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W lipcu opublikowano raport londynskiej New Economy Foundation zawierający nowe koncepcje w dziedzinie oceny dobrobytu ludzi i krajów. Po raz pierwszy nie uwzględniono dochodu narodowego, co doprowadziło do klasyfikacji, która spotkała się z dużym (na ogół pozytywnym) oddźwiękiem publicznym. W 2 tygodnie później, w oparciu o te same dane, zaproponowano inną klasyfikację, uwzględniającą dochody narodowe i dostęp do oświaty. W tabeli podano obie te klasyfikacje, jak również rankingi innych, powszechnie używanych miar dobrobytu krajów. Załączono zwięzła charakterystykę i dyskusje wskaźników.
A new ranking of nation’s happiness appeared in London on July. The Happy Planet Index consisted of life satisfaction (self-esteemed), life expectation, and „ecological footprint” of 178 countries. As the first one, HPI do not consist Gross Domestic Product data. The index primarily consists of longitude of well-being divided by ecological cost of this being. 2 weeks later in Leicester a competitive ranking appeared, applying HPI data, GDP and others. These are described along with a few other measures of national sustainability. The table consist of all these data for countries from HPI, without some 21 isolated micro-countries. Some analyses are given.
The paper looks at personal income tax (PIT) in Poland from the perspective of its progressiveness, redistribution effect and influence on prosperity. Household budget surveys carried out by the Central Statistical Office (GUS) in 2003-2005 are the main source of data. The statistical and econometric analysis included in the paper takes into account some basic measures of tax progression. The author also uses a decomposition approach to determine PIT’s effect on the average tax rate in the country. The empirical study conducted by Aksman shows that even though Poland’s PIT is progressive, its overall redistribution effect is not very strong; in the analyzed period it reduced household income inequalities by only 5.22% on average. This is mainly due to a low effective tax rate, Aksman says. What’s more, PIT leads to a decline in prosperity measured with the Sen index; in the analyzed period of time prosperity declined by 11.23% annually on average. With PIT, “poverty aversion” is stronger than “inequality aversion,” the author says, which means that the loss of prosperity resulting from the fall in average income is greater than the increase of prosperity resulting from reduced income disparities.
tom XIX
nr 3
A critical situation that parents of children with disabilities have to deal with often surpasses their adaptive and financial abilities, which is significant for their well-being. The family often fights for keeping the balance, but can often do that in a way that blocks the development of the whole system or individual development of people that belong to it. The aim of research presented in this report is an analysis of functioning of balanced and unbalanced family systems with disabled children. The research included the perception and life situation of mothers, who out of all family members are the most prone to experiencing raised stress levels and exhaustion as the ones taking direct care of a disabled child. The participants of the study were mothers (n = 70, age: M = 41,5; SD = 8), children and teenagers with disability. The method used in the study was interview with the use of custom survey and questionnaire methods: Family Rating Scales (Margasiński, 2013) – Polish adaptation of Olson’s FACES IV scale and Endler and Parker’s Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations (in Polish adaptation CISS; Strelau et al., 2005). The analyses also included the specifics of each child’s disability (level of disability, level of the child’s independence, requirements related to rehabilitation treatments). The results of own research suggest that mothers from balanced families in comparison to women from unbalanced families rate their systems as more coherent and flexible, more often use a task oriented stress coping strategy, have higher income and are more happy with their financial and living conditions. However, the profile of a “healthy” family is closer to a coherent-rigid one that to a fully balanced system type.
A critical situation that parents of children with disabilities have to deal with often surpasses their adaptive and financial abilities, which is significant for their well-being. The family often fights for keeping the balance, but can often do that in a way that blocks the development of the whole system or individual development of people that belong to it. The aim of research presented in this report is an analysis of functioning of balanced and unbalanced family systems with disabled children. The research included the perception and life situation of mothers, who out of all family members are the most prone to experiencing raised stress levels and exhaustion as the ones taking direct care of a disabled child. The participants of the study were mothers (n = 70, age: M = 41,5; SD = 8), children and teenagers with disability. The method used in the study was interview with the use of custom survey and questionnaire methods: Family Rating Scales (Margasiński, 2013) – Polish adaptation of Olson’s FACES IV scale and Endler and Parker’s Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations (in Polish adaptation CISS; Strelau et al., 2005). The analyses also included the specifics of each child’s disability (level of disability, level of the child’s independence, requirements related to rehabilitation treatments). The results of own research suggest that mothers from balanced families in comparison to women from unbalanced families rate their systems as more coherent and flexible, more often use a task oriented stress coping strategy, have higher income and are more happy with their financial and living conditions. However, the profile of a “healthy” family is closer to a coherent-rigid one that to a fully balanced system type.
Content available remote Świat bez kultury Rozważania na temat konsekwencji rewolucji eugenicznej
The intention of eugenicists has always been an attempt to repair the state of society by improving the quality of the so‑called human material. These special social reforms lead from the correction of man – conducted by means of cultivation – to the correction of the world in which he lives and develops. Eugenicists believe that if we take care of the quality of the human body, at the same time, we will take care of the quality of our social life. This article discredits this argument by showing the scarcity of the anthropology hidden in theoretical declarations of eugenicists and the naivety of the allegations about the mechanism of the development of culture. The thesis which says that a new better man creates a new and better world is shown to be as an empty dogma. In place of the standard questions about whether the world without “misfits” would be a better world the article asks the question: How would the designed luxury of total security and prosperity influence people? The answer shows that a community after the eugenic revolution is not what we call a society. The conditions of human development under eugenic treatment are not the conditions of the development of culture.
For some time, the concept ‘lifestyle’ has become the object of intensified scientific research. Starting from the 80s and 90s of the previous century, the research has placed emphasis on the deconstruction of the traditional class and gender role assignments in regard to individualistic and pluralist lifestyles and life situations. Considering the above ideas, attempt is made to trace and analyse these processes in literary forms. The question arises, whether and how these social changes are expressed in the literary narrative forms. This is specified on the example of a contemporary German writer Silke Scheuermann. As Scheuermann involves her female characters in the context of rich modern societies and thus aims at reality effects, her stories make it possible to follow the time spirit. It is to show, whether the post-modern worlds contribute to a new ‘orientation’ of the literary figures, i.e. whether their lifestyles and systems of values are the outcomes of an autonomous development or result from a variety of possibilities.
Content available W świecie zapomnianych powieści Alfreda Konara
Alfred Alexander Konar (1862-1940) created a chronicle of life in Warsaw, all its social strata, especially the middle class as a social group. The concept of bourgeois ideas in his case shall be understood as a certain belief, mentality, style of behavior. Simple virtues of heroism have its justification in what is referred to as mediocrita, which gave the writer a base to build an anti-revolutionary myth of a "good man". Each of Konar’s novel is a variation of the popular modernist novels. It is a complex creation, combine elements of the English “Victorian” novel, the German Biedermeier and the French romance. The weakness of the social diagnosis lays in a narrow range of socio-moral observation, limited to urban and middle class, which, combined with lack of in-depth psychological perspective of these texts, using motifs of romance and didacticism, gives a vision of a world ideologically anachronistic.
nr 1
This paper aims to explain some economic aspects of sharia by using a widely grasped philosophical approach. The paper presents an Islamic position on business ethics as it is in Qu-ran and in interpretations of sharia elaborated by Islamic thinkers, first of all Indonesian ones. Following results given in selected positions of the literature of the subject the authors come to the following theses and conclusions: Humans must pay attention to few possessions that are basic needs. Humans must avoid prioritizing secondary needs by ignoring basic needs because this is contrary to the maqashid of sharia. Property management must be carried out about a predetermined plan and people who have property should not hoard it.
Local communities in non- Western countries are often treated by international institutions as rather passive subjects, which need to be taught by experts and re-organized according to Western socioeconomic models (Hobart 1993). As a result of such an approach, many development agencies tend to overlook and omit the locals’ own forms of social activity and their ideas of self-organization. In this article I would like to focus on the bottomup process of change in contemporary Mongolia and the Mongolians’ own idiomatic ideas and practices of initiating and arranging development. I refer to research conducted in the Bulgan Sum (district), which is located on the southern slopes of the Altai. I have been conducting fieldwork among contemporary Torghuts since 2012. I mainly focus on the posttransitional economic activities in Bulgan, which involve collective management of goods (Empson 2014) and many new kinds of business related to cross-border trade. In the study I write about informal networks of businessmen and their way of fostering kinship relations in business. In this context I analyze the activity of the ‘Torgon Nutag Club’, established by a group of Torguud businessmen, who initiated and organized numerous social and cultural events and celebrations in their hometown. The majority of club members live in Ulaanbaatar, in the so-called ‘Torghut Town’, which can now be considered one of the main intellectual centres where the Torghuts are active. What is particularly important here is that in this way the Torghuts create not only spontaneous and original social organizations, but also the idioms of spiritually-benefi cial action, thus stimulating elements of a common fate, fortune-prosperity, life energy and potency.
Content available remote Codes of Ethics and the Economic Results of Companies
The goal of this paper is to determine how widespread the presence of a code of ethics is and the possible relationship between the presence of a code of ethics in Czech companies and the positive economic results of those companies over the last five years. The number of companies that are introducing ethical management continues to grow globally, including in the Czech Republic. A code of ethics is a tool with which to determine the ethical infrastructure of a company, as well as manage it. However, expert opinions on the possible economic impact of ethical management differ considerably. A statistical analysis of the results obtained from a questionnaire survey conducted among a sample of 297 companies showed that the presence of a code of ethics, or a lack thereof, has no demonstrable impact on the economic results of a company regardless of its size.
Transport i gospodarka magazynowa przyczyniają się do tworzenia PKB. Ten dział gospodarki jest bardzo wrażliwy na aktualny stan koniunktury. Jego wysokie obroty dają przyrost rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego z pewnym opóźnieniem. Ale jeśli nie ma on wystarczająco dużo pracy, można się spodziewać recesji gospodarczej. W naszym kraju transport i gospodarka magazynowa tworzą ok. 6% PKB. Z roku na rok ten wskaźnik się lekko powiększa (5,3% w 2010 r). Dział tych specyficznych usług zatrudniał w 2018 r. ok. 709 tys. osób, gdy jeszcze 10 lat temu było to o 106 tys. osób mniej. Poprawia się flota transportowa zarówno pod względem liczebności, jak i jakości. W latach 2007–2018 praca przewozowa w transporcie ładunków wyraźnie wzrosła przy spadku w transporcie pasażerów w komunikacji masowej. Przybywa specjalistycznych powierzchni magazynowych (składów, silosów, chłodni). W sumie branża ta staje się to powoli polską specjalnością. Korzysta na tym nasza gospodarka i społeczeństwo, bowiem wraz jego rozwojem cały czas wzrasta PKB.
Transport and warehouse management contribute to the creation of GDP. This branch of the economy is very sensitive to the current economic situation. Its high turnover results in an increase in socio-economic development with a certain delay. But if it doesn't have enough work, we can expect an economic recession. In our country, transport and storage account for approx. 6% of GDP. From year to year, this indicator increases slightly (5.3% in 2010). The department of these specific services employed approx. 709 thousand people in 2018, when 10 years ago it was by 106 thousand people less. The transport fleet is improving, both in terms of numbers and quality. In the years 2007–2018, the transport performance in cargo transport increased significantly with a decrease in the transport of passengers in mass transport. There are more and more specialized warehouse spaces (warehouses, silos, cold stores). All in all, this industry is slowly becoming a Polish specialty. Our economy and society benefit from it, because GDP grows all the time along with its development.
Jaki więc rozwój, jak go mierzyć? Co robić z dotychczas wypracowaną teorią rozwoju zrównoważonego? Próba odpowiedzi na te pytania jest celem niniejszego opracowania i rozwija następujące tezy badawcze: • rozwój powinien być podporządkowany jednemu ładowi (porządkowi), którego podstawowa zasada powinna integrować zarówno porządek ekonomiczny, społeczny, jak i ekologiczny; • wzrost gospodarczy, w tym wzrost PKB powinien być traktowany jako środek osiągania wybranego ładu, a nie powinien być celem i jedynym weryfikatorem rozwoju, ze wszystkimi jego skutkami: politycznymi, finansowymi, społecznymi; • istnieje możliwość zaproponowania takiego ładu, sformułowanego przez teorię ordoliberalizmu (Waltera Euckena i innych) i polityki osiągania takie go ładu w postaci społecznej gospodarki rynkowej (Ludwiga Erharda, autora koncepcji i polityki „niemieckiego cudu gospodarczego”).
Sustainable development should be conformed to a single order. The basic principle of this order should integrate both economic, social and ecological aspects. Economic growth including GNP has to be treated as a means of achieving a particular order, rather than be just a goal and consequently the only tool that confirms this development. This pertains to all possible effects of such development: political, fiscal and social. There exists a possibility to define such an order, which has been already pioneered by the ordoliberalism theory (Walter Eucken and others). In addition the aforementioned order may also be achieved by employing the social market economy (Ludvig Erhard, author of the concept and policy of the so-called “German economic miracle”).
The paper presents the theoretical elements of the economic debate on the relationship be-tween inequality and prosperity and economic growth. Quantitatively, the derogation from the egalitarian distribution of income shows the Gini coefficient. The work concerns the comparison and evaluation of income inequality based on the Gini index and other measures (indicators diver-sity quintal) for the EU-27 in 2006–2010. Moreover, income inequality is shown in the long term for the Poland and Europe countries and making the assessment of inequalities for certain social groups and Polish regions.
W pracy przedstawiono teoretyczne elementy ekonomicznej debaty o relacjach między nierównościami a dobrobytem i wzrostem gospodarczym. Odstępstwo od egalitarnego (jednakowego) podziału dochodu pokazuje ilościowo współczynnik Giniego. W części empirycznej praca dotyczy porównania i oceny nierówności dochodów w oparciu o wskaźnik Giniego oraz wskaźnik zróżnicowania kwintalowego S80/S20 dla krajów UE-27 w latach 2006–2010. Skalę nierówności dochodowych pokazano w dłuższej perspektywie w skali międzynarodowej, a także przedstawiono ocenę nierówności w odniesieniu do niektórych grup społecznych, a zwłaszcza regionów polskich.
The major research objective of this article is to investigate the connections between human capital accumulated in 25 EU countries and the level and quality of life recorded in these countries in the 2005-2015 time period. Three research tasks were subordinated to the process of reaching the defined goal, the first of which was to make a concise theoretical presentation of the concept and determinants of human capital in the broad sense. The second stage of the research conducted involved the construction (using taxonomic methods) of a synthetic measure of human capital accumulated in the EU in 2005-2015 and the development of international rankings for the degree of human capital development. The final task is the most important one considering the objective of the work – this was the analysis of correlation relationships occurring in 2005-2015 between the synthetic measure of human capital and selected indicators of the level and quality of life estimated for the EU countries.
Głównym celem niniejszego artykułu jest zbadanie związków łączących kapitał ludzki zakumulowany w 25 krajach Unii Europejskiej z poziomem i jakością życia odnotowywanymi w tych państwach w latach 2005-2015. Procesowi dochodzenia do tak zdefiniowanego celu podporządkowano trzy zadania badawcze, z których pierwszym było dokonanie zwięzłej teoretycznej prezentacji pojęcia i determinant kapitału ludzkiego sensu largo. Drugi etap prowadzonego badania polegał na skonstruowaniu (z wykorzystaniem metod taksonomicznych) syntetycznej miary kapitału ludzkiego zakumulowanego w krajach Unii Europejskiej w latach 2005-2015 oraz na opracowaniu międzynarodowych rankingów stopnia rozwoju kapitału ludzkiego. Z kolei ostatnim zadaniem – najważniejszym z punktu widzenia celu pracy – była analiza związków korelacyjnych występujących w latach 2005-2015 między syntetyczną miarą kapitału ludzkiego a wybranymi wskaźnikami poziomu i jakości życia szacowanymi dla krajów Unii Europejskiej.
Koniec wieku XX i początek wieku XXI to okres wielu zmian, nieuniknionego rozwoju i postępu cywilizacyjnego. Zarządzanie ryzykiem, nowoczesne technologie, gospodarka oparta na wiedzy i społeczeństwo informacyjne to kluczowe kierunki rozwoju każdego państwa. W tym ogromie innowacji, nieustannej komputeryzacji i nasilonej walki konkurencyjnej zachowanie otaczającej nas przyrody staje się priorytetem. Zarządzanie środowiskiem naturalnym wymaga wiedzy technicznej, ekonomicznej i społecznej i, niestety, nie gwarantuje efektów, takich jak przy sterowaniu pozostałymi czynnikami. Przyroda to jedyny w swoim rodzaju element wymagający specjalnych i szczegółowych rozwiązań. Odpowiedzią na te wymagania jest idea zrównoważonego rozwoju (sustainable development). Idea ta doczekała się już wielu opracowań w literaturze i sformułowania wielu definicji, spośród których często przyjmowana jest następująca: zrównoważony rozwój to taki rozwój gospodarczo-społeczny, gdzie równowaga ekonomiczna, społeczna i ochrona środowiska osiągana jest poprzez realizacje odpowiednio przemyślanych celów.
The Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare, ISEW, better than the GNP, reflects the sustainability of development in a particular region. The objective of the present work was to compute the ISEW for the Podlaskie Voivodeship (formerly Białostockie) and to analyze its changes in the years 1980-2002, as well as to carry out a comparison with a corresponding indicator for Poland. An increase of the ISEW, observed after the year 1980, indicates a tendency towards sustainability. On the other hand, a decrease of the ISEW, accompanied by an increase of the GNP, observed during the years 1990-2002, indicates some negative phenomena in the regional economy. Long term environmental losses and transportation (commuting) losses are the components most responsible for this decrease.
The article assesses the economic condition of households with regard to their incomes and expenditure (including food expenditure) on the all-Poland scale in the period from 2000 to 2016. It compares selected relations of these categories and indicates the economic health of the households in different regions of Poland. It has been assumed, as a point of reference, that polarization of the analysed variables is dependent on the geographical area of residence. The data from the research on household budgets performed by the Chief Statistical Office (GUS) was used. A comparative analysis shows that despite the significant improvement in the financial status of households, there are still serious regional disparities. Especially, the eastern regions of the country are adversely marked in this respect.
W artykule dokonano oceny sytuacji ekonomicznej gospodarstw domowych w latach 2000-2016 w świetle dochodów i wydatków (w tym wydatków na żywność) w skali ogólnopolskiej. Porównano wybrane relacje tych kategorii i wskazano na kondycję polskich gospodarstw domowych w różnych regionach. Jako punkt odniesienia przyjęto bowiem, że polaryzacja analizowanych zmiennych uzależniona jest od geograficznej przestrzeni zamieszkiwania. Wykorzystano dane z badania budżetów gospodarstw domowych przeprowadzonych przez GUS. Z analizy porównawczej wynika, że mimo znacznej poprawy sytuacji materialnej gospodarstw domowych, w Polsce widoczne są nadal znaczne dysproporcje regionalne. W tym względzie niekorzystnie odznacza się zwłaszcza region Polski Wschodniej.
Content available remote State Strategies in Contemporary Poland : Role, Importance, Needs
Preparations for work on the new edition of the national security strategy encourage us to share subjective thoughts on the role and significance of the strategy in Poland. The analysis of the current strategic achievements indicates the existence of organisational, theoretical and cultural issues with the preparation of strategic documents in the field of national security, national development and defence. Particular attention should be paid to the issue of thinking, formulating strategies and strategic action in the military dimension, and the problem of the lack of formal and legal and structural limitations of the process of creating a strategy in Poland. There should be started work on formulating a national (state) strategy together with its being well-founded in the legal system.
„Dokąd zmierza ekonomia”? - jest pytaniem, które stawiają sobie już nie tylko ekonomiści. Głównym przesłaniem tego opracowania jest zwrócenie uwagi na to, że chcąc odpowiedzieć na pytanie dokąd zmierza ekonomia, musimy sięgnąć głębiej i udzielić odpowiedzi na bardziej fundamentalne pytanie – „jak postrzegamy człowieka?”, który jest nie tylko przedmiotem ale i podmiotem ekonomii. Od tego sposobu postrzegania człowieka (obrazu człowieka) zależy bowiem nasz sposób rozumienia ekonomii, sposób jej definiowania, stosowane przez nią metody badawcze. Z kolei sam obraz człowieka zmienia się w zależności od wiedzy jaką ekonomiści mają nt. człowieka, aktualnych zmian zachodzących w świecie i sposobu ich wyjaśniania. Zmiany zachodzące w tym obrazie mają fundamentalne znaczenia dla zmian w samej ekonomii. Śledząc zatem aktualne zmiany obrazu człowieka, możemy odpowiedzieć na pytanie o kształt przyszłej ekonomii. Słowa kluczowe: obraz człowieka, koncepcje człowieka, szczęście, dobrobyt, ekonomia heterodoksyjna, homo economicus, homo reciprocans, homo cooperativus, homo sustinens, Platon, Arystoteles.
"Where is the economics going"? – this is a question formulated by not only economists. The main intention of this paper is to draw attention to the fact that in order to answer the question of „where is going the economics”, we need to dig deeper and answer the more fundamental question - "how we perceive the human?", who is not only the object but also the subject of economics. The perception of the human being influences our understanding of the economics, and the way it is defined, and methods it applies. The image of man varies depending on the knowledge the economists have about the human nature, the current changes taking place in the world and how they explain. Changes in this picture are of fundamental importance for the changes in the economy itself. Therefore by tracking the current changes to the human being, we can answer the question about the future shape of the economics.
tom 56
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Przedłożony artykuł jest studium teologicznym na temat postawy caDDîq wobec JHWH na przykładzie wybranych psalmów z Psałterza (Ps 15; 19B; 24; 73; 101; 119). Istotą qyDIc; jest to, że przestrzega przykazań. W ceremoniale „liturgii bramy” Izrael jest zapytywany o swoją sprawiedliwość (Ps 15 i 24), bo tylko sprawiedliwi mają przywilej przebywać na obszarze sanktuarium oraz oczekiwać na Jego zbawcze interwencje w czasie potrzeby. W stosunku do swego bliźniego, sprawiedliwy okazuje swoją wierność, która jest żywotnym elementem sprawiedliwości starotestamentowej. Król jako regent JHWH w swoim życiu prezentuje cechy człowieka sprawiedliwego (Ps 101). Na wzór JHWH wypędza sprzed swojego oblicza bezbożnych, stoi na straży prawidłowego przestrzegania „liturgii bramy”. Otacza się ludźmi sprawiedliwymi, których szanuje oraz broni przed ludźmi złymi. Człowiek sprawiedliwy nie ma nic wspólnego ze sposobem myślenia, mówienia, czynami oraz sposobem życia ludzi niegodziwych (Ps 1; 119). Tora JHWH jest jego największą miłością, obiektem ustawicznej refleksji. Psalm 119 wskazuje na żarliwość tego, który znajduje ustawiczną rozkosz w Jego Torze. Choć sprawiedliwy czasami oburza się i gniewa z powodu pomyślności bezbożnych, to jednak w JHWH znajduje odpowiedź na najbardziej newralgiczne pytania (Ps 73). Pokładanie ufności w JHWH, powierzanie swojej drogi boskiemu kierownictwu, oczekiwanie na Niego, pielęgnowanie bliskiej wspólnoty z Nim daje sprawiedliwemu wewnętrzną równowagę, otwiera oczy na wspaniałość Jego obecności oraz prowadzi do przezwyciężenia najbardziej trudnych kryzysów wiary. Bezbożni budują domy z kart, które ku ich przerażeniu burzy niespodziewany podmuch Bożego gniewu. Sprawiedliwi – pomimo cierpienia – w Nim doświadczają słodyczy Jego obecności oraz zostaną przyjęci do chwały.
The paper offers a theological study on the attitude of caDDîq toward Yahweh on the grounds of selected psalms (Pss 15; 19B; 24; 73; 101; 119) from The Book of Psalms. Keeping of commandments is the notae of caDDîq, the mark of the one who is allowed to enter the Yahweh’s sanctuary. In the ceremony of the «liturgy of the gate» the Israelites are interrogated about their righteousness (Pss 15 and 24), because only the righteous have privilege to sojourn in the holy place and to look forward to His saving intervention in their time of need. In relation to his neighbor, the righteous displays his commitment which is the vital part of the Old Testament view on righteousness. As the representative of Yahweh, in his life the king demonstrates features of a righteous person (Ps 101). Like God himself, the king expels from his life area the wicked and upholds the correct administration of «liturgy of the gate» in the state sanctuary. It is desirable to him to be surrounded by the righteous that He esteems and that He champions respect for their dignity and for their rights. The righteous have nothing in common with the way of thinking, talking, and living of the wicked (Pss 1; 119). The Torah of Yahweh is his biggest love and his object of continual reflection. Psalm 119 enunciates fervidness of those who find constant delight in His Torah. Although the righteous sometimes can express indignation and be angry at prosperity of the wicked, yet in Yahweh he can find the answer to the most pivotal questions (Ps 73). To trust in Yahweh, to commit his way to divine guidance, to look forward to Him, and to nurture intimate community with Him, all of these provide the righteous with inner balance, are opening his eyes on grandeur of Yahweh’s presence, and are leading him to overcoming the most difficult crises of his faith. The wicked build their houses with cards, which will be demolished by an unexpected blast of God’s wrath. Instead of their suffering the righteous experience in Yahweh nearness of His presence and certainty of being taken into glory in the future.
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