This paper presents an approach to assessing presenteeism (on-the-job productivity loss) that is related to perceived work ability. The aim of this explorative research was to find out if perceived work ability could be a robust indicator, interchangeable with presenteeism, in Finnish food industry organizations. The developed approach was based on existing presenteeism research as well as on register and survey data. The approach demonstrates that one step downward on the 10-point perceived work ability scale theoretically reduces employees’ on-the-job productivity by ~5 percentage points. At the company level, on-the-job productivity loss was 3.7% (mdn 0), while sickness absence was 5.0% (mdn 2.2). The probability of productivity loss among factory workers was fourfold compared to women in office work. The developed approach makes it possible to assess perceived productivity loss at the level of an individual and an organization. Perceived work ability may, in fact, be a robust indicator for assessing perceived productivity loss.
Kobiety częściej korzystają ze zwolnienia lekarskiego niż mężczyźni W Polsce, zgodnie zdanymi publikowanymi przez Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych, w 2013 r. 55% absencji całkowitej ubezpieczonych z tytułu choroby własnej przypadało na kobiety. W artykule podjęto próbę udzielenia odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy poziom absencji chorobowej kobiet i mężczyzn jest powiązany z warunkami pracy.
Women take sick leave more often than men. In Poland, according to data published by the Social Insurance Fund(ZUS) in 2013, 55% of days lost due to sickness absence for own illness granted to persons insured with ZUS were recorded for women. This articles attempts to find out if there is a relationship between working conditions and sickness absence among men and women.
Objectives Defined as attending work while ill, presenteeism is highly prevalent and has negative consequences such as reduced productivity and lower well-being for workers. This study aims to estimate the prevalence of presenteeism among Korean workers during the COVID-19 pandemic and identify the risk factors. Material and Methods Using data extracted from the second wave of the Korea Health Panel Survey in 2019–2021, this study assessed experience of presenteeism and the number of presenteeism days as the dependent variable. Independent variables included gender, age group, educational level, employment status, household income quartile, and the presence of chronic conditions. Two generalized estimating equation models were used. Results In 2019, 30.6% of participants reported experiencing presenteeism; this decreased to 17.9% in 2020 and 13.5% in 2021. The mean number of presenteeism days decreased from 2.30 days in 2019 to 1.46 days in 2020 and to 1.04 days in 2021. The participants were less likely to experience presenteeism in 2020 and 2021 than in 2019 (OR = 0.48 and OR = 0.36, respectively, p < 0.001). The risk of presenteeism is higher among women, younger age groups, participants with regular employment or on-contract positions, lower income, and chronic conditions than their counterparts. The number of presenteeism days significantly decreased in 2020 and 2021 (β = –0.44 and –0.78, respectively, p < 0.001). Conclusions Workers were less likely to experience presenteeism in 2020 and 2021 than in 2019, and the number of presenteeism days decreased during the COVID-19 pandemic. The risk of presenteeism was associated with worker characteristics.
Zły stan zdrowia pracowników powoduje wyższą absencję chorobową i gorszą wydajność pracy wskutek odczuwanych dolegliwości. Koszty pośrednie absencji, wiec te niezwiązane z bezpośrednimi wypłatami oraz koszty obecności chorych pracowników w pracy są niezwykle trudne do oszacowania. W artykule przedstawiono metodykę oraz wyniki szacowania kosztów pośrednich absencji chorobowej ora: obecności chorych prawników w pracy w trzech przedsiębiorstwach.
Bad health conditions result m higher absenteeism and lower productivity at work. Indirect costs of absence, i.e., costs not related to direct payments and costs of presence of ill employees at work, are very difficult to estimate. This article presents a methodology and assessed costs of absenteeism and presenteeism in 3 enterprises.
The objective was to explore the relationship between person-based variables and work-related variables of presenteeism in four different private sector workplaces. Employees (N=413) filled in a questionnaire related to demographic and socio-economic characteristics, social networks, work-related factors, lifestyle factors and state of health. Presenteeism was assessed using the Stanford Presenteeism Scale 6 (SPS-6). The majority of respondents were male (77.2%), and mean age was 34.7±8.1 years. The prevalence of chronic conditions was 15.9%. The mean score for the SPS-6 was 19.9 (SD, 3.3). The female score was higher than the male score on the SPS-6 in this study. Total score was higher among workers who reported working at high speed. SPS-6 score was higher among individuals with a chronic health problem. Understanding of the workplace and personal factors related to presenteeism may support the health and well-being of workers.
Presenteeism, defined as going to work despite feeling ill, is a relatively new problem. This phenomenon is discussed in several aspects: health, social or labor productivity. In his article the analysis of the literature concerning the problem of non-effective presence at work is presented, paying particular attention to the definition of presenteeism, the reasons for it is creation, as well as its relationship with sickness absence and the prevalence of such diseases as allergy, depression, migraine / headaches, arthritis or gastrointestinal disorders and work environment. Bearing in mind that presenteeism is one of the biggest financial and social burden, in the final part of this article an attempt was made to estimate economical costs generated by this phenomenon. Med Pr 2013;64(3):439–447
Zjawisko nieefektywnej obecności w pracy (presenteeism), definiowane jako przyjście do pracy pomimo choroby, jest stosunkowo nowym zagadnieniem. Zjawisko to rozważane jest w wielu aspektach - zdrowotnym, społecznym czy wydajności pracy. W artykule przedstawiono analizę piśmiennictwa w zakresie problemu nieefektywnej obecności w pracy. Omówiono dostępne w literaturze definicje zjawiska, zwrócono uwagę na przyczyny jego powstawania, a także związki z absencją chorobową i występowaniem takich chorób, jak alergia, depresja, migrena / bóle głowy, zapalenie stawów czy problemy żołądkowo-jelitowe. Ponieważ nieefektywna obecność w pracy uznawana jest za jedno z największych obciążeń finansowych i społecznych, w ostatniej części pracy podjęto się próby oszacowania kosztów ekonomicznych, jakie generuje. Med. Pr. 2013;64(3):439–447