Described privileges of determined employee groups in the Polish tobacco industry in a period of Polish People’s Republic on example of Kraków plants arose largely from the statute law, although not without meaning carried out its interpretation, by workers self-management and Company’s Dispute Adjudication Boards (CDAB). It was possible to notice the sign of appropriating privileges by determined employees groups not-arising from the existing law, but being a sign of aspirations to ensure a higher position for oneself in the unit through certain acquaintances and in consequence achieving common benefits, etc. informally. The article constitutes only a starting point for further in-depth studies covering employee issues in all tobacco industry in Poland.
Despite the elaborated techniques of electronic surveillance, personal sources of information still remain the best possible method of infiltrating a criminal milieu. Such methods gain special importance in totalitarian states. Collaborating with the Security Service almost always had some notable benefits. For some of the TWs, collaborating was an additional, sometimes quite substantial, source of income. One of repeating motives for collaboration was a will to improve one’s professional position or to easily obtain a permission to go abroad. There were also persons, who were impressed with having contacts with the Security Service functionaries. Almost all collaborators were using different forms of help from the part of the Security Service. Most of them would obtain real financial and material profits. The spectrum of favours offered to those helping the repressive state apparatus was very extensive.
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One of the manifestations of multi-denominational coexistence in the Kingdom of Bohemia and the Margraviate of Moravia between the Hussite Revolution and the year 1620 was the competition of individual confessions (apart from the Unity of Brethren) for the existing network of parishes as the fundamental unit of church administration. The study seeks an answer to the question of how the landed gentry tried to guarantee that the parishes on their estates, over which they held the right of patronage, would belong to their faith in the future, as was currently the case. It is mainly concentrated on localities owned by the nobility, who were the owners of the right of presentation (a patron’s right to propose a suitable person for a benefice to the ecclesiastical superiors) to approximately three-quarters of all parish churches.
The main purpose of the article is to identify the contradictions and problems arising when both international labor standards and Russian labor law are applied and separate guarantees to workers are provided in the case of their dismissal. The object of the research is the employment relationship which arises between the employer and the employee when social guarantees are given to the workers when the employment relations are terminated. This article considers the regulations of Russian and foreign labor law which provide workers with certain guarantees if the employment contract is terminated at the initiative of the employer. For the first time, these guarantees are considered from a comparative legal perspective. Specific recommendations about improvement of the Russian labor law and its enforcement.
Praca przedstawia wpływ bartnictwa na uprzywilejowanie ludzi zamieszkujących puszczę królewską na północnym Mazowszu od XIII do XVIII w. Podkreśla ważną rolę produkcji miodu w gospodarce leśnej na podstawie statutów książęcych, przepisów prawa bartnego, przywilejów oraz ksiąg bartnych.
The article presents the impact of beekeeping on the privileges of royal forests residents in northern Mazovia from the 13th to 18th century. It emphasizes an important role of honey production in forest management based on Duke Statutes, provisions of beekeeping law, privileges and beekeeping books.
The second half of the 16th century is regarded as the decisive moment in the history of the Low Countries. The politics of religious intolerance and financial oppression practiced by the Habsburg governors resulted in protests and, finally, in the open revolt of the Provinces under the leadership of the princes of Orange and Nassau. The aim of this work is to follow and reconstruct the ideas of political thought accompanying the events leading to the rise of a new state. In the dicussed state forming process the main emphasis was put on the issues of freedom, states, and sovereignty, as well as on the concept of the possibility of dismissing the obedience inherited from the medieval privileges. These concepts and terms created a special sort of dictionary of the Dutch political thought.
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