Skraplacze kompaktowe, zbudowane na bazie minikanałów, z powodzeniem są już stosowane w zminiaturyzowanych układach chłodniczo-klimatyzacyjnych. Szczególnym przykładem ich zastosowania są instalacje, w których istnieje potrzeba odprowadzenia do otoczenia dużej gęstości strumienia ciepła w sposób bezpieczny i ekologiczny (np. układy elektroniczne). Rozpoznanie mechanizmu skraplania czynników chłodniczych w minikanałach i ujęcie wpływu podstawowych parametrów jest treścią tego opracowania. W Części l scharakteryzowano proces skraplania czynników chłodniczych w minikanałach, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem struktur przepływu dwufazowego podczas skraplania, w świetle aktualnego stanu wiedzy. W Części 2 ujęto wpływ wybranych parametrów na procedury obliczeniowe wielkości cieplno-przepływowych podczas skraplania w minikanałach.
Those compact condensers which are constructed on the basis of mini-channels are already successfully used in miniaturized refrigerating and air conditioning systems. Those systems which require that a large density heat flux be carried away to the environment in a safe and environment friendly manner (e.g. electronic systems) constitute a particular example of the application of such condensers. This study covers the recognition of the condensation mechanism of refrigerants in mini-channels and the influence of the basic parameters. Section 1 covers the condensation process of refrigerants in mini-channels with a particular emphasis on diphase flow structures during condensation in the light of the present state of knowledge. Section 2 covers the influence of selected parameters on the computational procedures of those values which refer to heat and flow during condensation in mini-channels.
In the era of miniaturization of power equipment, application of compact systems is a very advantageous solution. Compact heat exchangers which are used in refrigerating systems do not only transfer a large density of the heat flux but also perform environment-friendly functions; a refrigerant occupies a small volume, and when there is no leak tightness, there is little threat to the natural environment. Application of heat exchangers with flux of single-phase mediums (water or air) is not sufficient any more. That is the possibility of utilization of phase changes of refrigerants (boiling and condensation) realized during flux in channels with small diameter. Conception of constructing so-called compact heat exchangers (evaporators and condensers) which are a part of cooling installation was created that way. However the designers of compact heat exchangers have to face today difficult problem of choice sufficient computational procedures in the range of the heat exchange and flow resistances in channels with hydraulic diameter smaller than 3 mm [13]. Wellknown in literature procedures, tested for conventional channels (d > 3 mm) theoretically and experimentally, do not have to and in most cases are not suitable for micro- and mini-channels. This causes need to find and point the best computational formulae to be used in compact exchangers. It should be underlined, that number publications, presenting description of heat exchange and flow resistances during boiling in the mini- and micro-channels is much larger, than for the case of condensation in such channels. Up to date knowledge about conventional channel proves that processes of boiling and condensation in flow cannot be treated as "symmetrical" phenomena. Also mechanism of energy transport and momentum in processes of boiling and condensation in flow both in conventional channels and in mini-channels. The basic part of the paper is constituted by the presentation of the author's own experimental research on heat exchange in the condensation process of R134 a refrigerant in pipe mini-channels with an internal diameter of 1.6÷3.3 mm. On the basis of a comparative analysis, the usefulness of Akers and Shah's correlations was stated for the determination of the heat transfer coefficient in this process. The range of divergence of experiment results and calculations according to Ackers correlation was significantly smaller and that is why this correlation may be recommended for designers. Experiments were conducted in the following range of parameters: saturation temperature tk = 35÷40°C, density of mass stream (wp) = 200÷600 kg/(m2źs) and density of heat stream q = 5÷50 kW/m2
Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia wyniki obliczeń parametrów konstrukcyjnych skraplacza, przy pomocy wybranych wzorów kryterialnych. W badaniach użyto trzech różnych modeli dla skraplacza rurowo-płaszczowego o gładkiej powierzchni rurek. Jednego modelu dla skraplacza o żebrowanej powierzchni rurek oraz jednego dla wymiennika płytowego. Obliczenia zostały wykonane dla modelu termodynamicznego i parametrów pracy sprężarkowej pompy ciepła 5 MWt pracującej na czynniku chłodniczym R1336 mzz(Z). W wyniku badań udało się ocenić wpływ współczynników korekcyjnych na uzyskany wynik powierzchni wymiany ciepła oraz jednostkowego obciążenia cieplnego. Porównano również wyniki dla skraplacza o rurach gładkich, żebrowanych oraz płytowego. Badania są częścią projektu NCBiR realizowanego przez Wytwórnię Urządzeń Chłodniczych „PZL-Dębica" S.A.
The paper presents the outcomes of calculations related to the design parameters of a condenser, uti lizing specific criterial equations. Three different models were used in the study for a smooth shell-and—tube condenser, another one for a finned tube condenser, and one for a plate heat exchanger. The calculations were per- f formed for a thermodynamic model and the operating parameters of a 5 MWt heat pump compressor working with the refrigerant R1336 mzz(Z). The research yielded insights into how correction coefficients influence the resulting heat exchange surface and specific heat load. Results for each of analyzed variants were also compared. The research is part of the NCBiR project carried out by the WUCh "PZL-Dębica" S.A.
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