The development of modern technologies used in the analysis of customer information allows not only for the collection of past data on buyers’ preferences, but also makes it possible to analyse consumer behaviour on the Internet, online payments, social media and other real-time sources. The aim of the paper is to present the possibilities of using big data in the process of customizing the offer in the context of buyer behaviour. The paper analyses the process of collecting and processing data for the purposes of customizing the offer and identifies practical examples of using big data in the international business practice. It has been stated that the ability to meet the individual needs of buyers has become the basis of modern competitiveness. The real-time acquisition of non-structural data and the ability to analyse it are a condition of successful operation for businesses in technologically developed economies. To build market position, companies need to use big data analysis capabilities, anticipating future customer behaviour and customize not only the product but also all the components of the marketing mix.
Łańcuchy dostaw w ówczesnych czasach zmuszone są dostosować swoją ofertę produktową do potrzeb klientów. Jest to tzw. customizacja produktów, czyli modyfikowanie lub tworzenie produktów zgodnie z indywidualnymi lub osobistymi specyfikajcami lub preferencjami klientów, na podstawie informacji pochodzących z wewnątrz organizacji, jak i z jej otoczenia, głównie rynku. Celem artykułu jest określenie zmian oraz tendencji zachodzącej transformacji przemysłu w obszarze customizacji produktów w łańcuchu dostaw. Customizacja produktów zostanie opisana na przykładzie wybranych branż, zostaną przytoczone przykłady takich firm, jak: Procter & Gamble, BMW i Stratasys.
Nowadays, supply chains are forced to adapt their product offer to the needs of customers. This, so-called, product customization means to modify or build products according to individual or personal customer specifications or preference, based on information from within the organization and from its environment, mainly from the market. The purpose of this article is to identify changes and trends in the transformation of the industry in the area of product customization in the supply chain. Customization of products will be described on the example of selected industries; the instances of such companies as Procter & Gamble, BMW and Stratasys will be presented.
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