Research background: The decreasing fertility rate is a serious problem for policymakers as it affects the pension system as well as private consumption and savings. It seems reasonable to analyze whether fiscal policy may mitigate the low birthrate problem. Purpose of the article: In this paper we strive to answer the question whether fiscal incentives spur fertility if parents are rational. Methods: A theoretical economic model of utility maximization is applied to analyze the impact of fiscal policy on fertility. The conclusions are based on the analysis of comparative statics simulation calibrated for actual data from Poland. Findings & Value added: The results indicate that a substantial fertility effect can be obtained by raising subsidies for children or general benefits for families.
Przedstawiono dowód, iż możliwe jest poprawienie zachowania modelu "Świat 2" J.W. Forreste-ra drogą pronatalistycznych ingerencji - w stosunku do zachowania tegoż modelu bez ingerencji. Dowód oparto na eksperymentach symulacyjnych na modelu "Świat 2". Oceny zachowania "Świata 2" oparto na krytycznej rekonstrukcji kryteriów Forrestera.
This paper presents simulation experiments on the "world 2" model developed by J.W. foresrer. Evalutation of system response based on the critical reconstructions of Forrester'criteria. The experiments revealed that pronatalistic policy might cause better outcome than non-intervention policy.
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