The article is devoted to the problems of professional mobility of future teachers. Particular emphasis is placed on the definition of personal occupational mobility as adaptation strategies to a rapidly changing environment that is professional-pedagogical activity of a teacher. The analysis of peculiarities of professional activity of a future teacher is done. The article considers a range of theoretical and methodological foundations, which allow applying the model of modern professional mobility, which is understood as integrative quality of the personality, including motivation and values, creative, activity, reflexive components. Professional mobility of the future teacher as an integrative quality of a personality that involves the ability to flexibly adapt to change in form, content and conditions of the professional activity, readiness for ongoing self-education can be carried out in the continuous professional and pedagogical training, which is a specially organized process on the basis of systemic, synergetic, personality-centered, activity-based approaches obeying the principles of variability, and conscious perspectives, reflexive creativity, ergonomics, flexibility, reliance on experience, individual counseling. The system of formation of professional mobility, which consists of a motivational-targeted, meaningful, pupils-activity, procedure, management, evaluation-effective elements, caused by features of activity of the teacher and character requirements of a future school teacher, which is reflected in the content, forms and methods of educational process, selection of which requires the adequacy of the structural components of mobility. Effective system components of formation of professional mobility of school teachers should be taken: installation of a professional-pedagogical improvement (motivational-value component); intellectual activity (creative component); the ability to design one’s professionally-pedagogical activity and foresee its consequences (active component); the ability to understand one’s own professional and personal capabilities (reflexive component).
The purpose of this article is to analyze the dynamics of trajectories of Japanese classical musicians residing in Europe — in Poland and France — who, by their professional qualifications, fall into a category of highly skilled professionals, yet at the same time experience their situation of migration similarly to economic migrants, or middling migration (Scott, 2006; Boyle, 2006). Among many factors shaping the European careers of Japanese migrant musicians, I will pay particular attention to the following combination of three elements: (1) structural and legal regulations that shape artistic labor market in general and the situation of migrant artists in particular, (2) the role of social and (3) cultural capital. The intersectional analysis of the professional situation of migrant-artists attempts to demonstrate how these musicians by their profession on the one hand and ethnic origins on the other are trapped into multiplied insecurity. This study rests on the material collected upon qualitative methods of individual, in-depth, semi-structured interviews conducted among 50 Japanese classical musicians in their mother tongue, as well as quantitative data (statistics of musical competitions, orchestras, music academies, etc.).
Celem artykułu jest analiza dynamiki trajektorii japońskich muzyków klasycznych miesz-kających w Europie — w Polsce i we Francji — którzy dzięki swoim kwalifikacjom zawo-dowym należą do kategorii wysoko wykwalifikowanych profesjonalistów, a jednocześnie ich sytuacja migracyjna podobna jest do sytuacji migrantów zarobkowych lub tzw. middling migration (Scott, 2006; Boyle, 2006). Spośród wielu czynników kształtujących europejskie kariery japońskich muzyków migrantów szczególną uwagę zwrócę na następujące połą-czenie trzech elementów: (1) strukturalne i prawne regulacje, które kształtują artystyczny rynek pracy, a w szczególności sytuację zawodową artystów migrantów; (2) rolę kapitału społecznego oraz (3) kulturalnego. Zastosowanie intersekcjonalnej analizy czynników kształtujących sytuację zawodową artystów-migrantów pozwoli zrozumieć, w jaki sposób muzycy ze względu na swój zawód z jednej strony i pochodzenie etniczne z drugiej wpa-dają w pułąpkę zwielokrotnionej niepewności. Badanie opiera się na materiale zebranym metodą jakościowych wywiadów indywidualnych przeprowadzonych wśród 50 japońskich muzyków klasycznych w ich języku ojczystym, a także danych ilościowych (statystyki kon-kursów muzycznych, orkiestr, akademii muzycznych itp.).
The problem of professional training of teachers in foreign countries in terms of intercultural interaction of educational space objects has been studied in the paper. It has been stated that the current stage of human civilization development which is defined as the transition to a knowledge society, is characterized by qualitatively new requirements to the development of education. It has been noted that despite some cultural-and-historical differences in the development of Ukraine and countries of the European Union, functional similarity of national systems of teachers’professional training enables the usage of European experience in future teachers’ training. The role of teachers in the modernization of European education has been emphasized. It has been stated that in the professional training theory and practice significant experience has been accumulated which can form the basis for modernization of future teachers’ training for intercultural interaction of the educational process objects. Major trends in this area have been revealed. Scientific approaches and paradigms have been defined. Much attention is focused on the fact that a set of methodological approaches to the problem of teachers’ professional training has allowed to distinguish personality-centered and activity approaches as main ones for solving research problems. It has been noted that the reason for scientists’ special attention to the category of educational activities is the development of problems related to organizing cross-cultural educational process that helps students to get knowledge about other cultures, to determine the common and special features in traditions, lifestyle and cultural values of peoples, to bring up youth in the spirit of respect for systems of other cultures. Much attention has been paid to the concept of educational support which is a humanistic way of interaction of a teacher with students on the basis of expansion and deepening student-centered and developmental paradigm of education which is based on internal freedom and creativity of the individual, real humanism and democracy.
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