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In the paper the place of quality in Worki Class Manufacturing was presented. The concept of WCM is realized in big, global corporation. At the first the concept was realized in manufacturing motor sector. Later standards of World Manufacturing Production were implemented in other enterprises. In the paper some of activities of manufacturing metallurgical enterprise ArcelorMittal Poland were presented. The enterprise tends towards WCM and one of the pillar of the activity is product quality.
In the paper a method is presented of the best variant selection of a manufacturing process of a rotor to open end spinning machine with use of original optimization proceeding based on adopted criteria, taking into consideration their importance. Unit manufacturing cost and five criteria of manufacturing quality were taken as criteria to the assessment. The assessment criteria resulted from calculations and measurements were normalized. Knowledge of experts was used to determine importance of the criteria taken to the assessment. Each from the experts had built his own importance matrix of the assessment criteria, comparable in pairs, using the Saaty’s method. The weights of individual criteria were determined on the basis of cumulative matrix. In the next stage of the proceeding, normalized decisions were created by raising each assessment to a power equal to corresponding weight. In the last stage of the proceeding, a single optimal ordering comprising the smallest s-th components of the individual decisions d1, d2, …, dm was created. A variant which corresponds to the largest component of the optimal ordering is assumed as the best variant.
Artykuł omawia rozwój rynku usług outsourcingowych. Wskazuje na zmiany społeczne zachodzące pod wpływem outsourcingu. Autor formułuje listę podstawowych warunków, jakie muszą być spełnione, aby usługi te nie powodowały obniżania jakości oferowanych wyrobów.
The article discusses the development of the outsourcing services market. It identifies social changes occurring under the influence of outsourcing. The author draws up a list of fundamental conditions to be met for outsourcing services not to Iower the quality of offered products.
tom 8
nr 1
Motivation: The motivation for the overview presented in this article is to provide a starting point for considering whether existing new product development methodology and its level of detail allows product teams to develop high-quality and business-effective product concepts. Aim: The aim of this article is recognise the current state of research into new product development methodology and to present the strategies and models for New Product Development (NPD). Materials and methods: The systematic review of the literature was applied in the article. Results: The first section outlines the main strategies for new product development and how they are divided by methodological stance, degree of planning, search pattern, focus and response. The second part discusses the known models of new product development including: the craft model and the 5 generations based on the innovation models described by Rothwell and the stages of the manufacturing process defined in the literature. Part four looks at new trends in new product development, including: Open Innovation, Rapid Product Development (RPD), Agile New Product Development (ANPD), Sustainable New Product development (SNPD), the Design Thinking method and the new technologies of Industry 4.0.
W artykule omówiono etapy produkcji warystorów tlenkowo - cynkowych oraz procedury kontroli jakości ograniczników przepięć niskiego napięcia w zakładach APATOR S.A. w Toruniu. Przedstawiono przykładowe wyniki próby udarem prądowym przeprowadzanej na każdej sztuce wytwarzanego wyrobu.
The paper presents the cycle of manufacturing of ZnO varistors in APATOR S.A. company. The results of checking the final products quality are also presented.
Prezentowany artykuł przedstawia ocenę jakości wyrobu na przykładzie masy chemoutwardzalnej. Do opisu cech wyrobu wykorzystano jego właściwości użytkowe. Dodatkowo przedyskutowano podejście do opisu struktury jakości.
This article presents the assessment of a product quality basing on a road marking compound example. Performances of the product were used to describe its characteristics. In addition, an approach to quality structure description is discussed.
This article presents experimental studies on drying kinetics and quality effects of red beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) after convective drying with a preliminary osmotic pretreatment. The effects of the osmotic agent (NaCl) concentration and the osmotic bath time on the product colour and nutrient content preservation, the water activity, and rehydration ability after drying were analysed. Osmotic dehydration curves and Solid Gain (SG), Water Loss (WL), Weight Reduction (WR) were determined. It was proved that drying of beetroot with osmotic pretreatment contributes to shorter drying time, smaller water activity, higher retention of betanin, better colour preservation, and a greater degree of water resorption.
tom Vol. 7, No. 4
This article aims to investigate recall policies for product safety in Korea and make suggestions for future improvements. Problematic issues in current recall policies are reviewed and analyzed. Based on survey results and previous studies, this article discusses the consumer perception of a recall. Consumers tend to regard a recall as a signal of poor quality. Furthermore, regulatory differences and weak penalties remain as obstacles to improving the recall system. Suggestions for the betterment of recall policies are derived from consultations with an expert panel and the application of other appropriate methods. At first, despite an increasing number of recall cases in Korea, it turns out that consumers are not highly sensitive to recalls, although their perceptions are mostly negative. Secondly, regulatory inconsistencies and difference problems are primarily attributable to the existence of many separate rules and regulations by product category. Thirdly, the information concerning recalls is limited, which creates an inefficient environment in which manufacturers are reluctant to voluntarily recall a defective product and consumer participation rates are too low. Therefore, the government should induce consumers to have more positive perceptions of recalls whilst concurrently reinforcing the related rules and regulations in accordance with international standards.
Thailand’s One Tambon One Product (OTOP) branded handicraft and food export program in 2016 reached nearly US$3billion, with products coming from approximately 6,000 community-based enterprises (CBE) and small-medium enterprises (SME) countrywide. The OTOP movement is a global program, with communities in China, Malawi, South Africa, Thailand, Laos, and the Philippines. This study examined the influences of perceived quality, competitiveness, trust, and distribution satisfaction on entrepreneurial export performance strategy using the OTOP product brand. Structural equation modeling used LISREL Version 9.1 to conduct a confirmatory factor analysis and test the hypothesized inter-relationships on the variables influencing export performance strategy. Results showed that product quality, trust, distribution capability, and competitiveness are important factors influencing export performance strategy. It was also interesting to note that the majority of the 500 entrepreneurs (94.4%) either owned or worked in groups that had 50 or less employees.
W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono koncepcję procesu kontroli jakości wyrobu w postaci rury z polipropylenu o średnicy 50 mm w wybranym przedsiębiorstwie. Zakład wybrany do badań prowadzi produkcję wyrobów z PVC i PP. Artykuł składa się z trzech części. W części pierwszej omówiono definicje jakości, procesu i wyrobu. Przedstawiono zadania kontroli, metody kontroli oraz etapy i zasady monitorowania, nadzorowania i pomiaru. W części drugiej zaprezentowano dane dotyczące badanego przedsiębiorstwa oraz analizę stanu bieżącego w zakresie kontroli jakości wyrobu i procesu. W części trzeciej zaproponowano koncepcję procesu kontroli jakości na trzech stanowiskach technologicznych. Sugerowane koncepcje mają na celu usprawnienie procesu produkcyjnego w firmie.
This article presents the conception of the quality control process for the production of the polypropylene pipe with diameter 50mm in the chosen enterprise. The research consists of three chapters. Chapter number one discusses definition of the quality , the process and the product. Tasks of the control, kinds of methods were presented according to practiced inspections and stages, monitoring action, supervising and the measurement. In the chapter number two were concluded data concerning the examined enterprise, analysis of the current state in the scope of the quality control of the product and the process. In the third chapter the conception of the quality control process on three technological positions was suggested. Given conceptions are aimed at streamlining a production process in company.
Human factor, often referred to in the literature as human resources, is an important type of resources in an enterprise in ensuring the highest possible quality of products and meeting the needs of customers. The paper presents the question of influence of human factor on the quality of manufacture of the finished product in individual stages of the production process. This problem was presented based on literature analysis and on observations in a production business. Due to the ever-increasing significance of human influence on product quality, this issue is not only very timely, but is constantly being developed.
This paper concerns convective drying of carrot preliminary dehydrated in aqueous solutions of three types of osmotic agents (sucrose, fructose, glucose). Three solution concentrations (20, 40 and 60%) were examined to work out efficient conditions of osmotic dewatering. The parameters such as water loss (WL), solid gain (SG) and osmotic drying rate (ODR) indicating the real efficiency of osmotic dehydrations (OD) were determined. The samples dehydrated with osmotic solutions underwent further convective drying to analyze influence of dehydration process on drying kinetics and final products quality. The quality of products was assessed on the basis of visual appearance of the samples and colorimetric measurements. It was found that osmotic pretreatment improves significantly the final product quality as the samples were less deformed and their colour was better preserved compared to samples, which had not been preliminarily dehydrated. Preliminary dehydration, however, did not influence significantly the overall drying time of the samples.
Premium quality manufacturing leads to customer satisfaction, whose loyalty contribute the expansion of the company. Quality inspection is necessary to guarantee required quality levels. A stand for final inspection has been designed to offers the possibility of control with a desired scope of quality control.
This paper presents an analysis of quality, customer satisfaction and business performance in food industry. The main objective of the research is to determine the influence of quality on customer satisfaction and on business performance and competitiveness. In particular, this paper answers the following research question: Does the quality of a product result in a satisfied customer and thereby in a well-performing business? Customer satisfaction is defined as the satisfaction of the customer with a product and the business performance as a capability to generate profit. Therefore, satisfaction was examined by the means of a survey using questionnaires, and the performance was measured by financial data. We managed to find a correlation between the main factors, although partial results were due more factors mostly statistically insignificant.
According to the European Directive 2001/83/EC, medicinal products, contrary to foodstuffs, require a pre-marketing authorisation by competent authorities. Quality has to be proven in accordance with the European directives and guidelines, while safety and efficacy through pharmacological- toxicological and clinical studies and/or bibliographic application (Art. 10.1 (a) (ii)). Apart from these options, some European countries have established a simplified proof of efficacy, e.g. for traditional herbal medicinal products. The study of AESGP (European Medicines Manufacturers’ Association), “Herbal Medicinal Products in the European Union”, which was performed in 1998 on behalf of the European Commission, elucidates the regulatory situation in member states of the European Union, in particular the implementation of the option of bibliographic application. ESCOP, the European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy, has published 80 monographs on the medicinal use of herbal drugs in order to provide harmonised criteria of assessment on a European level. A similar project has been initiated by the World Health Organisation (WHO). The Herbal Medicinal Products Working Party (HMPWP) at the European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicines (EMEA) has published various guidelines on the quality, safety and efficacy of herbal medicinal products, e.g. the so-called core-data on herbal drugs based on monographs.Apart from the area of the ‘well-established medicinal use’ products suitable for bibliographic applications, a further category of traditionally used herbal medicinal products is being established on a European level. The European directive on traditional herbal medicinal products amending Directive 2001/83/EC provides the option of a simplified registration procedure under certainconditions, e.g. established safety, plausible efficacy on the basis of long-term use and experience as well as proven quality. A new Committee for Herbal Medicinal Products is being founded which is to be responsible for the preparation of Community herbal monographs on products with well- established medicinal use and on traditional herbal medicinal products. The parties involved hope that further discussion in ESCOP/ WHO monographs and the preparation of new core-data takes place as a basis for well-established medicinal use in order to facilitate mutual recognition and to achieve a European-wide rational assessment for all kinds of herbal medicinal products.
Zgodnie z Dyrektywą 2001/83/EC Unii Europejskiej, produkty lecznicze w przeciwieństwie do produktów spożywczych, wymagają przedmarketingowej autoryzacji przez odpowiednie władze. Ich jakość musi być dowiedziona i zdefiniowana zgodnie z dyrektywami i zasadami Unii Europejskiej, zaś bezpieczeństwo i efektywność potwierdzone odpowiednimi badaniami klinicznymi i farmakologiczno-toksykologicznymi oraz/lub danymi bibliograficznymi (Art. 10.1 (a) (ii)). Uzupełnieniem proceduralnym stosowanym przez niektóre państwa europejskie jest uproszczony dowód efektywności stosowany przykładowo dla tradycyjnych leków roślinnych. W 1998 r. na zlecenie Komisji Europejskiej, AESGP (European Medicines Manufacturers’ Association) Stowarzyszenie Europejskich Wytwórców Leków przeprowadziło badanie pt. „Roślinne Produkty Lecznicze w Unii Europejskiej”. Wyjaśniło ono sytuację prawną państw członkowskich UE, szczególnie w odniesieniu do zastosowania opcji aplikacji opartej na danych bibliograficznych.ESCOP (the European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy), Europejska Kooperatywa Naukowa ds. Fitoterapii, opublikowała 80 monografii na temat leczniczego zastosowania leków roślinnych. Celem tych publikacji było dostarczanie zharmonizowanych kryteriów oceny na poziomie europejskim. Podobny projekt został zainicjowany przez WHO (World Health Organization) Światową Organizację Zdrowia. Grupa Robocza Roślinnych Produktów Leczniczych (HMPWP) przy Europejskiej Agencji Oceny Leków EMEA (European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicines) opubli-kowala wiele wytycznych dotyczących jakości, bezpieczeństwa i efektywności roślinnych produktów leczniczych, np. tak zwane niezbędne dane (core-data) na temat leków roślinnych rejestrowanych na podstawie danych monograficznych. Obok kategorii produktów o „dobrze utwierdzonym zastosowaniu leczniczym” nadających się do aplikacji bibliograficznych, kolejna kategoria - tzw. tradycyjnie stosowanych roślinnych produktów leczniczych - zostanie wkrótce utworzona na poziomie europejskim. Proponowana poprawka do Europejskiej Dyrektywy 2001/83/EC, dotyczącej tradycyjnych roślinnych produktów leczniczych, zakłada opcję uproszczonej procedury rejestracyjnej pod określonymi warunkami, np. ustalonego bezpieczeństwa, pożądanej efektywności wykazanej podczas długotrwałego stosowania i opartej na długim doświadczeniu, jak również dowiedzionej jakości. Zostanie utworzony nowy Komitet Roślinnych Produktów Leczniczych, który będzie odpowiedzialny za przygotowanie unijnych monografii poświęconych roślinnym produktom o dobrze utwierdzonym zastosowaniu leczniczym i tradycyjnym roślinnm produktom leczniczym. Zaangażowane strony mają nadzieję na dalszą dyskusję nad monografiami ESCOP/WHO oraz przygotowanie nowych niezbędnych danych (core-data), mogących być podstawą do określenia pojęcia „dobrze utwierdzonego zastosowania leczniczego”. Ma to na celu precyzyjne rozróżnienie pojęć i osiągnięcie ogólnoeuropejskiego standardu racjonalnej oceny wszystkich rodzajów roślinnych produktów leczniczych.
Podstawowym celem niniejszego artykułu jest próba zbadania zjawiska dyferencjacji jakościowej, w tym odpowiedź na pytanie czy doskonalenie jakości wyrobu przez wzrost jego wytrzymałości to właściwy w obecnych czasach, sposób budowania przewagi rynkowej przez producenta.
The primary objective of this paper is an attempt to examine the phenomenon of qualitative differentiation, including the answer to the question whether the improvement of product quality, through an increase in its durability, is an appropriate, at the present times, way how to build a market advantage by the manufacturer.
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