Pracownicy to interesariusze wewnętrzni przedsiębiorstwa, którzy mają określone cele i oczekiwania. Ich zaangażowanie w działalność przedsiębiorstwa jest uzależniona od stopnia, w jakim zaspokajane są te oczekiwania. Realizacja celów pracowniczych w przypadku firmy rodzinnej jest utrudniona ograniczeniami finansowymi i strukturą organizacyjną, która praktycznie eliminuje awans z zestawu korzyści. Dodatkowo w swoich oczekiwaniach pracownicy muszą uwzględniać obecność w firmie rodziny właściciela. W artykule zdefiniowano interesariuszy organizacji, ukazano specyfikę tych grup w firmie rodzinnej oraz podjęto próbę identyfikacji celów i oczekiwań pracowników uwzględniających rodzinność przedsiębiorstwa.
Employees constitute enterprise’s internal stakeholders who have specific goals and expectations. Their involvement in business of the enterprise depends on the extent to which these expectations are met. In case of family business, the realization of employees’ goals is limited by financial constraints and organizational structure, which practically eliminates the promotion from the set of benefits. Additionally, in their expectations, workers must take into account the „presence” of the family of the enterprise owner. After defining the stakeholder of the organization in the introduction to the article, the specificity of these groups in the family business are shown. Then, an attempt to identify the goals and expectations of employees is made, taking into account the company’s familiarity.
Czym jest sukcesja? Gdy słyszymy to pojęcie, różne odpowiedzi mogą przyjść nam na myśl. Na potrzeby tego artykułu przyjmijmy, że jest to przekazanie kierowania firmą przez założyciela-właściciela następcy, którym jest albo osoba z rodziny, albo ktoś spoza rodziny, powołany do zarządzania firmą. Wydaje się, że jest to też najbardziej intuicyjna definicja, zapewne każdy z czytelników spotkał się z podobną sytuacją, szef organizacji, który zbudował ją od podstaw, w pewnym momencie podejmuje decyzję z własnej woli, lub skłoniony do tego okolicznościami o przekazaniu kierowania firmy.
The publication presents an analysis with proposed solutions on the content of the articles of association of a family foundation with regard to the following issues: determination of the specific purpose of a family foundation, the power to appoint statutory bodies of a family foundation, the concept of „freedom” in the choice of the name of a family foundation, the obligation of the founder to contribute to the founding fund, the contribution of specific property to the founding fund by each founder, and the determination of the founder as the sole beneficiary of the family foundation, as well as optional provisions of the articles of association. Within the framework of the issues, an analysis of the current legal regulation and observed problems on the ground of practice is presented. The next section attempts to characterize the status of beneficiaries, the documents in which the beneficiary designation takes place, and the be-nefits to beneficiaries. Providing a full characterization of these issues would go beyond the scope of this publication. Therefore, the content was limited to the problems that arose from the analysis of practice. The publication includes observations and conclusions from the examination of the records of the register of family foundations, conducted at the headquarters of the District Court in Piotrków Trybunalski, which form the basis for proposed de lege ferenda solutions. In order to maintain the representativeness of the research, 100 family foundation registration cases were reviewed according to the order in which they were received. The research obtained information such as. about the locations of the foundations, the similarity of the statutes; the length of the statutes (number of provisions, volume), the appendices filed with the registry, the age of the founder, the bodies that were established, the purposes of the foundation that the founders specified, the beneficiaries of the foundation and how the beneficiaries were specified, what benefits were provided for the beneficiaries, whether the statutes provided mechanisms to prevent litigation, which beneficiaries were designated by the founder as members of the assembly of beneficiaries, what was the amount of the foundation's founding fund and what items of property contributed to the fund.
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