This paper presents a theoretical analysis of the potential capacity enhancement that can be obtained by employing collective particle ejection (CPE) in automated sensor-based sorting circuits when sorting asymmetric feeds. During CPE sorting particles are examined and categorised individually, but physically separated as a set containing several particles. A CPE sorter must be placed in serial connection with a subsequent conventional individual particle ejection sorter (i.e. an IPE sorter) in order to achieve complete separation of individual particles, thus creating a CPE:IPE circuit. The relative capacity of this circuit per unit investment cost, compared with a conventional sorting circuit, depends on the relative concentration of the particle categories in the feed and decreases as the particle distribution becomes more symmetrical. As demonstrated in this paper, CPE can yield a significant capacity enhancement per unit investment cost when sorting sufficiently asymmetric feeds in situations where the capacity of conventional IPE sorting is limited by the actual physical separation of the particles and not their presentation and examination or the data analysis. The relative processing period ratio is the key parameter governing the feasibility of the CPE:IPE circuit and must be determined as a function of set size.
Efektywne przygotowanie mas włóknistych wysokiej jakości z wielomateriałowych makulatur trudno rozwłóknialnych obejmuje zastosowanie technologii frakcjonowania włókien ze zróżnicowaną obróbką uzyskanych frakcji: dtugowłóknistej i krótkowłóknistej. Oddzielna obróbka frakcji dlugowłóknistej i krótkowłóknistej umożliwia zmniejszenie rozmiarów urządzeń oraz korzystną zmianę ich parametrów pracy i wpływa na obniżenie kosztów energii i poprawę jakości papieru. W przerobie wielomateriałowych makulatur trudno rozwłóknialnych zastosowanie procesu frakcjonowania pozwala uzyskać masy włókniste wysokiej jakości. Na efektywność całej instalacji przygotowania takiej masy zasadniczy wpływ wywiera pierwszy etap systemu przerobu, czyli proces rozwłókniania z sortowaniem wstępnym. Musi on zapewnić oddzielenie folii polietylenowych i aluminiowych od materiału włóknistego bez ich nadmiernego rozdrobnienia.
Efficient preparation of high-quality fiber pulp from multi-material, semi-waterproof raw materials includes the use of fiber fractionation technology with different treatment of the resulting long-fiber and short-fiber fractions. Separate processing of the long-fiber and short-fiber fraction allows the size of the devices to be reduced and their operating parameters to be changed favorably, and energy costs are reduced and paper quality is improved. In the processing of multi-material waste paper that is difficult to fiberize, the use of the fractionation process results in high-quality fiber pulp. The first stage of the processing system, i.e. the fiberising process with pre-sorting, has a significant impact on the efficiency of the entire installation for preparing such mass. It must ensure the separation of polyethylene and aluminum foils from the fiber material without excessive fragmentation.
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