The purpose of this article is to discuss the legal model of enforcement of judgments regarding contacts with minor in Spanish, Italian and German Civil Procedure. Especially, the study of foreign laws in this cases is important, because by virtue of the Act on amending the Act – Code of Civil Procedure of 26 May 2011, was introduced to Polish Civil Procedure anew procedure for the mentioned matters. This type of procedure is one of the separate noncontentious procedure (Articles 59815–59821 of the Code). Firstly, in the article the presentation of Spanish law regulation is given. In the event of default judgments regarding contacts with child must be applied by analogy the regulations of enforcement of non-money orders (Articles 776, 699–711 of the Code of Civil Procedure of 7 January 2000, Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil). Secondly, the article is focused on discussing Italian law regulation. Currently, the jurisdical doctrine emphasizes that in the mentioned matters, the new means of indirect enforcement of Article 614bis of the Code of Civil Procedure of 28 October 1940 (Codice di Procedura Civile) can be used. In accordance with Article 614bis of the Code, by the condemnation decision, except where this is manifestly unjust, upon motion by the party, the judge establishes the amount of money due by the obliged party, for any breach or next nonobservance, or for any delay in execution of the decision. Thirdly, the article contains an analysis of German law regulation. Under German law, the issue of the enforcement of judgments in custody cases is regulated by a separate Law on the Procedure in Family Matters and in Matters of Voluntary Jurisdiction of 17 December 2008 (Gesetz über das Verfahren in Familiensachen und in den Angelegenheiten der freiwilligen Gerichtsbarkeit, FamFG). Being forced execution of judgments in the mentioned matters are means for breach of order in the two form: pecuniary penalty (Ordnungsgeld) and subsidiary to it – penalty of arrest (Ordnungshaft). Must be understood, that enforcement of judgment for dealing with child rights holders, it is an extremely difficult issue process. This is due to the personal nature of the obligations and rights identified in the judgment and strongly accented necessary participation of stakeholders in the proper execution of the judgment.
L’articolo si propone di approfondire le regolazioni italiane e il contributo della dottrina riguardo all’apicoltura. La struttura dello studio tiene conto della legge n. 313 del 24 dicembre 2004 sull’apicoltura, di cui l’articolo 3, regolando il suo carattere agricolo, la qualifica come attività agricola alla luce dell’art. 2135 cod. civ. Ad attività agricola connessa viene ricondotta anche l’apicoltura migratoria che comporta il movimento delle api in varie regioni del paese al fine di aumentare la produttività delle colture. Inoltre, la legge n. 313 introduce definizioni giuridiche degli istituti di base relative all’apicoltura nonché forme di tutela e sostegno a questa attività, compresi i soggetti che operano nel settore. Le soluzioni adottate dal legislatore italiano costituiscono un interessante materiale di studio per il legislatore polacco in merito alla possibilità di introdurre eventuali modifiche nelle regolazioni nazionali del settore in oggetto.
The aim of the article was to familiarise the readers with the Italian regulations and doctrine concerning beekeeping. The systematics contained in Act No. 313 of 24 December 2004 on apiculture has been analysed. Article 3 of this Act determines the agricultural character of the apiculture activity, qualifying it as an agricultural activity in the light of Article 2135 of the Civil Code. Migratory beekeeping, also classified as a related agricultural activity, consists in the relocation of bees to different regions of the country in order to increase crop productivity. Further, Act No. 313 provides legal definitions of basic institutions related to apiculture and introduces various forms of protection and support for this activity, including those from the apiculture sector. The solutions adopted by the Italian legislator constitute an interesting material for the Polish legislator to examine with regard to the possibility of introducing amendments to the regulation of the domestic beekeeping sector.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie włoskich przepisów i doktryny dotyczącej pszczelarstwa. Przeanalizowano systematykę zawartą w ustawie nr 313 z dnia 24 grudnia 2004 r. o pszczelarstwie. Art. 3 tej ustawy określa rolniczy charakter działalności pszczelarskiej, kwalifikując ją jako działalność rolniczą w świetle art. 2135 Kodeksu cywilnego. Pszczelarstwo wędrowne, zaliczane do pokrewnej działalności rolniczej, polega na przenoszeniu pszczół do różnych regionów kraju w celu zwiększenia produktywności upraw. Ponadto ustawa nr 313 zawiera definicje prawne podstawowych instytucji związanych z pszczelarstwem oraz wprowadza różne formy ochrony i wsparcia tej działalności, w tym z sektora pszczelarskiego. Przyjęte przez ustawodawcę włoskiego rozwiązania stanowią interesujący materiał do badań dla polskiego ustawodawcy pod kątem możliwości wprowadzenia zmian w regulacji krajowego sektora pszczelarskiego.
Avvocatura dello Stato – The Attorney General for the protection of rights and interests of the state. Security of protection of the rights and interests of the Italian State The legal and institutional system of protection of the legal rights and interests existed on the Italian Peninsula before the Italian unification. The current system is based on the Royal Decree no 1611 from the year 1933. This decree was repeatedly amended and supplemented with the subsequent acts. The Advocate General is appointed by Presidential Decree. The Office’s headquarter is located in Rome. There are 25 District Avvocatures located in cities where the courts of appeal are seated. The Advocate General is the central authority of the state, not having constitutional legitimacy. The state lawyers, prosecutors and administrative staff are employed in this office. The main task of the Advocate General is to protect the rights and interests of public administrations and entities performing the tasks of the public sector. There are: local self-governments, professional self-governments and other bodies. The state lawyers have a legal power of attorney – ex lege – to represent these entities in civil proceedings in front of the general and arbitration courts and other judicial authorities. In addition, the Advocate General may provide legal advice for the public administration authorities and post legal opinions for them.
System prawny i instytucjonalny ochrony prawnej praw i interesów istniał na Półwyspie Apenińskim jeszcze przed zjednoczeniem Włoch. Obecny system powstał na bazie Dekretu Królewskiego nr 1611 z 1933 roku. Dekret ten był wielokrotnie nowelizowany i uzupełniany późniejszymi aktami prawnymi. Rzecznik Generalny powoływany jest dekretem Prezydenta Republiki. Siedzibą urzędu jest Rzym. Istnieje 25 wydziałów zamiejscowych. Są one zlokalizowane w miastach, gdzie znajdują się siedziby sądów apelacyjnych. Rzecznik Generalny jest organem centralnym państwa, niemającym umocowania konstytucyjnego. W urzędzie zatrudnieni są adwokaci państwowi, prokuratorzy oraz pracownicy administracyjni. Podstawowym zadaniem Rzecznika Generalnego jest ochrona praw i interesów organów administracji państwowej oraz pomiotów wykonujących zadania sektora publicznego. Mogą to być samorządy terytorialne, zawodowe i inne podmioty. Adwokaci państwowi mają ustawowe pełnomocnictwo – ex lege – do reprezentowania tych podmiotów w postępowaniach cywilnych przed sądami powszechnymi, arbitrażowymi i innymi organami sądowniczymi. Ponadto Rzecznik Generalny może udzielać porad prawnych organom administracji państwowej oraz pisać dla nich opinie prawne.
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