All we have witnessed several summits of the so-called G-20 to overcome the crisis and attempt to delineate the ”look” of new rules of the emerging new world economic system. However, according to many experts, these rules will not be able to radically change the current system of economic relations, which is based on the processes of globalization and economic interpenetration of the world. One can list the many elements of the system. Among them, as a manifestation of a growing specialization of production, and deepening of cooperative relations in the world the special role is played by multi-modal logistics centers (MLC), of both regional and global concern. If stock and commodity exchanges are the link in the global economy, meanwhile a multimodal logistics centers serve as their practical and technical support.
This article points to the problem of price risk measured with the level of variation in the prices of cereal raw materials and products from 1996 to 2011. It also determines the condi¬tions influencing the scale of this risk. In the context of the research findings the author of the article attempted to conclude that there is price risk transfer on that market within the con¬secutive links of the chain of cereal production. The occurrence of this phenomenon would be of vital importance in the building of a price risk management strategy and stabilisation of income of the business entities in the cereal sector. The research proved that in the entire sector the price risk in cereals is the highest at the production stage. The cereal processing entities proved the tendency to gradually reduce the share of costs of cereal products in retail prices of food. Further analysis of the results gives grounds for the statement that the process of price transfer in the chain of cereal production goes along with the process of risk transfer in consecutive links of the chain. However, this may be limited to the share of the price of the raw material from a lower link in the price of the product from a higher link of the production chain.