This article analyzes the peculiarities of the implementation of practice of making science experiments by children into the practical activity of pre-schools, providing update preschool education at present and promoting the harmonious development of the child’s personality. To achieve the purpose of the article, there has been used an analysis of psychological and pedagogical, and methodological literature on the issue, which showed that the establishing experimental activity has deep historical roots. Since, at various stages in the development of science psychologists, educators, physicians and physiologists have made invaluable contributions to the disclosure of the phenomenon of the experimental work. Thus, they considered the patterns of mastering it by children, its impact on the development of pupils and improving the quality of the educational process in the preschool establishment. It should be emphasized that the numerical amount of educational views, practical and methodological recommendations for making science experiments by children is relevant and appropriate for the present. The authors have analyzed the current scientific works containing the interpretation of the terms “carrying out experiments by children”, “educational technology”, “research activities”. The article highlights the theoretical and methodological aspects of the organization of carrying out experiments by children as educational technology in preschool education. The authors reveal the meaning, content and structure of conducting, methods and forms of research and experimental activities of preschool children, in nature in particular; they also show that specially organized research activities allow children to obtain information about objects or phenomena studied, and the teacher to make learning maximum efficient, satisfying the natural curiosity of preschoolers and developing their cognitive activity. It’s been determined that in terms of accessibility and rational use carrying out an experiment by children should be considered as sensible and practical activities, and a set of relationships between a child and the material world. In addition, practical transformation of nature, its objects and certain phenomena largely assumes the character of experimenting.
Rodzina jest pierwszym środowiskiem społecznym człowieka. O rodzinie prawidłowiej mówimy wtedy, gdy zapewnia wszechstronny rozwój fizyczny, społeczny i psychiczny swoim dzieciom. Zdarza się jednak, że prawidłowe działanie rodziny zostaje zaburzone i nie spełnia ona swoich rzeczywistych funkcji – wówczas mówimy o rodzinie dysfunkcjonalnej. Dysfunkcjonalność rodziny obejmuje wszystkich jej członków, najbardziej jednak odbija się na najmłodszych. Atmosfera w takich rodzinach często pełna jest napięć, konfliktów, zagrożeń, negatywnych wzorców postępowania, dezintegracji emocjonalnej. Dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym potrafią już spostrzegać rodziny z pewnym dystansem, widzą różnice między różnymi środowiskami, coraz częściej przebywają poza środowiskiem rodzinnym, mają kontakt z innymi dziećmi i dorosłymi. Niniejsze badanie miało na celu ukazanie, jak dzieci z rodzin prawidłowych i dysfunkcjonalnych spostrzegają swoje rodziny, czy występują różnice w ocenie poszczególnych członków rodziny, czy inaczej oceniają rodziny chłopcy, a inaczej dziewczynki. W badaniu wzięło udział 46 dzieci sześcioletnich – 23 z rodzin przeciętnych i 23 z rodzin z problemem zaniedbania. Do zbadania spostrzegania relacji rodzinnych w perspektywie dzieci wykorzystano Test stosunków rodzinnych Bene i Anthony’ego. Ten test ocenia uczuciowy stosunek dziecka do pozostałych członków rodziny, a także postawy rodziny wobec dziecka. Badanie w pewnym sensie imituje sytuację życiową badanego dziecka, a jego wyniki ukazują rodzinne interakcje uczuciowe spostrzegane przez samo dziecko, wynikające z jego doświadczeń z osobami bliskimi. Głównym założeniem badania jest ukazanie różnic w postrzeganiu rodziny przez dzieci pochodzące w rodzin z problemem zaniedbania oraz dzieci z rodzin przeciętnych. Istotą jest pokazanie, że dzieci krzywdzone przez swoich najbliższych inaczej widzą swoje otoczenie.
Family is the first and basic social environment for every person. If it guarantees comprehensive development: physical, social, and psychological one, for its adult members and for children, then we say about a properly functioning family. However, it happens that proper functioning of a family becomes destroyed (because of external and internal factors), then it is characterised by interactions that hinder its effective and positive activities. Dysfunction of a family involves all its members, yet the youngest ones are influenced most. It is in a family that a child acquires knowledge on himself or herself and on the surrounding world. Skills to solve problems, realise aims, present one’s opinions or make relations with other people are learnt by a child by means of imitating the significant others (parents, siblings). Whereas the atmosphere in dysfunctional families is often filled with tension, conflicts, menaces, negative patterns of behaviour, and emotional disintegration. It is as early as in preschool age that children are able to perceive their families with some distance and see differences between environments, for they stay beside their family environments more and more often and they have contacts with other children and adults. The objective of the studies undertaken by the authors was to find answers to the following questions: How do children from proper and dysfunctional families perceive their families? Are there any differences in their assessment of particular persons in the families? Do boys assess their families in a different way than girls do? The research included 46 6-year-old children: 23 of them originated from average families and 23 – from families with the problem of neglect. Children’s perception of family relations was examined using the Test of Family Relations by E. Bene and J. Anthony. The method allows to measure a child’s emotional attitude towards family members and also to assess family’s attitudes toward a child. The examination somehow imitates life situation of an examined child, and the obtained results show emotional interactions in a family as perceived by a child because of his or her experiences with close persons. The main assumption of the study was an attempt at showing differences in perception of a family by children from families with the problem of neglect and children from average families.
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