojewody jako przedstawiciela rządu oraz szefa administracji ogólnej.
The aim of the article is to analyze the position and role of the voivode in the public decision-making process of the Second Polish Republic, in the context of creating administrative structures. This is an important issue due to the spectacular and impressive rate of development of the political model of the territorial administration in Poland after the First World War.
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