The principles of availability of information about the state and environmental protection were regulated in the Convention in Aarhus and the Directive no. 2003/4/WE of the European Parliament and of the Council on public access to environmental information and repealing Council Directive 90/313/EEC and in the Polish legislation in the Law of 2008 on environmental information, public participation in environment protection and on environmental impact assessments. The authors of the paper showed the legal status in the range of the availability principles of information about the environmental state and protection aspect in related to the public participation in the protection of environment.
Systemy informatyczne jako modele zarządzania środowiskiem lub jego częściami składowymi rozwinęły się ze względu na coraz szersze zapotrzebowanie na informację o środowisku i jego ochronie przed zagrożeniami. W niniejszym artykule podjęto próbę opracowania prototypowego systemu informatycznego, wspomagającego zarządzanie gospodarką odpadami komunalnymi w gminie z terenami przyrodniczo cennymi. W systemie uwzględniono wyniki wcześniej przeprowadzonych badań i analiz.
Information systems as models for environmental management, or its component parts, have evolved due to the increasing demand for information about the environment and its protection against threats. This article attempts to develop a prototype system, assisting the management of municipal waste in the municipality of valuable natural areas. The system takes into account the results of previously conducted research and analysis.
NIK has examined the appropriateness and effectiveness of the activities of selfgovernmental bodies (leaders of local self-government units, mayors, etc.) in relation to connecting – to the local water and sewage system – of all the inhabitants that are obliged to do so. NIK’s analyses comprised, among others, the correctness of the estimates of the planned growth in the number of the users of the planned networks; the reliability of the identification of all the buildings that should be connected; the execution from the owners of the buildings of their obligation to get connected to the water and sewage system; the activities related to informing and educating the inhabitants aimed at increasing the number of the users of the water and sewage system, and co-financing of the connection process.
Risk management relies on identification, estimation, control and finance of potential risks. Excient process of management against alternate of ecological threat it’s people and nature resources protection before threats related to pollution of water, air, soil and other components of environment, which balance has been broken by reason of pronouncement of unexpected natural phenomenon, industrial failure and human activities. Negative environmental results are caused in case of pronouncement of threat damage to environmental component pollutions and ecosystems changes.
The conception of sustainable development means such a course of economic and infrastructure growth in a given territory, a growth that does not essentially interfere with the natural environment. It is assume here that the resources and values of nature are optimally used, they do not essentially or irreversibly change man's environment. The necessity to conduct economic activity in respect with nature is stressed here. Therefore sustainable development is not only a concrete economic activity, or a practical protection of the natural environment, but it is also the quality of organised society. Once the principles of sustainable development are put into practice in the ecological policy of the state they will ensure the following: changes in the system of education, changes in the model of production and consumption, application of the best available techniques and good practices in economy, and then traditional actions (among other things, purification plants, neutralisation of wastes etc.) The issues connected with sustainable development should therefore be obligatory on the list of sector policies in all domains of economy, and also in the strategies and programmes of development at a national, local, and local levels. Obviously, the strategies accepted by local governments and the programmes of sustainable development should be realised in a complex manner, taking into consideration all sector of economic activity and inhabitants' activity.
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Charakter procesów technologicznych oraz dostępność powietrza stwarza szerokie perspektywy wykorzystania sprężonego powietrza. W artykule przedstawiono charakterystykę możliwości zastosowania sprężonego powietrza w różnych sektorach gospodarki, w szczególności w inżynierii środowiska. Zdefiniowano pojęcie „inżynieria środowiska” oraz określono podstawowe jej dziedziny. Przedstawiono zastosowanie sprężonego powietrza w różnego rodzaju technologiach służących kształtowaniu i ochronie środowiska zewnętrznego i wewnętrznego, gospodarowaniu zasobami naturalnymi i zapobieganiu niekorzystnym skutkom działalności człowieka. Wskazano procesy, w których jest ono zarówno czynnikiem technologicznym, jak i medium stosowanym w wielu czynnościach pomocniczych.
Kind of processes engineering and the availability of air poses a wide use perspective of compressed air. The article presents the characterization of different sectors of the economy, in particular environmental engineering employing compressed air. Defined the concept of “environmental engineering” and referred to its primary field. Shows the use of compressed air in all sorts of technologies for the development and protection of the external and internal environment, management of natural resources and the prevention of adverse effects of human activities. Indicated the processes in which it is the technological medium and medium used in many secondary auxiliary operations.
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