Child-friendly educational procedures consisting in the supporting a child in the mastering of the reading are implemented in two ways: a) an intermediate way (by “developing the readiness), and b) in an immediate way - by learning to read. Both types of actions should merge. Amongst factors determining success in the learning to read and write, P. Bryant and U. Goswami - authors of the casual theory of reading, indicate early-child-hood phonological skills, including: identification and formation of rhymes and alliterations (i.e. the capability to differentiate larger elements than a single sound, but smaller than syllables (rhymes and alliterations)). Child’s susceptibility to, among other things, alliterations results in advances in reading and writing in the subsequent education. A significant part of the reported study was devoted to models of reading education applied in the case of the six-year-olds examined. Ideas on how to “introduce children into the world of writing” are basically realized acc. to two models - a standard and a holistic one (see: Górniewicz, 1989; Arciszewska, 2002; Marzano, Paynter, 2004). In both models, children are provided conditions for developing their “readiness for reading” and “mastering the skill of reading”. The models differ in terms of organization and applied methods of the learning to read (Czerwińska, Narożnik, 1997; Doman, Doman, 1992; Majchrzak, 1995, 2007; Rocławski, 1998; Arciszewska, 2002). Both models involve the acquisition of prosodic elements of language (with various intensity). The presented fragment of a research was aimed at providing an answer to a question on the level of capabilities to identify and form alliterations displayed by the surveyed six-year-old children. In analyses, consideration was given to the number of years the children have been attending to a nursery school and the model of reading education realized therein.
Effective shaping of musical attitudes is very often hindered by a lack of knowledge about the musical development of children and young people. Young learners are forced to sing songs not suitable for their voice scale and songs which are rhythmically and harmonically complicated and with wrong texts. A common mistake is encouraging students to imitate adults, singing with exaggerated expression, changing into screams, and performing exercises beyond their performing abilities. The main objective of teachers should be shaping the students’ positive attitude to music. According to the medical principle “primum non nocere”, every music education teacher should have at least some elementary knowledge about the process of students’ musical development.
Preference degree of selected by 132 pre-school children food products was examined in the study. Preferential series were established for both: the total of the examined, and separately for young girls and boys. Degree was defined by children with usage of 4-point mimic scale and large-scale illustrations with colourful prints representing studied food products. Fast-food type products, sweets, fruits, vegetables, as well as meat and meat products were the mostly preferred groups of food products. High preference degree of meat dishes and particularly poultry, fish, as well as lean sausages was noticed. Among drinks, children drank the most preferably fizzy drinks, especially coca-cola, as well as lemon tea, and milk. Statistically significant influence of sex on preferences of some analysed food products was found. Girls preferred mostly apples, fish, potatoes and fruit juices while homogenized cheese, pears and berries were more often chosen by boys.
W pracy badano stopień preferencji wybranych produktów spożywczych 132 przedszkolaków. Szeregi preferencyjne ustalono zarówno dla ogółu badanych, jak i osobno dla dziewczynek i chłopców. Dzieci określały swoje upodobania używając 4- punktowej skali mimicznej oraz plansz z kolorowymi rycinami przedstawiającymi badane produkty spożywcze. Do najbardziej preferowanych grup produktów spożywczych należaa żywność typu „fast food”, słodycze, owoce, warzywa oraz mięso i jego przetwory. Stwierdzono wysoki stopień preferencji dań mięsnych, a szczególnie drobiu, ryb oraz chudych wędlin. Spośród napojów dzieci najchętniej piły napoje gazowane, a zwłaszcza coca-colę, a także herbatę z cytryną i mleko. Stwierdzono statystycznie istotny wpływ płci na preferencje niektórych analizowanych produktów spożywczych.
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