The Pol’and’Rock Festival, formerly Woodstock Station, is Poland’s largest music festival. The aim of this article is to show how opinion shaping magazine articles across political spectrum framed Woodstock Station/Pol’and’Rock Festival between 2014 and 2020. This period has proven crucial in shaping the current political scene in Poland, but was also significant for the event itself, due to the change of its name. Concepts and methods: the research presented here is rooted in discourse analysis, investigating not only the explicit statements made, but also the less obvious language used. The analysis is both quantitative, done using MAXQDA program, and qualitative through a closer look at examples of the most interesting paragraphs. Overall, 85 articles from five weekly magazines (“Polityka”, “Wprost”, “Gość Niedzielny”, “W Sieci” and “Do Rzeczy”) were examined. Results: the main results can be described as showing Station Woodstock/Pol’and’Rock Festival mainly through a sociological and political lens, rather than one focusing on artistic merits of the event. The articles mainly described the audience’s activities and the declared views of the organizers. However, there is a noticeable difference between how these were treated across the political spectrum, with liberal and progressive weeklies presenting them in a more favorable light, while the more conservative titles were critical. Research value: overall, the research shows that Station Woodstock/Pol’and’Rock Festival is an event that incites considerable sociological and political debate, reflecting the polarization in contemporary Polish society. As such, it can be seen as contributing to the research of how politics get reflected in topics relating to arts.
The article describes the role of the press in constructing the cultural strategies of war on the example from the conflict in the Republic of Tajikistan (1992-1997). On the basis of qualitative analysis newspapers published in Russian and Tajik we present one of these strategies - the efforts of the key factions of the conflict (the post-communists, the democratic opposition, the Islamic opposition) to convince Tajik society to a certain, designated vision of a new, independent Tajikistan.
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Dyskurs o ludzko-zwierzęcych relacjach w ciągu ostatnich lat istotnie nabrał na znaczeniu. Media reprezentujące różne światopoglądowo podejścia przyjęły w tym obszarze mocne i wzajemnie wykluczające się perspektywy. To społeczne zjawisko jest okazją do poszukiwania nowego teoretycznego podejścia do analizy socjologicznej. Artykuł ma charakter teoretyczno-empiryczny. W warstwie teoretycznej pokazuje, jak kategorie herezji i ortodoksji można wykorzystać, poza obszarem ścisłej teologii, do socjologicznego badania zjawisk społecznych. Przedstawiony zarys dyskursu herezjologicznego wykorzystany jest do wskazania nowych wymiarów wyjaśniających zmieniające się relacje ludzi i zwierząt. Uwaga nakierowana jest na prześledzenie sposobów przedstawiania siebie i własnej doktryny jako ortodoksji, a oponentów i głoszonych przez nich doktryn jako heretyków i herezji. W pracy analizowane są numery specjalne czasopism opiniotwórczych poświęcone tematyce zwierząt („Newsweek Polska”, „Polonia Christiana”, „Tygodnik Powszechny”), opublikowane w latach 2017–2019. Na podstawie materiału empirycznego widać, jak relacyjność wpisana w parę pojęć herezja–ortodoksja pozwala wydobyć istotę sporu dotyczącego „właściwego” sposobu postrzegania zwierząt i kształtowania ludzko-zwierzęcych relacji. Takie podejście pozwala pogłębić analizę współwystępowania odmiennych poglądów o aspekty ich wzajemnych odniesień oraz prześledzić proces uznawania ich za prawdziwe lub fałszywe. Uwzględnienie dyskursu herezjologicznego umożliwia lepsze zrozumienie dynamiki rywalizacji o zwycięstwo w przekazie symbolicznym.
The discourse on the human–animal relationship has recently received wider attention in Poland. Periodicals with different ideological backgrounds have taken strong and mutually exclusive positions. This social phenomenon provides an opportunity to apply a novel theoretical approach to sociological analysis. In regard to theory, this paper shows how categories of heresy and orthodoxy can be applied beyond theology. The proposed outline of Christian heresiological discourse is used to indicate aspects worth considering in analyses of the changing relationships between humans and animals. In particular, the focus is on how people present themselves and their doctrine as orthodox while viewing their opponents as heretics holding heretical principles. The empirical analysis covers the special issues on animals published by influential Polish periodicals between 2017 and 2019. These periodicals (Newsweek Polska, Polonia Christiana, and Tygodnik Powszechny) were chosen for their different world-views. The paper demonstrates how relationality, inherent in the heresy–orthodoxy pair of concepts, allows to bring out contradictory narratives regarding the postulated way of perceiving animals and shaping human–animal relationships. The paper provides an in-depth analysis of the present conflicting views and spill-over effects, as well as of the dynamic process of recognising these views as true or false. Considering the heresiological discourse makes it possible to better understand the competition for cultural dominance.
The aim of the article is an attempt to reconstruct the press image of Andrzej Duda in the period from his victory in the presidential election in 2015 until his swearing-in ceremony. The analysis undertaken concerns the texts that were published between May 25 and August 6 in the most opinion-forming national weeklies of opinion, “Newsweek Polska”, “Polityka”, “W Sieci” and “Do Rzeczy”. The first part of the article describes the course of the presidential campaign in 2015. The second part presents the results of the press analysis, both quantitative and qualitative, as well as the categorization key. The third part is the verification of research hypotheses and conclusions.
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