Teacher in Australia is determined as an active participant of professional community with high level of collaboration, professional development coherent activities and collaborative learning practice. Thus, teacher quality is one of critical factors affecting student outcomes. The article touches upon the issue of the potential to improve secondary school teacher professional expertise in Australia. These are initiatives approved by Australian specific organizations at government and non-government levels. The author describes the goals and directions of secondary school teacher government support and government strong requirements for teacher professional learning. The article also considers the role of Australian professional education organizations in teacher professional growth. The analysis of the goals is carried out by means of government and professional education organizations documents. The author reports that social context of secondary school teacher professional development in Australia is provided through government education institutions. In support of this fact there is a range of government projects, programmes and documents approved at international and national levels and aimed to encourage lifelong quality teacher development. Furthermore, teacher professional development support is also organized by various Australian professional associations that work collaboratively. Moreover, these associations are not only focused on teacher professional development national standards, requirements and forms but global trends in professional learning and performance.
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W artykule przedstawiono wstępne, częściowe wyniki prac i analiz autora dotyczące zdefiniowania sylwetki - profilu zawodowego nawigatora morskiego. Uzasadniono cel prowadzenia takich badań ukazując przykłady zróżnicowania manewrów statków w sytuacjach zbliżenia. Dokonano analizy czynników wpływających na postępowanie osoby odpowiedzialnej za prowadzenie nawigacji i manewrowanie statkiem morskim. Przedstawiono wyniki badań ankietowych dotyczących wpływu poszczególnych czynników oraz częściowe wyniki badań symulacyjnych. Prowadzone badania dotyczyły także wielkości powszechnie stosowanych w żegludze parametrów bezpieczeństwa najczęściej ustawianych przez oficerów nawigacyjnych w standardowych urządzeniach statkowych. Rozpatrzono wybrane, uważane za reprezentatywne i charakterystyczne sytuacje, gdzie w ocenie autora najczęściej dochodzi, lub może dochodzić do wypadków morskich. Zaproponowano praktyczne wykorzystanie wyników do wstępnej i bieżącej kwalifikacji oraz oceny osób odpowiedzialnych za bezpieczeństwo nawigacji oraz jako wytyczne do ustawienia spodziewanych wartości parametrów bezpieczeństwa dla jednostek obcych.
The article presents the preliminary, partial results of the authors research and analyses relating to the definition of professional profile of the marine navigator. General purpose of such research is explained showing examples of the diversity of ships manoeuvres in encounter situations. The author conducted analysis of the factors influencing the behaviour of the person in charge of navigation and ship manoeuvring. The results of questionnaire research on the impact of individual factors and partial results of the simulation research are presented. The conducted research included also the values of commonly used in sea navigation safety parameters, which are usually input by the navigational officers on standard ship devices. The range of analysis included selected, considered as representative and characteristic situations, where according to the author, maritime accidents the most frequently occur or may occur. The practical use of the results as the initial and ongoing qualifications assessment of persons responsible for the safety of navigation is proposed as well as indications for setting the expected values of safety parameters for target ships.
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