The number of people suffering from type 2 diabetes has been growing recently. This chronic disease is connected with lower perceived quality of life and experiencing a lot of stressful situations. Some of these situations can be anticipated. Thus, it is possible to prepare oneself for future difficult situations by using proactive coping strategies. The aim of this research was to verify the level of satisfaction with various areas of life, the frequency of use of proactive coping strategies in the case of type 2 diabetes patients and healthy individuals, as well as mediation role of these strategies in the relationship between positive emotionality, cognitive curiosity and perceived quality of life. One hundred and seventy four persons took part in the research: 85 persons with diabetes and 89 healthy individuals. We used instruments with recognized psychometric properties: The Proactive Coping Inventory, The World Health Organization Quality of Life Instrument-BREF, PANAS Questionnaire and State-Trait Personality Inventory. The analysis of the results showed, among other things, that people suffering from type 2 diabetes are the least satisfied with their health, and the most with their treatment and knowledge about the disease. Healthy individuals are the most satisfied with the physical domain and one’s present life, whereas the least satisfied with the environmental domain. Both groups differ in terms of using proactive coping strategies. People with diabetes most often adopt a preventive strategy, whereas healthy individuals a reflective one. Two strategies turned out to be able to mediate in the relationship of positive emotionality and life satisfaction in the diabetes group. It was a strictly proactive and preventive coping strategy. No mediation effect was found in the group of healthy people. The results show that in the face of anticipated difficulties, people with type 2 diabetes try to protect their current resources by resorting to their existing knowledge, the level of which they are most satisfied with. The higher the positive emotionality/cognitive curiosity among people with type 2 diabetes, the higher their satisfaction with life, which is due to the fact, that they more frequently use proactive or preventive strategies to cope with stress.
The aim of study was to investigate the relationship between proactive coping strategies and the dimensions of identity formation, along with the role of biological sex and psychological gender as moderators for this relationship. We conducted analyses aimed at showing differences in terms of identity dimensions levels and proactive coping strategies used by a group of individuals with different biological sex and psychological gender. A group of 101 students from upper secondary schools (47 females, 54 males) from Pomeranian Voivodeship took part in the study. We used in our research The Dimensions of Identity Development Scale; The Psychological Gender Inventory and The Proactive Coping Inventory for Adolescents. We found, among others, that in the case of a proactive strategy, biological sex turned out to be a significant moderator in the relationship between this variable and identity dimensions: ruminative exploration, commitment-making and identification with commitment. In the case of instrumental support seeking, psychological gender turned out to be a significant moderator for the relationship between these variables and a part of identity dimensions. The obtained results show that, regardless of whether young people, in terms of characteristics that are stereotypically associated with biological sex, are described as aschematic (undifferentiated individuals) or schematic (sex-typed) when entering adulthood and attempting to constitute themselves, more often cope in a task-oriented manner by trying to create a set of information useful in difficult situations and aspire to obtain informational support from individuals in one’s own social network, who are regarded as safe people.
In middle adulthood the intensity of stress is significantly higher than in the preceding developmental period. This stress is particularly significant in the case of chronically ill women, including those with type 2 diabetes. In this group, the disease-related stress intensifies the difficulties generated by the decrease of age-related organismic resources and in many instances impairs the quality of life. Therefore, an ability to cope with difficult situations is of crucial importance. The aim of the research was to estimate the general level of life-satisfaction, as well as the frequency and effectiveness of proactive coping strategies in a group of middle adulthood women with type 2 diabetes compared to women not suffering from diabetes. The study was conducted with methods which have acknowledged psychometric properties (SWLS, WHOQoL - BREF, PCI) as well as a survey collecting sociodemographic data. Women suffering from type 2 diabetes are less satisfied with their prior and current life, health and the physical dimension of their lives and environment. Only partially do they employ proactive coping strategies different from those used by the women from the healthy group. For life-satisfaction in its various aspects it is particularly important for the diabetic women to more often use the strategy of reflective coping and to less often seek emotional support while using the strategy of preventive coping or avoidance. The proactive strategies directed at anticipated stress are connected with the level of life-satisfaction and considered to be health resources.
The number of people suffering from type 2 diabetes has been growing recently. This chronic disease is connected with lower perceived quality of life and experiencing a lot of stressful situations. Some of these situations can be anticipated. Thus, it is possible to prepare oneself for future difficult situations by using proactive coping strategies. The aim of this research was to verify the level of satisfaction with various areas of life, the frequency of use of proactive coping strategies in the case of type 2 diabetes patients and healthy individuals, as well as mediation role of these strategies in the relationship between positive emotionality, cognitive curiosity and perceived quality of life. One hundred and seventy four persons took part in the research: 85 persons with diabetes and 89 healthy individuals. We used instruments with recognized psychometric properties: The Proactive Coping Inventory, The World Health Organization Quality of Life Instrument-BREF, PANAS Questionnaire and State-Trait Personality Inventory. The analysis of the results showed, among other things, that people suffering from type 2 diabetes are the least satisfied with their health, and the most with their treatment and knowledge about the disease. Healthy individuals are the most satisfied with the physical domain and one’s present life, whereas the least satisfied with the environmental domain. Both groups differ in terms of using proactive coping strategies. People with diabetes most often adopt a preventive strategy, whereas healthy individuals a reflective one. Two strategies turned out to be able to mediate in the relationship of positive emotionality and life satisfaction in the diabetes group. It was a strictly proactive and preventive coping strategy. No mediation effect was found in the group of healthy people. The results show that in the face of anticipated difficulties, people with type 2 diabetes try to protect their current resources by resorting to their existing knowledge, the level of which they are most satisfied with. The higher the positive emotionality/cognitive curiosity among people with type 2 diabetes, the higher their satisfaction with life, which is due to the fact, that they more frequently use proactive or preventive strategies to cope with stress.
In middle adulthood the intensity of stress is significantly higher than in the preceding developmental period. This stress is particularly significant in the case of chronically ill women, including those with type 2 diabetes. In this group, the disease-related stress intensifies the difficulties generated by the decrease of age-related organismic resources and in many instances impairs the quality of life. Therefore, an ability to cope with difficult situations is of crucial importance. The aim of the research was to estimate the general level of life-satisfaction, as well as the frequency and effectiveness of proactive coping strategies in a group of middle adulthood women with type 2 diabetes compared to women not suffering from diabetes. The study was conducted with methods which have acknowledged psychometric properties (SWLS, WHOQoL - BREF, PCI) as well as a survey collecting sociodemographic data. Women suffering from type 2 diabetes are less satisfied with their prior and current life, health and the physical dimension of their lives and environment. Only partially do they employ proactive coping strategies different from those used by the women from the healthy group. For life-satisfaction in its various aspects it is particularly important for the diabetic women to more often use the strategy of reflective coping and to less often seek emotional support while using the strategy of preventive coping or avoidance. The proactive strategies directed at anticipated stress are connected with the level of life-satisfaction and considered to be health resources.
The aim of study was to investigate the relationship between proactive coping strategies and the dimensions of identity formation, along with the role of biological sex and psychological gender as moderators for this relationship. We conducted analyses aimed at showing differences in terms of identity dimensions levels and proactive coping strategies used by a group of individuals with different biological sex and psychological gender. A group of 101 students from upper secondary schools (47 females, 54 males) from Pomeranian Voivodeship took part in the study. We used in our research The Dimensions of Identity Development Scale; The Psychological Gender Inventory and The Proactive Coping Inventory for Adolescents. We found, among others, that in the case of a proactive strategy, biological sex turned out to be a significant moderator in the relationship between this variable and identity dimensions: ruminative exploration, commitment-making and identification with commitment. In the case of instrumental support seeking, psychological gender turned out to be a significant moderator for the relationship between these variables and a part of identity dimensions. The obtained results show that, regardless of whether young people, in terms of characteristics that are stereotypically associated with biological sex, are described as aschematic (undifferentiated individuals) or schematic (sex-typed) when entering adulthood and attempting to constitute themselves, more often cope in a task-oriented manner by trying to create a set of information useful in difficult situations and aspire to obtain informational support from individuals in one’s own social network, who are regarded as safe people.
Late adulthood is a period in which a growing number of stressors such as strategies for coping with these situations may be significant for the subjective evaluation of the quality of life and adaptation to old age. The aim of this research is to present the relationship between, proactive coping and attitudes toward aging. 88 subjects aged 60-85 years (M = 69,5; SD = 6,74) participated in the study. The following methods were used: The Proactive Coping Inventory developed by Greenglass, Schwarzer and Taubert (Pasikowski’s adaptation) and The Sentence Completion Test – Attitude towards the Aging developed by Steuden. In these studies, people with high proactive achievement have a more positive attitude towards life and old age than those with less proactive one
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bjectives. The aim of the study was to assess psychometric properties, validity and internal consistency of the Slovak version of the Proactive Coping Inventory (PCI). The article deals with: a) factorial structure of the PCI, b) item analysis and internal consistency of its scales, c) discriminant validity. Subjects and settings. The sample consisted of employed adult people from all main regions in Slovakia, 22% were men and 78% women. Their age ranged from 20 to 60 years, with mean age 38.62 (SD=10.78). Statistical analysis. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to test the models, Maximum Likelihood (ML) method, the goodness of fit indexes: χ2 test, χ2/df, RMSEA, 90% CI for RMSEA, CFI, GFI, and information criteria AIC, BIC. Item analysis was conducted by descriptive characteristics and popularity index p. Internal consistency was assessed by coefficients α and ω, statistical relationships were tested using Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Results. None of the presented models (seven, three and one factor models) fits the data well. Modified one-factor models fit the data well. Internal consistency is low in all scales (α=ω=.55-.78). Item analysis identified several problematic items. There are significant relationships between the PCI scales. The results open the space for discussion, whether the problem is affected mainly by translation or if it corresponds with the original scale construction. The current studied Slovak version of the PCI does not meet required psychometric properties and several further modifications are needed: to improve the fit of multifactor models of the PCI and significantly increase the internal consistency of the PCI. Study limitations. The sample is not representative due to nonprobabilistic sampling method and higher percentage of women. The exploratory character of the PCI models modifications is also considered as a study limit.
Zámer. Cieľom štúdie bolo posúdenie psychometrických vlastností, validity a vnútornej konzistencie slovenskej verzie dotazníka PCI. Štúdia sa zaoberá a) skúmaním faktorovej štruktúry dotazníka PCI, b) skúmaním položkovej analýzy a vnútornej konzistencie škál PCI a c) diskriminačnou validitou. Súbor a procedúra. Súbor tvorili dospelí zamestnaní participanti (n = 540) so zastúpením všetkých krajov na Slovensku, z toho 22 % mužov a 78 % žien. Vekové rozloženie bolo v rozpätí od 20 do 60 rokov, s priemerným vekom 38,62 (SD = 10,78). Štatistická analýza. Modely boli hodnotené pomocou konfirmačnej faktorovej analýzy, metódou Maximum likelihood (ML), indexami zhody: χ2 test, χ2/df, RMSEA, 90% CI pre RMSEA, CFI, GFI, a informačnými kritériami AIC, BIC. Položková analýza bola realizovaná deskriptívnymi charakteristikami a koeficientom popularity položiek p. Vnútorná konzistencia bola hodnotená Cronbachovým koeficientom α, koeficientom ω, korelácie Pearsonovým koeficientom súčinovej korelácie. Výsledky. Sedemfaktorový a trojfaktorový model dotazníka ani jednofaktorové modely škál dotazníka nevykazujú dobrú zhodu s dátami. Modifikované jednofaktorové modely vykazujú dobrú zhodu s dátami. Vnútorná konzistencia škál je vo všetkých prípadoch nízka α = ω = ,55–,78. Položková analýza identifikovala problematické položky. Škály dotazníka navzájom korelujú. Výsledky otvárajú otázku, či ide o problém ovplyvnený viac prekladom, alebo súvisí s konštrukciou pôvodnej škály. V aktuálnej podobe v slovenských pomeroch dotazník PCI nedosahuje požadované psychometrické vlastnosti a sú potrebné jeho ďalšie modifikácie. Je potrebné vylepšiť zhodu viacfaktorových modelov s dátami a výrazne zlepšiť vnútornú konzistenciu dotazníka. Obmedzenia štúdie. Výberový súbor nie je reprezentatívny, vzhľadom na nepravdepodobnostný typ výberu a prevahu žien. Obmedzením je tiež exploračný charakter analýz modifikovaných modelov dotazníka PCI.
Niniejszy artykuł stanowi przegląd psychologicznych koncepcji stresu i radzenia sobie. W pierwszej części zawarto charakterystykę klasycznych koncepcji stresu i aktywności zaradczej. Zgodnie z tradycyjnym ujęciem tych pojęć w psychologii, stres rozumiany jest jako bodziec, reakcja osoby na czynnik zagrażający lub jako efekt interakcji bodźca i osoby. W części drugiej przedstawiono alternatywną koncepcję proaktywnego radzenia sobie. Ujęcie to proponuje potraktowanie sytuacji stresowej w kategoriach wyzwania w przeciwieństwie do koncepcji klasycznych (mających charakter reaktywny), w których stres jest synonimem zagrożenia. W dalszej części opisano narzędzie badające poszczególne wymiary proaktywnego radzenia sobie – Kwestionariusz Reakcji na Codzienne Wydarzenia (The Proactive Coping Inventory – PCI).
Current paper provides a review of the psychological theories of stress and coping. The first part describes the classic concepts of stress and coping. According to the traditional approach in psychology stress is seen as a stimulus, a person’s reaction to a threatening factor, or as a result of interaction of both. The second part introduces an alternative concept, called – the proactive coping. This approach provides understanding of the stress situation in terms of challange. It stands in an opposition to classical (reactive) concepts in which stress is a synonym of danger. Following part gives a description of tool that measures the dimensions of proactive coping – the Proactive Coping Inventory (PCI).
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane psychospołeczne czynniki modyfikujące proces adaptacji do wdowieństwa występujące u starzejących się wdów. W badaniach własnych postawiono hipotezę o istnieniu stylu odwiązania od zmarłego partnera życiowego, rozumianego jako: połączenie retrospektywnej oceny stylu przywiązania do partnera i poczucia samotności emocjonalnej i/lub społecznej. Badania przeprowadzone na 124 wdowach (średni czas wdowieństwa wynosi 7,3 lata) pokazały, że istnieje specyficzny styl odwiązania od partnera u kobiet z retrospektywnym lękowym stylem przywiązania w przeszłości. Uzyskany w pozytywny związek pomiędzy retrospektywnym bezpiecznym stylem przywiązania i samotnością społeczną wymaga dalszych badań.
The article presents selected psychosocial factors modifying the process of adaptation to widowhood that occur in aging widows. In the present study, it was hypothesised that there is a style of ’detachment’ from a deceased life partner which is understood as the combination of a retrospective assessment of style of attachment to a partner and the sense of emotional andor social loneliness. The research performed on 124 widows (average duration of widowhood was 7.3 years) showed that there is a specific style of detachment from a partner in women with retrospective anxiety style of attachment in the past. A positive relation between a retrospective safe style of attachment and social loneliness requires further research.
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