The first part of the article is devoted to the development of the definition of private tutoring – the third sector of education; research results are discussed in the micro and macro factors. The second part is devoted to selected negative and positive effects of private tutoring. Then, the third part presents the results of selected studies devoted to tutoring (teaching assistants), which are sponsored by the governments (or local governments, self-governance or autonomy) and, therefore, they are subject to the laws of the market. The presentation starts with an international survey “Monitoring tutoring”, in which nine countries participated: Azerbaijan, Georgia, Mongolia, Ukraine, Slovakia, Poland, Lithuania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia. Studies were conducted in the school year 2004/2005. For education in Poland it was a special year – the last year of separation between the Matura (matriculation examination) and entry exams to universities, also the last year of the internal Matura exams. After analysis of selected results of “Monitoring tutoring”, discussed the research will be conducted under the School Self-learning Centre for Civic Education and the local “barometer tutoring” in Kwidzyn, a town of around 40 thousand inhabitants in northern Poland. The fourth part discusses the legal and institutional contexts of tutoring in France, Finland, the other Scandinavian countries as well as South Korean parents’ struggle for the right to decide about their children’s tutoring.
The first part of the article is devoted to the development of the definition of private tutoring – the third sector of education; research results are discussed in the micro and macro factors. The second part is devoted to selected negative and positive effects of private tutoring. Then, the third part presents the results of selected studies devoted to tutoring (teaching assistants), which are sponsored by the governments (or local governments, self-governance or autonomy) and, therefore, they are subject to the laws of the market. The presentation starts with an international survey “Monitoring tutoring”, in which nine countries participated: Azerbaijan, Georgia, Mongolia, Ukraine, Slovakia, Poland, Lithuania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia. Studies were conducted in the school year 2004/2005. For education in Poland it was a special year – the last year of separation between the Matura (matriculation examination) and entry exams to universities, also the last year of the internal Matura exams. After analysis of selected results of “Monitoring tutoring”, discussed the research will be conducted under the School Self-learning Centre for Civic Education and the local “barometer tutoring” in Kwidzyn, a town of around 40 thousand inhabitants in northern Poland. The fourth part discusses the legal and institutional contexts of tutoring in France, Finland, the other Scandinavian countries as well as South Korean parents’ struggle for the right to decide about their children’s tutoring.
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The intensity of the academic research of private tutoring as a shadow education system in Europe is growing in the last decade, but the quality of research outputs as well as their anchorage in broader theoretical concepts vary significantly. This complex phenomenon may also be viewed from different standpoints of various social sciences. The aim of the study is to 1) identify and review papers researching shadow education from various social sciences standpoints, 2) in sociological papers identify theories and concepts used in private tutoring research and evaluate their extent to the interpretation of conclusions or hypothesis formulation. The author analysed 63 peer-reviewed papers in English, French, German and Polish. In the sample were papers dealing with private tutoring phenomenon from the point of view of economy, history and psycholog y, and to a greater extent sociolog y of education. Only a minority of papers were explicitly based on theoretical concepts. On the other hand, these theoretical concepts are usually functionally used to formulate hypotheses and interpret the conclusions. The author also identified papers which apply modified Bronfenbrenner´s conceptual framework seeking a holistic and multidisciplinary approach.
Intenzita akademického výzkumu fenoménu soukromého doučování jako stínového vzdělávacího systému v Evropě v posledním desetiletí neustále roste, kvalita výzkumných výstupů stejně jako míra jejich ukotvení v širších teoretických konceptech se však značně liší. Na tento komplexní fenomén je také možné nahlížet prizmatem různých vědních disciplín. Cílem studie je: 1) identifikovat a kriticky zhodnotit odborné příspěvky nahlížející na fenomén soukromého doučování prizmatem různých společenskovědních disciplín; 2) v pracích pohlížejících na soukromé doučování z pohledu sociologie vzdělávání z jistit, z jakých teorií se dosud při výzkumu soukromého doučování vycházelo a do jaké míry byly tyto teorie využity při interpretaci závěrů či formulaci hypotéz. Autor analyzoval 63 odborných recenzovaných příspěvků v anglickém, francouzském, německém a polském jazyce. Ve zkoumaném vzorku se objevily práce zabývající se fenoménem soukromého doučování z pohledu ekonomie, historie a psychologie, ve větší míře pak z pohledu sociologie vzdělávání. Pouze menšina z těchto příspěvků vychází z apriorně stanovených teoretických východisek. Teoretická východiska jsou ale v těchto pracích z pravidla funkčně využita k formulování hypotéz či interpretaci výsledků výzkumu. V novějších studiích je patrná snaha využitím modifikovaného Bronfenbrennerova konceptuálního rámce postihnout soukromé doučování holisticky za současného prosazování multidisciplinárního přístupu.
Aim. The paper attempts to explore the impact ofrivate tutoring in light of the equity-related concerns especially in the context of the Indian society. Private tutoring is a phenomenon that has been an intrinsic part of the Indian education system since the 1980s. Methods. The paper is an outcome of the Masters of Philosophy dissertation work of the scholar submitted to National University of Education Planning and Administration, Delhi, India. Results. The structure of private tutoring is such that it mimics the regular school curriculum and modifies itself to match the needs of the school and the children. Any changes in the regular school curriculum bring a change in its supplement as well. It thus behaves like a shadow of the regular schools. Though private tutoring was believed to enhance learning opportunities of weak students, it has now become a 'parity of prestige' issue. Conclusion. The expansion of tutoring has begun to deepen the inequalities already prevalent in the stratified schooling system and society at large.
The issue of the “identity” of comparative education as a field of study or a discipline has been discussed for decades. Yet a kind of systematic structure that provides the basic principles for a coherent exposition of the field remains open. “Comparative education” is no longer conceived as an imaginary field’s coherence but, rather in terms of distinct branches of comparative and international studies in education and their underlying issues. Such an understanding is fostered through a deepened awareness of the basic problems, and successive solutions, constitutive of the emergence and further conformations of the comparative approach in education and the social sciences. Thus, academic journal publications of the past decade to shape education policy research within an Asia-Pacific context have been analyzed. Facts of increasing research collaboration, growing policy evaluation research, and growing attention to higher education have been presented. Significant difference in research impact and diffusion between Asia-Pacific and American education policy studies has been shown. Perspectives for future research directions in education policy research in an Asia-Pacific context have been suggested.
Korepetycje są znaną i powszechną formą dodatkowej nauki w wielu krajach. Dane pokazują, że trend ten nasila się z roku na rok. Pomimo eskalacji zjawiska jest ono przedmiotem tylko niewielu badań. Przedstawiony w pracy problem badawczy dotyczy odpowiedzi na następujące pytania: Jaka jest natura oraz skala korepetycji? Czy prywatne lekcje rozwijają autonomię w zakresie uczenia się? Dlaczego rodziny decydują się na współpracę z korepetytorem? W niniejszej publikacji zastosowano metodę analizy i krytyki piśmiennictwa literatury przedmiotu.
Private tutoring has become the norm in the education sector in many parts of the world. Some data show that this trend has been increasing. Despite its significance, the problem has received very little attention in education research. The aim of this paper is to discuss this controversial phenomenon. The research problem focuses on finding answers to the following questions: What is the nature and the scale of this problem? Do private tutors increase students’ learning autonomy or do they develop passivity? Why do parents employ private tutors for their children? The research method is a critical literature review.
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