The article presents the relationship between the motifs of blindness and extrasensory perception in the works of Ukrainian Romantic poets. The author of the article shows the ancient lineage of the great blind men — soothsayers and poets-visionaries — and examines the multifaceted symbolism of blindness based on the literary images of blind kobzars, lirnyks and bandurists. The author focuses on the evolution of symbolism of blindness in the works of Taras Shevchenko.
Odborný software v dnešní době znamená možnost vyjádření praktických a teoretických aplikací v počítači. Jedná se o různé simulace stavů, např. Predikce nebo výpočty technických ztrát na vedeních v elektrizační soustavě. Z různých důvodů by praktické měření a zkoušení skutečných zařízení bylo nákladné finančně. Proto software ve vzdělávání odborných předmětů zaujímá významné místo a jeho uplatnění je možné na různých typech škol. V příspěvku jsou představeny dva odborné softwary a příklady aplikací jejich použití v odborných předmětech. Jsou zde uvedeny výsledky ve formě grafů a ukázky způsobu ovládání a použití.
At present the professional software means a possibility to express practical and theoretical applications on computer. There are various simulations of states i.e. predictions or calculations of technical loses on lines in electric system. Measuring and testing the real appliances would be very expensive due to various reasons that’s why software in education of special subjects takes up a big place and its use is possible at various types of schools. In the paper there are introduced two professional software and examples of applications of their use in special subjects. There are stated two results in graphs and demonstrations of the way of controlling and using.
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Optymalna strategia eksploatacji sieci wodociągowej wody powinna uwzględniać stan aktualny i prognozy. W artykule zaprezentowano zastosowanie wybranych modeli matematycznych, które mogą być wykorzystane do sporządzenia prognoz krótko- i średnioterminowych. Modele zastosowano do prognozowania uszkadzalności sieci wodociągowej miasta Krakowa.
The optimal strategy of the water supply system operation should consider the current conditions as well as the future prognosis. In the work some mathematical models have been presented, that may be applied for the both short-term and mid-term predictions. The models have been used for the analysis of failures in the City of Krakow water supply system.
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Przeanalizowano tendencje zmian w czasie oraz powiązania parametrów meteorologicznych (temperatura, opady, zachmurzenie, prędkość wiatru) oraz zanieczyszczeń powietrza (tlenki azotu, ozon troposferyczny, pył zawieszony PM10 i PM2,5) w Poznaniu w latach 2012-2022. Za pomocą modelu ARIMA podjęto również próbę predykcji poziomów zanieczyszczeń powietrza do 2025 roku. Wykazano występowanie tendencji zmian w czasie i zależności pomiędzy parametrami meteorologicznymi oraz zanieczyszczeniami powietrza w Poznaniu w latach 2012-2022. W szczególności zwrócono uwagę na występowanie sezonowości podwyższonych stężeń zanieczyszczeń powietrza oraz pewne tendencje w przedziałach czasowych. Sezonowość ma związek z występującymi porami roku oraz źródłami zanieczyszczeń w nich dominującymi (np. transport, ogrzewanie mieszkań). Z kolei tendencje w przedziałach czasowych powiązane są z ograniczeniami wynikającymi z pandemii COVID-19 oraz działaniami podjętymi przez indywidualne gospodarstwa domowe i lokalne samorządy. Wskazuje to na celowość podejmowania wysiłków przez społeczeństwo i samorządy w ograniczaniu emisji zanieczyszczeń powietrza w naszym bezpośrednim otoczeniu.
The analysis of time changes and relations between meteorological parameters (temperature, precipitation, cloudy, wind speed) and air pollution (nitrogen oxides, tropospheric ozone, particulate matter PM10 and PM 2.5) in Poznań in 2012-2022. With the aid of ARIMA model the prediction of air pollution level until 2025 has also been performed. The time changes and relations between meteorological parameters and air pollution in 2012-2022 in Poznań have been found. Special attention has been paid to the seasonality of elevated air pollutants concentrations and some tendencies in time periods. The seasonality is mainly related to the seasons of the year and air pollution sources dominant for certain seasons (e.g. transportation, house heating systems). While the longer time period tendencies are in relation in such activities as limitation resulted from COVID-19 pandemic situation and activities conducted by local governments and individual household to reduce air pollution emissions. This indicates the purposefulness of efforts made by society and local governments to reduce air pollution emissions in our immediate surroundings.
The dominant view in contemporary philosophy of action is that, to explain an action we need to provide a reason for it. A reason is what rationalises an action. According to Donald Davidson, before we can describe a reason we must identify the need that accompanies the performance of a given action, as well as the specific attitude of the agent to the action. The author of “Action, Reason and Cause” believes that the proattitude/ belief pair helps determine the reason for action, which is at the same time the action’s cause. Davidson’s view has a lot of supporters today and is strictly related to the so-called post-Humean theories of action. The objective of the present analysis is to demonstrate that the primary reason for action is not provided by the pro-attitude/belief pair, but by predictions due to which agents act in such and such a way. This expands on Elizabeth Anscombe’s intuition according to which each intention is predictive in nature. I will support the thesis about the predictive nature of reasons for action by means of two arguments. The first argument relies on the analysis of the Knobe effect concerning the asymmetry between attributing intentionality and attributing responsibility for actions; the other draws upon the theory of predictive processing. The remainder of this paper has the following structure: in §1, I will discuss Donald Davidson’s theory. §2 will focus on Elizabeth Anscombe’s conception. In §3, I will examine an argument drawn from the analysis of the Knobe effect, according to which an agent will intentionally perform a given action when he can predict the effects of performing it. §4 will introduce the problem of providing reasons for action in the context of folkpsychological explanations. §5 will examine the theory of predictive processing. §6 will demonstrate that predictions serve a specific, normative role in the decision-making processes, whereas §7 will advance the argument from predictive processing whereby to explain an action is to identify specific predictive reasoning which caused the action to be performed . In the Conclusions, I will show the consequences of my main thesis for the problem of the nature of actions and explanations, as well as the rationale for using folk-psychological categories.
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