The article discusses issues related to the ways of maintenance management of selected groups of production machines and devices. The first part identifies and characterizes two organizational models of machine servicing, i.e. the process model and the object model. It was justified that the object-oriented approach to machine servicing is an unusual concept, and it can be the basis for developing the models for the exploitation assessment of machines being the products of manufacturing processes, that require servicing tasks. As a result, it was proposed to use taxonomic methods for the purposes of developing a model, the analysis of which will allow the interpretation of the exploitation policy realized in the conditions of object-oriented servicing of machines and devices. The case study presented in the article confirms the possibility of building such models, and also justifies such analyzes for the purposes of shaping the exploitation decision-making process.
Artykuł omawia problemy zarządzania eksploatacją i utrzymaniem ruchu wybranych grup maszyn i urządzeń produkcyjnych. W pierwszej części zidentyfikowano i scharakteryzowano dwa organizacyjne modele serwisowania maszyn, to znaczy model procesowy i model obiektowy. Uzasadniono, że obiektowe podejście do serwisowania maszyn jest koncepcją nietypową i może być podstawą budowy modeli oceny eksploatacyjnej maszyn będących produktami procesów produkcyjnych i wymagającymi serwisowania. W efekcie zaproponowano wykorzystanie metod taksonomicznych dla potrzeb budowy modeli, których analiza pozwoli na interpretację polityki eksploatacyjnej prowadzonej w warunkach obiektowego serwisowania maszyn i urządzeń. Zaprezentowane w artykule studium przypadku potwierdza możliwość budowy takich modeli, a także uzasadnia prowadzenie tego typu analiz na potrzeby kształtowania eksploatacyjnego procesu decyzyjnego.
A key element of exploitation processes constitutes maintenance operations and tasks. While being conducted in the proper way, they have a crucial effect on achieving the assumed by aircraft designer and operator goals. Properly conducted maintenance operations allow to meet all the technical objects readiness requirements as well as to achieve desired acceptable risk level. Maintenance system effectiveness might be generally a crucial task for company or entity responsible for the maintenance. In this context, particularly relevant become technical object maintenance procedures and tasks developed by their manufacturers. Experience of the article authors quite early shows the need of the maintenance programmes modification. Aircraft manufacturers usually are not so eager to develop and implement maintenance programme modifications. Presented situation is very much the case in aviation transport. This was the reason why authors of this article decided to prepare and develop this elaboration which might constitute the assistance and supports complex technical objects users in maintenance decision. The main purpose of this article is to present maintenance decisions’ supporting method for the aircraft operators. This article provides guidelines which include a description of risk in the context of aviation maintenance and introduction of some methodologies, tools and criteria that support identification, analysis and evaluation of risk. Authors included idea, how the aircraft preventive maintenance could be used to mitigate aircraft failure risk during flight operations. It also shows how to adopt and develop effective maintenance program using tools for adequate risk analysis, optimal interval assignments, and selection of the most effective maintenance task. Authors presented methodology and described steps of the logic diagram analysis for the aircraft systems and their components, in order to manage and adopt aircraft maintenance program to fulfil aircraft airworthiness requirements and operational availability. The whole methodology was described on the basis of the F 16 aircraft maintenance system and with reference to the maintenance data. This article might also constitute an introduction to the aircraft maintenance programme development method.
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