Background. Our previous study has shown that four aquatic weeds viz. Asian watermoss, Salvinia cucullata; water spinach Ipomoea reptans; water chestnut, Trapa natans; and lesser duckweed, Lemna minor from north-east India are important sources of proteins, vitamins and minerals, suitable for incorporation in fish diet. The aim of the present study was to compare the efficacy of these aquatic weeds based formulated diets on growth, feed utilization and nutrient turnover from feed to fish flesh of fingerlings of two species of Indian major carps: catla, Catla catla (Hamilton, 1822), and mrigal, Cirrhinus mrigala (Bloch, 1795). Materials and Methods. The fingerlings were hand-sorted and distributed in 15 glass aquaria (each having 50 l capacity) at a stocking density of 5 fishes per aquarium. Five formulated diets (containing 26%–28% of crude protein approximately) were prepared and analyzed for proximate composition. The diets were fed to catla and mrigal fingerlings in triplicate treatments at the rate 3% of body weight for 60 days and fish performance in terms of growth, feed utilization and carcass composition was evaluated. Results. The whole body composition and energy content of C. catla fingerlings before and at the end of feeding trials did not differ significantly (P > 0.05), however, the proportion of crude lipid content was high when fed with diet F2 (P < 0.05). In case of C. mrigala, crude protein, as well as lipid contents, were significantly higher in all the groups of fish at the end of experiment as compared to the initial fish. The hepatic- as well as the muscle tissues of catla and mrigal fingerlings fed the diet F2 (containing I. reptans) displayed high contents of crude protein and vitamin E (P < 0.01). Interestingly, although no difference in muscle glycogen level in C. mrigala was observed irrespective of the diet fed however, muscle and liver glycogen contents in Catla catla fingerlings fed F2 diet was significantly higher compared to glycogen contents of these tissues of initial fish or fish fed with control diet. Conclusion. Presently reported study suggests that I. reptans, being a rich source of nutrients, is suitable for incorporation in fish diet for C. catla and C. mrigala fingerlings.
The presented studies were carried out to get more information about physiological properties of methylotrophic bacteria selected from sewage sludges derived from mechanical and biological sewage treatment plants. All the isolated bacterial strains belonged to facultative methylotrophs. The majority of them utilized glucose, starch and lipids. Moreover, most of them were also found to possess proteolytic properties and were able to hydrolyze urea but they were incapable of asparagine ammonification.
Проводились исследования на 96 откормочных свиньях (хрячках и свинках) крупной белой польской породы с начальным весом около 30кг, разделенных на 6 групп. Животных кормили полнорационными кормосмесями. Содержание переваримого общего белка в рационах для свиней групп I, II и III отвечало рекомендуемому нормами, а групп IV, V и VI было сниженным на 25%. Энергетическое качество кормосмесей для свиней групп I и IV отвечало нормам, групп II и V было ниже а групп III и VI было на 20% выше в сравнении с нормой. Снижение содержания белка или повышение энергетического качества кормов приводили к снижению мясистости туши. По мере повышения концентрации энергии в рационах повышалось содержание жира в мышце корейки, в мышцах окорока и в почени. Уровень общего переваримого белка в корму не оказывал существенного влияния на состав этих тканей.
The respective investigations comrised 96 fattening pigs (young boars and gilts) of the White Large Polish breed of an initial body weight of about 30 kg, divided into 6 groups. Animals were fed full-ration mixtures. The digestible total protein content in feeds for animals of the I, II and III group was in accordance with values recommended by standards, while in the IV, V and VI group it was lowered by 25%. The energetic value of mixtures for animals of the I and IV group was in accordance with standards, while in the II and V group it was reduced and in the III and VI group increased by 20% in relation to standards. A reduction of the protein content and an increase of the energetic value of feeds resulted in a decrease of the meatiness of the carcasses. Along with the energy concentration growth in rations increased the fat content in loin, ham and liver tissues. The digestible total protein content in feed did not exert any significant effect on the composition of these tissues.